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Rear Bed motor and light for garage, Chasson W75


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I'm new, in Greece, just cleaned the dust from inside my garage from 7,000 miles of travelling, Eastern Europe and for the last two months in Turkey. Just had to have my fridge replaced €'s and now I find that my bed motor doesn't function and the light just underneath it doesn't work either.


Is there a fuse somewhere I don't know about? Could it be linked into the reversing bleepers, unfortunately overhang at rear has broken the two outside sensors, dodgy roads in Turkey, me not putting van in correct line! The sensors in the middle still work, so a fuse hasn't blown there.


Am also waiting for fan/heater switch which has ceased to function as well, so having a layover at Sikia, Halkadiki at Camping Katrina, bit hot, humid, but what a place to find all these faults!


Any ideas, please



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annpspeirs - 2011-08-10 2:28 PM...........................Is there a fuse somewhere I don't know about? Could it be linked into the reversing bleepers, unfortunately overhang at rear has broken the two outside sensors, dodgy roads in Turkey, me not putting van in correct line! The sensors in the middle still work, so a fuse hasn't blown there......................Thanks


There will be a fuse. It is very unlikely to be the one that feeds the reversing sensors, but quite possible the under-bed light uses the same feed. It may have blown, but equally possible the power feed may have shaken loose from vibration. You'll have to scour the manual (you did take it with you, didn't you! :-)) for the fuse locations and functions. I'd start by looking at the wiring feeding that motor, first at the motor, then at the fuse-board end, to check for loose/cut/pinched wires. Don't forget to investigate the cause, if the fuse has blown. They can fail due to fatigue, but mostly there is a fault elsewhere.

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Well,if your Chausson handbook is as good as ours',I wouldn't hold out much hope of it showing you where any fuses are... *-)

..as Brian said,check for pinched,pulled out wires as well.. I had trouble with the reverse sensors./bleeper on our Chausson and it turned out that who ever had fitted them,had stuffed the wires so tightly behind the panel,that it eventually pulled some of the wires out..

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Hi Brian


Many thanks for your reply. Hand book useless! will check fuses in main vehicle, I have been on some terrible roads so wiring could have shaken loose. Fortunately don't have to move bed, unless I lock myself out! Don't think the wiring diagram I have actually shows the electric motor, will reassess.


When I get to Andros there is a retired auto electrician who may be able to help, but I thought I'd have a look anyway.


Thanks again, A :-D

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Hello pape63


Many thanks for your reply, will check everthing! As you say the Handbook is useless! Fortunately bed high enough I can still get my bike in.


Thank goodness for good internet at this campsite in Greece, when you are travelling on your own,, it's lovely to have replies, can get frustrating at times, especially when you can't figure it out!


Thanks, Ann :-D

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Hi there,


Certainly has, I like to be able to do repairs in the van, after 20 years motorhoming, there's not much I can't do, however, putting a new fridge in, was one I couldn't do. They took all day simply because the new fridge was just that .5cm too big. Some minor adjustments to paneling and hey presto it was in. New one works better than the old one ever did.


I've just taken the dashboard apart as well because my fan switch has gone. Fiat wanted €200 to do the job but couldn't do until end August! Part now on plane for me to install when I get to my cousin on Andros. Will park van totally away from sun while I'm doing it. That'll save yet a few more quid! New part £51! Everything just went at once, all those bumpy roads in Turkey probably did it! New roads.


Many thanks





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