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That's it, I've had enough ... I'm leaving .....

Mel B

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... not the forum silly (well not yet anyway ...).


It’s funny, I've been searching the forums for previous posts about this and having read through them, it don't half make you think about what you’ve 'planned' and how things have actually worked out:




Anyway ... I'll stop blabbering and tell you what I'm on about! :-D


I'm finally, after a lot of planning and saving, LEAVING WORK AT CHRISTMAS ... THIS CHRISTMASS ... for good!! Yippppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :->


I've worked at the University for over 30 years. I started there as a work experience girl at the tender age of 16 back in 1979 for a year, with only a 9 month break (unemployed for 5 months and then working at a solicitors office for 4 months) before going back to the University permanently in March 1981, so I've seen a lot of changes in that time, a lot of people come and go, and a few to leave and shortly after be no more ... I'm not going to fall into that category!


Fortunately the University is doing a Voluntary Leavers Scheme (VLS) at the moment in order to ‘refresh and make efficiency savings’ in the workforce so is paying people to go if they want to (and it’s in the management interest of course). As my former boss retired due to ill health in July they have decided not to replace him at the moment but to bring in someone to review the whole of the department, especially since they consider that we are ‘overstaffed’, so they have agreed to let me go at Christmas with a nice little nest egg too!!! :D I’ve already told them that I definitely still want to go (I had to sign a form to say I wanted to go ahead ... without commitment ... that will come when I get the official financial offer and ‘compromise’ agreement to sign), so barring an absolute disaster it’s now gonna happen. :-D :-D :-D


Some of you will recall that my hubby left at the end of December 2009 by taking voluntary severance (he asked, they considered, then offered him some dosh to go and he took it!) so I'm now going to join him in his 'retirement' (he was 51 at the time, now 53) and I'll be the tender age of 48 when I leave. We have been saving our spare dosh (excluding the purchase of motorhome/cars/scooters) and slogging our guts out for a number of years and have amassed a sensible amount of savings to live off to enable us to do this and not starve - we won’t live like royalty (we don’t anyway), but it will be enough to keep us going pretty much as we are now, with a sensible amount to spare until hubby’s work pension kicks in when he’s 60. :-S


I don’t think I was ready to leave when hubby left, but now I am - I’ve been wanting to do so for a while but had a sense that something may be coming up ‘pay-off’ wise at work so have hung on, but now it won’t come soon enough. I’m getting a lot of pressure put on me by the office manager (OM) to get stuff done even though I only got back off holiday on Wednesday - she seems to forget that most of Thursday morning was spent helping her with her work!! Today I’ve been ‘victimised’ by her yet again .... I want to go to the doctors to get my back checked out as something’s not quite right with it since I bashed in on holiday (apart from the bruising, the skin has a cut/split where I hit it - as I’ve previously had a couple of ops to remove an abscess it is fairly ‘thin’ and it hasn’t healed, is quite sore so I’m concerned in case it’s infected or an abscess is forming again ... I mentioned it to the OM and was informed that as only work part-time (I don’t work Tuesday or Thursday afternoons) I have to arrange to go on one of my afternoons off which is nigh-on impossible as getting an appointment is hard anyway. But, and this is where the victimisation bit comes in, the full-timers don’t have to go in their own time - I did point out that this is unfair as doctors’ surgeries are open out of office hours nowadays and/or they can use lieu-time, but what really got my goat is that another part-timer, who doesn’t work Fridays, went to the doctors this morning and wasn’t told she couldn’t or that she had to make the time up! I think the OM has come off her tablets again, seriously, as this is when she starts to do things like this ... I’ll try to suss out more tomorrow and possibly have a quiet word with her manager (who’s had to deal with her before when she’s done this and caused problems for others). Anyway it won’t be a problem for me soon will it, then she’ll have to find someone else to help her do her work and to pick on! >:-)


Anyway, I digress, to get back on track - we’re very seriously considering going to Spain/Portugal or somewhere like, in February/March - that way it will give me a chance to settle down after Christmas and leaving work in January and then we’ll be off so I won’t have to spend the whole of winter in the UK. So you can all expect some questions about wintering abroad from me shortly - if we don’t do it then, I don’t think we ever will!


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Mel B - 2011-09-12 8:23 PM



Anyway, I digress, to get back on track - we’re very seriously considering going to Spain/Portugal or somewhere like, in February/March - that way it will give me a chance to settle down after Christmas and leaving work in January and then we’ll be off so I won’t have to spend the whole of winter in the UK. So you can all expect some questions about wintering abroad from me shortly - if we don’t do it then, I don’t think we ever will!


We;re of to Bonterra park in Valencia Spain for the whole of february for £382, booked through the caravan club today. We can't wait as I hate February in the uk and we've not been to Spain before. Apparently it's a great 1st class site with all amenities and a walk to the beach and town. A lot of the mh clubs go there all winter and have a great time.
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The office manger is probably jealous of your position being part time and shortly all free time.


Its certainly different being away from a regular pattern of life, one has to adjust now to a different pattern, some can change over in days, some years and some never do and those are the one that fall by the wayside.


It took me a year and I was self employed which made it far easier to adjust as I was the decision maker all the time.


I now have so many projects ahead that a regular pattern has appeared again ... but ... they can be completed at my own pace and another day means very little.


Can we now look forward to 'another' vehicle search accompanied by lots of new goodies?



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Guest JudgeMental

I was going to say I'm jealous! before I realised I have been retired for 2 years*-)


What with Peter and you going, maybe its the perfect time for the inaugural forum rally to Spain! (MMM can pay) I am up for it. If the funsters can do it so can we! lol Anyone else fancy it?


I would be travelling down alone as Mrs Mental still works (Well...someone has to pay the bills!:-| )


So...you will all have to take turns to feed me......


Come on Kirby! you know it makes sense...... :D

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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2011-09-12 9:29 PM  What with Peter and you going, maybe its the perfect time for the inaugural forum rally to Spain! (MMM can pay) I am up for it. If the funsters can do it so can we! lol


Glad I'm going in January before the riffraff arrive:D
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I'm a bit concerned about your damaged back Mel. Happily I may be able to help with that. I got my first aid badge in the scouts, so if you'd care to pop over to my place and 'slip out of your things' I be happy to give an opinion on the injury.

On the matter of retirement, you'll have a great time. The year I retired I hitched the motorbike to the back of the motorhome and cleared off to Europe for 3 months. I had an 'elastic' route and ended up on the Algarve....spent a month there and came home inland portugal, northern Spain and the west coast of France. Really enjoyed it...every time I got bored, I studied the guide books and maps & moved on.

I do a bit of consultancy work now and again to amass some wealth and in the summer tell everyone I'm unavailable, and go travelling for as long as I please.

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Congratulations on your forthcoming retirement. When I retired in in 2009 I deliberately "disappeared" for a few months. This was partially to break the pschological link with employment and my employers and also to make myself inaccessable to them. You may find this works for you and that your trip is very liberating.
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Hi Mel,


Good luck on your retirement, I've been at it for 27 years and it's hard work at times.


For your first winter trip I would suggest Camping Rosaleda at Conil de la Frontera on the Costa de la Luz between Cadiz and Tarifa. It's a few tears since we were there but "Wintersun" is/was a regular visitor so he might be able to give some up to date info.


Camping Rosaleda

Ctra del Pradillo km 1.3

11140 Conil de la Frontera



Tel 34 956-44 33 27

Fax 34 956-44 33 85

E mail info@campingrosaleda.com



GPS N36º 17'35.86 W6º 05'44.94




From N340 (Algeciras-Cadiz) road take C321 signed Conil de la Frontera in 2km turn right at 4th roundabout site on right 1km. There were a lot of road works in the area so these directions could be out of date.


Large site with marked pitches, some a small but there are a number of double pitches for 12 metre RV's Free WIFI might now be a charge. Some of the grass pitches could be unreliable in the wet.


First class facilities. There were plans to meter the electricity (5&10 amp) for this coming winter.

Shop on site. Not well stocked in the winter.

Very good reductions for long stays 28 nights or over.

Excellent restaurant with a very good cheap set menu.

No dogs 15 June - 15 Sept otherwise in separate area Euro 5 per night.

English spoken at the reception, pitches are booked up years in advance for the winter Nov-April.


Conil centre is a 25 min walk. Supermarket in town. Carrefour Hypermarket in Cadiz.


Organised coach trips to Seville, Cadiz & Jerez


Enjoy your trip.


If you need any help/advice you know were we live.




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nowtelse2do - 2011-09-13 3:24 PM


Don have you never read one of Mel's threads or post's? What's the point in telling her what site to use then stating 'NO DOG'S' :-D I think you would be wise to shut down the PC and don't open any PM's for a bit :D






If you took the time to read the link properly you will find that dogs are only banned in the high season as Mel plans to visit in Jan/Feb I can't see a problem.. :-D :-D


Maybe you should follow your own advice and take time out. :-D



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Now then boys, shut up now :D :D


Mel, good for you, really suited for you. I'm still getting used to part time work, its been 8 months now and without doubt - a great decision.


Sadly I have to wait for Lady T to come on board but it'll come. Eventually.


I hope you have a wondeful time learning to do less, forget about routines and doing the things that really matter to you both - whatever they are and whatever they may be.


I'm sure like me you'll use some of the time to develop things you may have neglected, mine was my physical health, it's been great getting back into shape and losing weight.


Nice news for a change on here :-D :-D



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Don Madge - 2011-09-13 3:42 PM


nowtelse2do - 2011-09-13 3:24 PM


Don have you never read one of Mel's threads or post's? What's the point in telling her what site to use then stating 'NO DOG'S' :-D I think you would be wise to shut down the PC and don't open any PM's for a bit :D






If you took the time to read the link properly you will find that dogs are only banned in the high season as Mel plans to visit in Jan/Feb I can't see a problem.. :-D :-D


Maybe you should follow your own advice and take time out. :-D




I did notice it , but she might want to stay a bit longer :-D


Why no dogs between them dates, seam's a bit odd.





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Don Madge - 2011-09-13 3:42 PM


nowtelse2do - 2011-09-13 3:24 PM


Don have you never read one of Mel's threads or post's? What's the point in telling her what site to use then stating 'NO DOG'S' :-D I think you would be wise to shut down the PC and don't open any PM's for a bit :D






If you took the time to read the link properly you will find that dogs are only banned in the high season as Mel plans to visit in Jan/Feb I can't see a problem.. :-D :-D


Maybe you should follow your own advice and take time out. :-D



Maybe Don but you also stated that pitches are booked up years in advance. Not a lot of good if she wants to go this year. :D
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Thanks guys, once I get the paperwork signed off I've told them at work that I'm gonna have a great big countdown clock face on my computer as a screensaver ... the bigger and brighter the better!!! :-D


I've got our Eurotunnel crossing booked going out mid-February returning end of March, you can be sure I'll be asking lots of questions before then!!!


As for the site that you've recommended Don, I'll see what hubby thinks, although I do think that charging 5 euros a night for the dogs is a bit much (only joking Don, I realise really you mean the site is 5 euros a night for us all! :D )


Might be nice to drop in on some forum friends ... watch out Bruce and Sylvia!!! :-> CarolH and Charles might be in France then seeing as they've got a mobile home there so I'll have to make contact with them and see.


Someone we bumped into on holiday suggested that Morocco is nice but it is probably a bit far as a first foray and I'm not sure of the situation regarding the dogs if we went there.


As for the office manager (OM), I think she probably IS jealous as she'd love to do what I'm doing - in fact she did get a nice pay-off from her previous job but soon frittered it away as she's one for spending money like water and never saves anything - that's her choice, nothing wrong with it, but you simply can't have it all.


Apparently, although I've been the one getting the brunt of it all, I'm not the only one who's been having bother with her so her boss is going to have a 'meeting' with her to sort it out. Oh, that reminds me, I'm the PA to the Director and naturally I assumed I'd be the PA to the Interim Director due to start at the end of the month, but apparently, according to the OM, I may not work for him .... found out his name when the e-newsletter was sent round on Friday ... it would have been nice to be informed before the rest of the University knew though. Oh well, soon be out of the place so I'm not complaining really ... I jokingly said to the OM's boss today ... "Do your worst"!!! (lol) I told my ex-boss that it had been agreed and he's really pleased for me as he'd known for a couple of years that I wanted to leave, if he hadn't gone off sick and then left himself I don't know if it would have been approved, but he would definitely have supported me in my request to go if he had still been there.


We plan to do more exercise - swimming and probably badmington or something like that. Hubby could certainly do with shifting some of his podge!!! :$ I'll be able to get through a load more jigsaw puzzles too :->


Forgot to say, I managed to get in to see the doctor this afternoon and she had a good look and prod at my back and said it seems to healing okay but it will take a while - good to know nothing untoward is going on.

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Jigsaws ... you should meet up with Mrs A, that's all she does apart from watching the TV and organizing the clothes washing, (99% hers).


Does anyone know of a travelling jigsaw holder of 1,000 piece size? I could make one easily but there may be some already available.


The real key to this new phase of life is to be occupied, it matter nowt what interests you but moving around is the answer to most difficulties, My weight is now what it was at the age of 25.


I dislike the word retired, it gives the impression of a downward trend towards oblivion. Its certainly not in my book.



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Congrats, Mel B, DO it & enjoy, you will wonder why you didnt do ages ago. You will feel much better, the pressure will disappear and the quality of life is a lot lot better. As for money, its just cut your cloth

to what you need, we have been retired for over 2.1/2 yrs, bought our 1st m/h and certainly dont regret any of it. Keep in touch with your good work colleagues and all wil be OK.

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art338 - 2011-09-13 9:19 PM


Does anyone know of a travelling jigsaw holder of 1,000 piece size? I could make one easily but there may be some already available.




There are 3 basic types of jigsaw holder, a board with flaps, a zip-up case or a roll, all of which are on here:




It really depends on how she intends to use it and store it, if you can lay it flat (ie on/under the bed) then the cheaper board type would probably be sufficient, if not, then the most secure is the zip-up case type, if you don't want to keep it flat then the roll type would do. I've got a roll one and, although I haven't used it yet when away (never seem to have time to do a jigsaw!), it seems like it would be okay - you often see this type at charity shops and car boot sales.


I did have a go at making a 'temporary' board type one out of some thick cardboard and green baise but it was too flexible and allowed the pieces to slip so if you do go down this route make sure there is a way of ensuring the pieces are held firmly when stored ... otherwise you'll be in for a lot of grief!!! :D

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I've just found that out by reading an Ebay ad where it has happened. I must admit I'm tempted to treat myself to one of the Portapuzzle Deluxe 1000 piece ones ... they're on offer on Amazon and Play.com at the moment for £17.99 delivered ... early Christmas present perhaps? :->
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Oooooo ... it's getting closer .... the 'compromise agreement' paperwork arrived today. :-D


I've gotta arrange to see a solicitor to go through it (paid for by the University) and then sign it and send it back ... then it'll be official!!!! No changing my mind then ... not that I would of course!!!!! :->


I also now know how much I'll get ... I could buy a budget motorhome with it ... not that I'm going to though as I still love Antony, our 'chubby chops' Chausson. :D


... still trying to convince hubby to get me a jigsaw thingy though .... might have to buy myself one at this rate! *-)

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Hi Mel, great news know you have been building up to it, good idea getting away, google Chicken Run camp site Portugal, its run by a English couple and works out really reasonable, well worth a look, we are off there in March. Enjoy your retirement. you've planned it and its good when a plan comes together. :-)
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