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..I want to buy MMM for £3.95......In my local shop,where I order it from,it has attached a Which Motorhome....I do not want this magazine included but have to pay over £5 for the two .........No thank you,so no sale......the shop owner tells me it is not SOR so he will be left with it.......I have cancelled my order so from now on it will be a casual purchase only,if I can find it in the ever decreasing shops that stock it ..........Did subscibers pay extra ???? >:-( >:-(
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Just checked the £3.95 +p&p ad For the UK +£0.50, For ROI & Europe +£1.00 or for me £4.95 delivered, against £6.15 on subscription ie £1.20 extra if I pay up front for 13 issues, do the subscriptions dept know this, is it a mistake? or is that how you treat loyalty? 
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Hi Dave,


Just to let you know that we ran a 'bumper pack' promotion in WH Smiths for our April to September issues. Just in WH Smiths and for these months only, we offered customers the chance to buy MMM and Which Motorhome at £5.49, saving £1.96 on the normal price. Individual copies of both magazines should also have been available, I can only think that these issues must have sold out.


MMM will still continue to be available individually at £3.95 in the coming months, and we may look at doing the bumper packs again next year, however, there will still be the option to buy single copies.


Only MMM subscribers that pay for a joint subscription will have received Which Motorhome as well as MMM.





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Hi Lucie - did you pass on my questions from a while ago about the ever-reducing arthritic sloth-like slow speed of this forum to them "Upstairs"?


If so, has "Upstairs" said what if anything they are ever going to do about it?





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The problem is that, as a move to greener energy, Warners now generate electricity for the forum on site, using a treadmill to drive a genny.


Recent financial upheavals have resulted in various necessary economies, and the original treadmill incumbent, a fairly fit greyhound, has been pensioned off, first being replaced by a dachshund, who found the curve of the treadmill too severe for its long back, so was replaced with a hamster, who unfortunately died from overexertion, and was in turn replaced by a dormouse.


Inevitably, this has resulted in falling power output, and so slower running of the forum, culminating with the dormouse now wishing to prepare for hibernation, and being replaced, at very short notice, by an extremely dedicated snail.


The use of snails to generate electricity is purely experimental, and it is proving difficult to maintain motivation on the part of the snail, because the lettuce leaves placed on the treadmill to entice it to move faster are drying out before it can get to them, and so are unappetising, resulting in repeated slide outs!


Alternative avenues are always being energetically pursued. Our customers are, as ever, our highest priority.


Watch this space for further news! :-D

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Retread24800 - 2011-08-30 10:52 PM


If I want to read MMM it costs me £6.15 per copy against £3.15 if I lived in the UK, Theres  a free book like the UK subscribers but access to various UK based meets/sales events is not a USP.B-)


We have a quarterly subscription which costs £15 so £5 per month delivered to France.

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Randonneur - 2011-09-02 4:51 PM
Retread24800 - 2011-08-30 10:52 PM If I want to read MMM it costs me £6.15 per copy against £3.15 if I lived in the UK, Theres  a free book like the UK subscribers but access to various UK based meets/sales events is not a USP.B-)
We have a quarterly subscription which costs £15 so £5 per month delivered to France.

But you take my point? Thirteen copies pa @£6.15ea is not good value, surely if you subscribe for a year you should get a preferential rate against the per issue price of £3.95 + £1.00 p+p Or £4.95 delivered.

If we take the UK 13 copy subscription rate of £3.15 incl P+P subtract the £0.50 delivery charge for the UK and add the £1.00 EU and Eire delivery charge gives a per copy price of £3.65 Where does the other £3.00 go?

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Retread24800 - 2011-09-02 5:15 PM
Randonneur - 2011-09-02 4:51 PM
Retread24800 - 2011-08-30 10:52 PM If I want to read MMM it costs me £6.15 per copy against £3.15 if I lived in the UK, Theres  a free book like the UK subscribers but access to various UK based meets/sales events is not a USP.B-)
We have a quarterly subscription which costs £15 so £5 per month delivered to France.

But you take my point? Thirteen copies pa @£6.15ea is not good value, surely if you subscribe for a year you should get a preferential rate against the per issue price of £3.95 + £1.00 p+p Or £4.95 delivered.

If we take the UK 13 copy subscription rate of £3.15 incl P+P subtract the £0.50 delivery charge for the UK and add the £1.00 EU and Eire delivery charge gives a per copy price of £3.65 Where does the other £3.00 go?

Is this subscription price for a combined MMM and Which Motorhome?
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Brian Kirby - 2011-09-02 3:29 PM


The problem is that, as a move to greener energy, Warners now generate electricity for the forum on site, using a treadmill to drive a genny.


Recent financial upheavals have resulted in various necessary economies, and the original treadmill incumbent, a fairly fit greyhound, has been pensioned off, first being replaced by a dachshund, who found the curve of the treadmill too severe for its long back, so was replaced with a hamster, who unfortunately died from overexertion, and was in turn replaced by a dormouse.


Inevitably, this has resulted in falling power output, and so slower running of the forum, culminating with the dormouse now wishing to prepare for hibernation, and being replaced, at very short notice, by an extremely dedicated snail.


The use of snails to generate electricity is purely experimental, and it is proving difficult to maintain motivation on the part of the snail, because the lettuce leaves placed on the treadmill to entice it to move faster are drying out before it can get to them, and so are unappetising, resulting in repeated slide outs!


Alternative avenues are always being energetically pursued. Our customers are, as ever, our highest priority.


Watch this space for further news! :-D




Unfortunately the trial of the gastropod generation project has had to be terminated.

The withdrawal of our research partner, Shell petroleum, made this decision inevitable.

Although we had early containment problems, (in spite of being surrounded by a Faraday cage the snails managed to track to ground) the project showed good but slow progress, it has to be said that this was never going to be the complete answer (the search page alone required the generation of a thousand What’s?) We are still pursuing the hot air capture, and bovine excrement methane generation projects.


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Randonneur - 2011-09-03 12:14 PM
Retread24800 - 2011-09-02 5:15 PM
Randonneur - 2011-09-02 4:51 PM
Retread24800 - 2011-08-30 10:52 PM If I want to read MMM it costs me £6.15 per copy against £3.15 if I lived in the UK, Theres  a free book like the UK subscribers but access to various UK based meets/sales events is not a USP.B-)
We have a quarterly subscription which costs £15 so £5 per month delivered to France.

But you take my point? Thirteen copies pa @£6.15ea is not good value, surely if you subscribe for a year you should get a preferential rate against the per issue price of £3.95 + £1.00 p+p Or £4.95 delivered.

If we take the UK 13 copy subscription rate of £3.15 incl P+P subtract the £0.50 delivery charge for the UK and add the £1.00 EU and Eire delivery charge gives a per copy price of £3.65 Where does the other £3.00 go?

Is this subscription price for a combined MMM and Which Motorhome?

No I took the figures from the offer above right as follows 13 issues of MMM only, UK £41.99, Eur+ROI £79.99, World wide £109.99. 8o|

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pkc - 2011-09-03 2:31 PM  Unfortunately the trial of the gastropod generation project has had to be terminated. The withdrawal of our research partner, Shell petroleum, made this decision inevitable. Although we had early containment problems, (in spite of being surrounded by a Faraday cage the snails managed to track to ground) the project showed good but slow progress, it has to be said that this was never going to be the complete answer (the search page alone required the generation of a thousand What’s?) We are still pursuing the hot air capture, and bovine excrement methane generation projects.

Great results have been obtained from the collection of BS and hot air obtained from one of the monied classes who has recently joined us, coupled with steam captured from the trendy wendies he's upsetting :-)

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Retread24800 - 2011-09-03 6:09 PM
Randonneur - 2011-09-03 12:14 PM
Retread24800 - 2011-09-02 5:15 PM
Randonneur - 2011-09-02 4:51 PM
Retread24800 - 2011-08-30 10:52 PM If I want to read MMM it costs me £6.15 per copy against £3.15 if I lived in the UK, Theres  a free book like the UK subscribers but access to various UK based meets/sales events is not a USP.B-)
We have a quarterly subscription which costs £15 so £5 per month delivered to France.

But you take my point? Thirteen copies pa @£6.15ea is not good value, surely if you subscribe for a year you should get a preferential rate against the per issue price of £3.95 + £1.00 p+p Or £4.95 delivered.

If we take the UK 13 copy subscription rate of £3.15 incl P+P subtract the £0.50 delivery charge for the UK and add the £1.00 EU and Eire delivery charge gives a per copy price of £3.65 Where does the other £3.00 go?

Is this subscription price for a combined MMM and Which Motorhome?

No I took the figures from the offer above right as follows 13 issues of MMM only, UK £41.99, Eur+ROI £79.99, World wide £109.99. 8o|

Just had a look at the offer and you are right. Even with our £15 per quarter 13 issues is only £65. Have they an explanation?
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Why don't a group of overseas readers get together and buy one copy, then post it on to each other internaly, each year change the individual 'buyer' so that they all get a 'first look'


I never notice any article that is desperate to be read immedeately. Its already been in the publishers system since the last issue anyway. If any item strikes the first buyer as being particularly urgent it can be Emailed to all the other members quite easily, including a picture.



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Must admit I quite liked the idea of one copy for Europe and post it round, better still as camping caristes we could swap copies at clandestine meets, buying a copy on irregular visits to the UK or even meet up with UK based co-conspirators to buy second hand copies smuggled into France? who cares about the dates? The editorial that interests this EU based Camping cariste does not include forthcoming exhibitions and rallies, updates to mobile cottages are only mildly amusing, The techy and old timer sections are great tho'.

Perhaps I shouldn't post this, mmmmmm,might get accused of conspiracy to subvert copyright contrary to UK/ EU directive ......................:-) Live dangerously I say.

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Here's a real winner.



Why doesn't the MMM Marketing Department leap into the 21st Century and offer to email the magazine out to people with overseas ISP addresses as a PDF document......no printing required, no paper required, no postage required.

At say €1 per edition, that'd be €1 of total profit for them, and masses more ex-pat people would subscribe if it was that cheap to read, even if they could only do so via their computers..........


Food for thought MMM?



(That'll be 5 years worth of free PDF version subscriptions for me, for coming up with the best MMM international sales idea of the decade.........ta mutchly.)

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