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low power consumption led bulbs


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i have just purchased some replacement led bulbs for my internal lights in my motorhome. The conventional bulbs are 21watt single contact ( indicator bulbs), the control panel reads 1.2amp when one light is switched on. I replaced 9 bulbs intotal with these new led bulbs and the total reading for all 9 bulbs switched on together is only 1 amp. Brilliant , each bulb has 19 white leds, also there is a mr16 replacement bulb with 20 white leds. Now i dont have to sit in the dark ever again when running on my leisure batteries. I got them from campercare products £5.79 ea or 3 for £16.00( also got their new full colour catalogue costs £2 inc p+p refundable against first purchase. I contacted them on 01283 763666..
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Guest Sally Pepper
Speaking to people in the industry - LED is definitely the way forward. These bulbs are significantly more efficient, do not heat up and last longer than conventional or halogen bulbs. Many European manufacturers are planning their future lighting systems around LED technology and as it becomes more commonplace, the price will come down. On the new Hymer Feeling pop-top tourer, there's a whole chain of LEDs running around the cabin at eye-level. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's certainly eye-catching. EE
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