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Calling all Hymer "B" class owners.

Brian Kirby

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I have been asked if I can help the owner of a Hymer 694B motorhome, year of manufacture 2001.


He wishes to replace one of the "plastic window bands, that hold the various plastic locking mouldings".


Is anyone able to give advice as to "how to remove the old track, and install the new fittings?"


He has further advised as follows:


He has looked at the window frames, but can see no makers names. However, as far as he knows, they are of a standard type. He believes the frames in question have been used over many years.


The fitting he wishes to renew is "the sliding band inset to the bottom/inside of the window frame. This band carries the various bits of moulded plastic which act as locking points for the window, as slides from side to side as you operate the locking/unlocking handle. The band is inset, to what appears to be a moulded metal runner that goes all around the window, without a break. There are two small "nicks" to the left hand side through which the band would appear to be removed and replaced."


However, he finds the plastic fittings are "reluctant to go around corners in the frame". He has already broken one of the fittings in trying to do so, and is concerned not to break the new fittings as they cost £65 to purchase.


He is unable to supply a picture, but hopes the above helps to give an idea of his problem, and that someone may be able to help. He is leaving for France next week, so time is running out.


I am only in e-mail contact with him, so cannot visit to view his van, and what he describes is a window type I have never before seen, so I can't offer him any useful assistance.


Can anyone else identify these windows and what he needs to do please, and I'll e-mail him back the answers. If someone could post a picture of such a window, it may be of help.


Many thanks.

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Guest pelmetman
Just a thought Brian;-) but when he try's to push the plastic around corners has he tried warming the plastic first with a hair dryer, just a tip from my curtain fitting days and trying to bend plastic rails around bay windows:D
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Hi Brian. I have just had a look at ours which are the same type. It does not seem possible to remove the plastic fittings from the outside surface of the sliding rail once fitted. I wonder if the plastic fittings should be snapped into place once the slidding rail is in place though.? Is the new rail supplied with the fittings in place or seperately.? If they are already fitted to the rail, is it possible to unsnap them from the underside, fit the rail , then snap them into place, making a note of which way they go in first. I think the fittings on the old rail may break on removal as they go round the bend at the corners.

Brian B.

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Just seen this thread. We have the same window locks as you are describing. It is dark now so I will have a look in the morning and take a photo or two and try to post them on here.


I agree with Dave, Peter Hambleton is extremely nice and there is nothing he doesn't know about Hymers, he has helped us out over the phone.



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Brian, yorui friend is on the right lines. However the plastic fittings have to be remove first. Ther is a gap under the fittings at one dide to insert a suitable screwdriver and lever them off. As they are being replaced it does not matter if they are damaged.

next when all fittings on te band are removed the insert is slid to the left (from inside) exaxcly as he has been attemping bit ;less teh fittings. It ios ectracted from the notches in the frame higher up on the side. When the trailing end of teh slide insert is about half way alomng teh bottom a nettal leaf spring is exposed. It gets reused if a new one is not in the kit and is put back in place when sliding the new band in. Once the new band is in position the cnew fittings can be clipped into place making sure they are in teh corrct order...start with teh center main one which makes the slide move to lock the other points. Thenh fit the others making sure the slots for fittings are in the correct place. Jon done.


(I think others might be thinking this is a sliding window. It is a standard opening window, I believe from Brains description, with multi point locking operated by a sliding insert around the frame. )


Hope this helps your friend Brian.




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Its amazing what you find on Utube. I shall get back to repairing the loose underseal and hidden rust underneath on my 03 Ducato. Its really bad under the underseal. I thought the underseal was to protect and prevent rust, this has trapped moisture and caused the rust.
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Thanks again Jon - all now sent off and I'm sure, coupled with your written description, he'll be done in no time! But that music!!! Why not just talk through it, at least that would have helped here and there. I've never seen those catches before, so, yer lives and yer learns! :-)


Good luck with the underseal etc. I made the same discovery some years back, and now just give things a blow over with Waxoyl from time to time. The problem is once the underseal cracks, or gets chipped, the wet gets behind it and never dries out, then along comes winter, and you add salt solution to the mix. 'Orrible stuff, IMO. Hope it stays nice and dry for you.

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Just so that you all know your contributions were appreciated. Well done you lot, you've just made one anxious bunny very happy. :-)



Hi Brian




Have watched video. "Simples", when you know how. Will get job done in the morning.


Please thank everybody for getting in touch, and thank you, for all your help.




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Oh no! PLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEAAAASEEEEE do not start using that ruddy S word again on the forums!!!!! Those Meercats really annoy me, so much so I wil never ever use the associated web site.


Years ago Northern Rock started adding sound to their home page...a croaking frog. I immediately closed all my savings accounts with them. Maybe I am a bit strange, but seemed a good enough reason to search for a better interest rate elsewhere.


Anyway, glad he is happy and that what counts. Now to get the underseal out of my hair and off my face...sticks like crazy and white spirit, cellulose thinners or meths will not remove once it has set. Now I know why it say on the tin for professional use ONLY.

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