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Twin leisure batteries

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My Kon Tiki, like most motorhomes, has a cab battery and a separate leisure battery, with charging circuits which charge both separately.


I replaced the 110ah leisure battery, which seemed caput, but with a bit of TLC I am optimistic I can get the original leisure battery back in decent order again.


Is there any particular reason I can't wire two leisure batteries in parallel in the battery box - the new one plus the revitalised original? I understand all the issues with split charging of a separate cab and leisure battery, but here I'm looking at something quite different - having two batteries in parallel sharing the same load and charging. To my physics teacher mind there's no difference between two 110ah batteries and one 220ah battery, but if anybody can think of a good reason not to do this I'd be interested to know.


TIA, David

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What you are proposing (ie. having multiple leisure batteries connected in parallel) is a commonplace arrangement for motorhomes.


However, there are 'good practice' recommendations regarding relative battery capacities, battery ages and battery types, and connecting a new in-perfect-condition battery to a much older battery that was (apparently) "kaput" falls into the THIS IS PROBABLY A VERY UNWISE PLAN category.


The following earlier forum threads should cover all you need to know:











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