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Interest in Motorhoming

david lloyd

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Hi everyone I have just noticed on the main page the difference in use on the motorhome section compared to the caravan section. I'm pretty sure that there are many more caravans in use in this country than motorhomes but that certainly isn't reflected in the use of the two forums (or should that be fora?). When I looked there were 1720 threads on the motorhome section with 10,628 messages - compared to only 287 caravan threads with 811 messages. Now why would that be? david
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Hi Davd I have noticed a distinct difference between the attitude of people who own caravans and those who own motorhomes on site The caravanners tend (notice I said tend) to be from the "I am better than you" brigade, and dont wish to talk to other caravanners let alone motorhomers and even less TENT campers. Motorhomers on the other hand are more likely to offer a friendly greeting and pass the time of day Bit like the French, who can only speak French; While the rest of Europeans can speak a little of the other languages and are able to help each other to communicate Most seem to want to learn better English and appologise for their lack of understanding; mind I always thank them for helping me with their language and say that they speak better English that my poor Espanol, Portugese, M Nederlander, Italien,.........
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David: Possible reasons for this phenomenon are: 1. The one I gave as a response to Mel B's "Oh er, I just frightened myself silly!!!" posting further down the page. 2. That caravanners as a group are more competent than their motorhoming counterparts, hence less of them feel the need to seek advice. 3. That caravanners are actually out there DOING caravanning and haven't the time to spend sitting in front of a computer screen talking about it. Just a few ideas to consider (and "forums" or "fora" are both acceptable in English). YT: My experience of the French is that, percentage-wise, far more of them speak more and better English than the English speak French. And the French certainly write better French than the English write English! Many of my French acquaintances have reasonable English as a 3rd language and excellent German, Spanish or Italian as a 2nd, dependant on where they live in France. Never mind your halting Continental language skills, how are you with Welsh or Gaelic? Surely, as a small island nation, we should all be capable of handling our own national languages before pointing the finger at our cross-Channel neighbours?
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Never yet been to Welsh speaking Wales, so why should I need to learn it (well I do have a few words) but can manage Gaelic speaking Scots, and Sign language. As far as the French and othe continentals ONLY the French refuse to help you to speak their language, we didnt have any language classes when I was at school; infact quite often our school was closed while the wardens cleared up after their nights work, Also Derek it is only in the last few years since retiring that we have had the time to travel outside the UK
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Hi, I agree with Derek wholehartdly. We speak very little French but manage quite well, we try a little french with the French people and they will help and try there English wich is often very good. We met a Frenchcouple a few years back who speak Englishlike we speak french with the help of a Dictionary. We spent two weeks together last year and had a hilarious time, so much so that the Women were in tears when we parted. Going to their home this year for az few days. It just needs a little bit of give and take in this world, especially with language and culture. Nostar.for the welsh speakers. David
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Borodar everyone Eeeh bah gum it's gerrin off topic abit nah. Last time we were in France I did use my school french to some effect and indeed did find that the french, on the whole, responded well to my attempts. This year I have been trying to prepare myseld even more by attending night school for GCSE French - but I'm not taking the exam (will be in France in fact when it is sat) as it is mainly to allow me to converse with a bit more confidence. Back to the topic though.......Derek - I thought that was a very brave comment about caravanners being more confident than motorhomers - it could also mean that they THINK they know more and do not try to find another view? I do agree though that they are probably out there doing it instead of talking about it - at a personal level we are retired (albeit earlier than expected or wanted) and choose now to avoid going away at bank holidays - not that we are standoffish, of course, it is merely an unselfish gesture on our part to allow others less fortunate than us to go away at a time when they are off work. Au revoir (for now), david
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Hi David I dont agree that it is because caravanners are out there doing it as you say We are very experienced campers We started with the YHA in 1950 and have camped in ridge tents, mountain tents, snow holes and igloos, frame tents, 4 x caravans (the last one was sold to the gipseys at 15 years old at a profit) and now a motorhome. As a highly qualifed apprentice trained, ex chartered engineer (elecrtical and mechanical) ex Nat park warden, first aid instructor and qualified nurse, accountant ..................... I dont ask for help very often (never yet on this site), I sometimes post questions of a general nature that can be answered in a varety of ways, just to get things stiring. generally motorhomes have more complex items in them than do the caravans Motor homers tend to go away for longer periods than most caravanners, and many newcomers ask for help; some of which seem trivial to experienced campers, but do nevertheless need to be answered in a polite and simple but clear expert way, as they say "So that your granny will understand" Any way david make the most of your retirement; that is the reward for all that hard w**k We have just finished paying for the roof that had to be replaced after Jan 2005s 225kph storms that hit the west coast; so when the weather picks up we will be off again
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