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Sat Nav - Laptops


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Oops ! – Second time lucky. Tks David Seriously considering this facility. Comments, advice or recommendations from any users of Sat-Nav on a Lap-Top would be most appreciated. My current short list of Lap-Tops (Notebook) all have sufficient spec But it just seamed a good idea to post this request and gain the benefit from those who use Sat-Nav this way. It would be my intention to mount the Lap-Top on the top of the drinks cabinet which is located between the front seats. This cabinet is anchored and locked in situ on the move. The top, which is approx knee height, has a flat none slip surface. Have yet to decide how the Lap-Top would be held in place so that my captain can easily view the screen with hopefully an occasional glance from myself. We are a left hooker by choice and do not consider it, problem. Also open to any advice with regard to Lap-Tops: Do’s, Don’ts, etc … have you considered this etc … Wish I’d included this before I bought mine etc … Finally – any Laws/Rules that I should be aware of. Tks in advance – Rgds - CISCO
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We use Microsoft autoroute 2006 GPS on Laptop. It is OK but has some limitations, ie tells you when you go off route, but not how to get back on, this is not a problem with us though. The screen should not be visible to the driver the law says. we are on a Fiat base vehicle, our laptop sits in the well of the dash in front of boss woman, it seems to be safe enough there, had tought of fixing it down, but not as yet. We use a plug in mutli voltage adapter in cig lighter socket this also serve to recharge torch, phone etc. Available from Maplins about £20. GPS antenna sits on dash up tight to windscreen and works OK there.Ther is a thread on this subject in the Forum about 2months back Brian Kirby was one of the main contributors. David
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The biggest problem is the security of the laptop. If it is not 'screwed down' it will become a lethal missile in a crash - and if it goes through the windscreen it may be someone else's head it takes off!!! I have both laptop and TomTom. The laptop has both Autoroute and Navigator software. I greatly prefer TomTom. As already said, Autoroute has problems if you go off route and Navigator also has some quirks, though the latest version may have solved them. The 2 main ones are that it ocassionally gets into 'deadly contention' where it keeps going round the same loop when calculating a route and never finishes and that,m if you put waypoints into the routing, it insists you actually visit the exact geographical coordinates - fail and you just keep getting routed back there rather than to the next waypoint. With all GPS based systems, you also need to check the route with a good roadmap before you start. You may have read recently the story of the dirt track (literally) between Swaledale and Wharfedale that has seen a huge increase in vehicles using it and getting stuck (including an Argos Home Delivery truck!!). It's now the local farmer's main source of income! All these systems can route you via stupid minor roads. At least with Navigator you can alter the driving speeds it uses on each different type of road to stop this happening for the most part. You cannot do that with TomTom or, I believe, with the latest versions of Autoroute (but I may be wrong).
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  • 3 weeks later...
Many thanks to David and Mel for your advice and info. (Over 200 views !) Also found the postings on Tom Tom useful. Collecting the info on what to do for best v’s pocket came to an end yesterday during a visit to Hatchers Store in Taunton . Browsing the TV department, as you do, I spotted what I believed to be a bargain I could not resist. A SONY Personal Navigation System NVX-P1 for £199. Last one the man told me , its replacement (more money) on shelf below. Looking forward to using it in both the MH and Car. (Shall retain maps and original navigator though !) It does seem that this sort of facility attracts a name or title. Until something more appropriate comes along this will have to be put up with being called – TWOGIG.
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