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Wifi cards and time expired

Hazy Baby

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I often seem to start threads with "is it me?" so here goes again! Is it me or has anyone else used the wifi cards on Caravan Club sites and thought their time had not expired and were surprised to be informed it had? On two occasions this year, despite religiously noting down my log on and log off times and shuting wifi off and even turning my ipod off just to make sure all connnection is severed, I feel I have "lost" time. On the first £5 for 5 hours card I thought I had 40 minutes left and on the second 1 hour and 9 minutes. I was also surprised that there was no time counter on the log in page. I e-mailed the provider, Leisure Technology Solutions, on 15 July. They very quickly asked for my card codes to check them but despite two e-mails asking them what is going on I have heard nothing more from them. In my last e-mail I asked them if they would rather me take my query up with the Caravan Club - still no response. So I may do this but don't see what the club can do. I suppose I could phone the provider but am reluctant to spend money on a premium phone number when I think I have already lost some (I'm from Yorkshire!!!) So has anyone else had this problem? Is it me? I always thought I could add up in 60s - but perhaps not! Hazel
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