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Fair Fuel Campaign


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This week the Government launched their new e-petition website that allows the public to propose any issue of their concern for future debate inside parliament. To get such a debate to take place however, they will require 100,000 signatures in support of that issue before it can go ahead. 

As part of the FairFuelUK organisation's strategy, they have decided to use this new parliamentary mechanism in pursuit of their campaign's aims to halt and lower fuel duty.

If you wish to support this aim you can go to the link below and add your name to the Government's e-petition number 347. Follow the easy instructions that include that you verify a confirmation link that will be emailed to you to fully register your support on completion of the on-line petition form.


The choice is yours.


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terryW - 2011-08-06 6:47 PM

This week the Government launched their new e-petition website that allows the public to propose any issue of their concern for future debate inside parliament. To get such a debate to take place however, they will require 100,000 signatures in support of that issue before it can go ahead. 

As part of the FairFuelUK organisation's strategy, they have decided to use this new parliamentary mechanism in pursuit of their campaign's aims to halt and lower fuel duty.

If you wish to support this aim you can go to the link below and add your name to the Government's e-petition number 347. Follow the easy instructions that include that you verify a confirmation link that will be emailed to you to fully register your support on completion of the on-line petition form.


The choice is yours.


It appears that, if you've chosen the "Use rich edit box when composing messages" in your Profile (which complicates anyone else using the Quote facility constructively) then it's not possible to embed a usable link within the text of a posting. Anyway, here's the link in 'clickable' form:http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/347
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Responsible department: Her Majesty's Treasury

High petrol and diesel prices are crippling our economy. Many motorists now pay a tenth of their income just to fill up the family car, and millions of families are suffering. Businesses are under immense pressure, especially the road freight industry. But petrol and diesel are now so astronomically expensive, it is COSTING the Government money. This is because fewer people can afford to drive, leading to lower tax revenues. Therefore, this petition calls on the Government to:

1) Scrap the planned 4p fuel duty increases, which are scheduled for January and August 2012.

2) Create a price stabilisation mechanism that smooths out fluctuations in the pump price.

3) Pressure big oil companies to pass on cheaper oil to motorists.

4) Set up a Commission to look at market competitiveness, and radical ways of cutting fuel taxes in the longer term.


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terryW - 2011-08-07 5:21 PM


3) Pressure big oil companies to pass on cheaper oil to motorists.


Why keep knocking the oil companies. All the oil coming out ground at this moment in time was sold weeks or even months ago and mainly to oil commodity speculators. It is those companies who dictate the prices that we pay per barrel. Look around the UK coast and see all the tankers lying offshore waiting for a price hick then offloading to smaller tankers. This happening all round the world and the governments do nothing to curb this practice.


Oil companies are similar to farmers; however most of them have sold the baulk their crops a year in advance.


Stop knocking the oil companies knock the oil brokers.


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  • 2 weeks later...

36,000 signatures as of this morning.


A small footnote to this is the way Tesco is Treating its customers, my local store is offering Diesel at £1:40 a ltr. at the same time their store in Shrewsbury is offering it at £1:35. I suppose their justification for the extra 5p is "because they can" well they have not only lost my Diesel custom but our weekly shop as well.


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The most intriguing thing to me is the fact that The Fair Fuel Campain puport to have considerably more than the 100000 siganatures required in registered members who, presumably, they have e-mailed as they did me yet they can only get the small number of signatures that have so far signed the petition!


Well I find that a little peculier anyway.



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Oh, for pities sake...........you are getting "fair fuel".


And so is everyone else in the developed West.


In fact, far far more than "fair", in any global sense whatsoever.

A million percent better than "fair".


Try explaining to all the billions of people across India, Africa, Asia, how we squander millions of gallons of that precious, finite, resource every single day; and how to us a single gallon of it costs so much less than an entire weeks wages. And how we even drive around "just for fun", using even more of it up.


Just because we are, by pure accident of birth geography, infinitely, unimaginably, richer than almost all the other human beings on this planet.



Suggestion: When you've watched your children starve to death; did you get that?, actually starve to death............... then it seems to me that we can genuinely start to complain about how expensive relative luxuries like petrol for our leisure vehicles are.......................



There are things to complain about in life. Cancer. Torture. Child poverty. Starvation. War.

But by any measure of humanity, this absolutely ain't one of them.



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