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Gotten quicker?

Guest Tracker

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Guest Tracker

Is it my imagination or has the forum download speed gotten a bit quicker today?


It took me nearly a minute to get to the 'new threads' page earlier today by a few minutes ago it took a lot less - almost back to the way it was before it was 'improved'?

Guest JudgeMental
No I dont thinks so...Maybe your wife has discovered and deleted you 40.000 files of pornography? hence computer appears faster? :D

I've just looked up the word " gotten ".


Apparently the English stopped using it about 300 years ago, but it is still used in the USA.


So, is Tracker American - or 300 years old ?




malc d - 2011-08-29 5:33 PM


I've just looked up the word " gotten ".


Apparently the English stopped using it about 300 years ago, but it is still used in the USA.


So, is Tracker American - or 300 years old ?




Possibly both!! Could have been here before??

Tracker - 2011-08-29 2:26 PM


Is it my imagination or has the forum download speed gotten a bit quicker today?


It took me nearly a minute to get to the 'new threads' page earlier today by a few minutes ago it took a lot less - almost back to the way it was before it was 'improved'?


It's your imagination.

Guest Tracker

Thank you friends - it's always good to know who one's friends might have been!


Sorry guys but the forum is definitely a bit less slow than it was although it is perhaps too soon to use the word 'quicker'!


Gotten may be gone from the vocabulary but it was sure effective at gettin your attention wernit!

It is part of a moderator ploy. All those really stupid, argumentative, nasty, abusive, strings on Chatterbox now take so long to conduct, that the attention spans of the abusers are exceeded by the forum response time. So, they just forget what they were going to say, and what provoked it, and peace breaks out. Simples! :-D
The speed will be dependant on amount of traffic throu the servers, catch it at right time and it will be quick, catch it at wrong time as I did earlier tonight and give up trying
Guest Tracker

You will all be dekighted to know that I can now cofirm that normal forum service has returned with a vengeace and the bloomin thing is now SLOWER than ever!


Sorry if I raised false hopes - I just can't help being an eternal optimist at heart and sometimes this optimism can temporarily over ride any natural realism and cynicism!


I have to say the forum runs just as quick as it has for some months now. No variation, just quick. It might be a broadband issue, I run at 5.8mb mostly.


The word "Gotten" is stil in use in parts of the Midlands, albeit with a slightly different usage. As are words like "Miskin" "Sough" and lots more. All old words, it is suggested that the Midlands dialect is the nearest to old English.




I thought it had got SLOWER. We have cable broadband, which is very fast, (BT broadband is almost snail pace in our area) Sometimes can't be bothered to wait for it. I agree that the "Traffic " does affect it. Can be faster in the day, when a lot of you have to work . Silver surfers may find it quicker during the day


Brian Kirby - 2011-08-29 8:58 PM


It is part of a moderator ploy. All those really stupid, argumentative, nasty, abusive, strings on Chatterbox now take so long to conduct, that the attention spans of the abusers are exceeded by the forum response time. So, they just forget what they were going to say, and what provoked it, and peace breaks out. Simples! :-D


Couldn't agree more Brian, I was just about to say........... Erm........................Er..............

Err...........No it's no use, I've for-gotten.


Will someone fetch Matron please?


Well it was running fine until you opened your mouth Rich it now makes a snail look fast


Please keep your trap shut those moderators must have their hearing aids turned up. (lol) (meant in the nicest possible way)

malc d - 2011-08-29 5:33 PM


I've just looked up the word " gotten ".


Apparently the English stopped using it about 300 years ago, but it is still used in the USA.


So, is Tracker American - or 300 years old ?





There's ill-Gotten, Be-gotten as in 'ill-gotten gains' ( that 45" TV taken from a shop in Croydon),

or ill-be-gotten son, My eldest, when he ignores my advice, then comes and says Daaad ! can you help !

So, No, don't think he's 300 years old, if he is, wonder if he's had to take his car test again ?? and still passes the medical. Ray



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