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Lunar Roadstar 786

david snowdin

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Hi David and welcome to the forum,


While it is not impossible to fit extra seat belts as you describe it will certainly require a professional installation as it will require a steel frame mounting back to the MH chassis to mount the belts to.


If you use the search facility above and search for 'seat belts' in the last month you will find this question comes up time after time and the answer is always the same, and that is that MH Furniture is not strong enough to mount seat belts to.

Have a look for photos of bare MH chassis and you'll see the lengths that manufacturers have to go to to get adequate mountings.


Sorry it's not good news but I'm afraid that's life.




Edit. Hopefully this LINK will give you an idea of the sort of thing that is required. But bear in mind this will need mounting to the chassis underneath the MH floor or it will simply tear holes in the floor in the event of a crash.

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Hi David - welcome to the mad house! :-D


As Keith has already pointed out, it's not easy, if it can be done at all which I seriously doubt unfortunately.


Before you go any further, have you checked with your insurers to see what their view would be of you carrying more than just the 2 of you anyway?


Depending on who you want to carry, you may be able to use it without belts in the back - but whoever sits there would have to be aware of the risk they are taking by doing this, and you would need to be aware of the risk to you of someone being catapulted into you in an accident, and certainly no children should be transported in this way.


I'm not saying you should do this, just that is an option, especially if you were only wanting to use the van for a short (careful) trip with rear passengers.


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