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It had to happen one day.!!!


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Not feeling to good so.. the Lincoln Show was looking a little out of the question..still maybe I would be OK nearer the day ..so not all was lost. I had to put back our departure date on a site in Dorset..again because I was not feeling too good .. thought it was the alcohol??

Diagnosis ..Vertigo.. now I have heard of it, but never took much notice of it before.thought it was cos the ears needed cleaning out..but its more complicated than that [so the Doc tells me].

No choice now..Driving is a `no no`..its hard to stand let alone drive when Vertigo strikes.. and it occurs at far too frequent intervals to make life simple.

We started with "motor vans" in the mid seventies..a 12 seater Trannie bus i had converted.. had a on off history with other models..retired some years ago and splashed our pension on recent vehicle..the last being a 57 reg Compass..

Just discovered this site in recent years..learn` t a great deal from you all and enjoyed reading many of your posts..your all legends? to us..

I now have to to put my vehicle up for sale..[gonna miss it] [ Doc /Hospital recommend I don't drive??]

Young man `early seventies.`floored by dizzy spells..[crazy..even Dick Tiger couldn't floor me..but that's another story!]

I may have to get rid of the `van` but will continue reading your posts..enjoying[?] your adventures..hoping our sons/daughters/grandsons may one day say " you doing anything this weekend?we are going to the ***** show..do you want to come dad/grandad??"

I will be the old guy at the bar..who keeps falling down..no its not the drink!!!

Gonna miss it all

8-) :-(

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So sorry to hear about this David. I shudder to think how I would react to losing my freedom to wander but you are to commended for taking such a responsible and measured reaction and I wish you well.


I don't know if you have a partner who can drive but if so have you considered maybe a touring caravan stored at one of the club sites where they will site it for you whenever you want to use it? I know it ain't the same as motorhoming but at least you can change sites and still get time away from home when the four walls seem to drive you stir crazy?

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You just might be able to beat it yet, all these things can bring vertigo on or make it worse.


Asprin, Caffiene. alcohol, blood pressure pills, antibiotics, tranquilizers, tobacco, and some others including

new specs with varifocus.


Might be worth while eliminating them from your life for about two weeks?





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Guest JudgeMental

Dave I have first hand knowledge and experience with this, and believe me it is not the end of the world...Dont really want to discuss on an open forum but if you PM me your phone number I can assure you I can put your mind at rest...


Also no need to sell your van! It is just that at present your condition is badly controlled and once you get it under control life can be OK again.....

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JudgeMental - 2011-09-15 2:12 PM


Dave I have first hand knowledge and experience with this, and believe me it is not the end of the world...Dont really want to discuss on an open forum but if you PM me your phone number I can assure you I can put your mind at rest...


Also no need to sell your van! It is just that at present your condition is badly controlled and once you get it under control life can be OK again.....


Agreed...... As an Ex sufferer you can also PM me. There are options, so start by getting that hospital consultant to explain them all.

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I do sympathise with you as I also suffer with vertigo. Its very scary but it shouldn't stop you from driving as it comes and goes. I have had 5 attacks in the last 20 years so not very often. Each of my attacks lasts

about a week but then nothing for a few years. Obviously you cant drive whilst you are having an attack but I would be horrified if I was told I could never drive again.


I would check again with the doc. before selling your MH.


All the best and hope things improve. I am sure they will.

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Never suffered from Vertigo but I have suffered from Labrynthitis (problems with the fluid of the inner ear) several times. It is horrible and I should think Vertigo must be worse. My sympathy goes out to you. My condition comes back about every 3 years so I am due an attack sometime soon.


I would take all the advice offered and not rush into anything. Good Luck and I hope that you find a compromise soon.

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Never suffered from Vertigo but I have suffered from Labrynthitis (problems with the fluid of the inner ear) several times. It is horrible and I should think Vertigo must be worse. My sympathy goes out to you. My condition comes back about every 3 years so I am due an attack sometime soon.


I would take all the advice offered and not rush into anything. Good Luck and I hope that you find a compromise soon.

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Thanks for the kind words..and some of the points made.

I will pm those who asked me to..during the next few days..

Problems seem to come in more than threes..not just the 1van1 driving..but insurers as well..a"new" quote for travel insurance [we were heading for Australia in October] asks for £564.93p ..the single trip..enough moaning..

I will also look at at the suggestions for cutting out certain products/items though alcohol will prove to be a difficult one to give up ..

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the year..as `Les` used to say.."keep them wheels rolling"

regards to all



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Dave, there are other activities which are very similar to motorhoming if you really are banned from driving.


Canal cruising for example, where you only travel at 4mph so can easily stop if a problem arises. With that you are living in a very similar space to a large motorhome, have a constant change of scenery and can stop for the night just about anywhere there is a canal. You can even have a narrowboat transported to France if you run out of places to go in the UK.

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I'm currently suffering occasional dizzy spells and have self imposed a driving ban until it gets sorted. I hope you take advice from those offering it and are able to continue with the MH.


For those of you that have experience of Vertigo, Labrynthitis or Meniere's, I will give a brief account of what I'm experiencing, to see if you have any ideas, as my GP & Consultant seem to be struggling.


Last November, out of the blue I had what I can only describe as a severe dizzy attack that only lasted 4 or 5 seconds, but which virtually dropped me to my knees as the room and floor were spinning violently. I hadn't been out of bed long, but before getting up I'd been awake for 10 minutes or so.

After the attack I felt fine and as I regularly monitor my BP and knew it to be fine, I just thought that I was in for a head cold or ear infection or similar.

Nothing developed and as the months passed, I thought no more of the incident.


In June I was driving home after work and had just negotiated a couple of tight bends and sharp crests on a local country road, when again without warning, my world started spinning violently. I managed to get the brakes on and got the car stopped at the verge, by which time the dizziness had passed. Fortunately I was only travelling at 30 mph after negotiating the bends and the attack occurred on a straight section. I dread to think what would have happened if it had taken place just going in to the bends.


I slowly drove the last couple of miles of my journey and felt perfectly fine. I had a long chat with my wife and decided that since it was 7 months since the last incident, I would monitor the spacing of the incidents and continue to drive.


Only 2 weeks later I was leaving my local shops carpark, when the 3rd attack hit me. I was only doing 10 mph or so and as in the other incidents, felt fine after a few seconds.


I stopped driving after that incident and got straight to see my GP, who initially thought I was suffering from Vertigo. I was prescribed Betahistine tablets, which I thought may or may not help as proof of another incident could be 7 months away. Anyway, those tablets made me ill and the doc took me off them.


Since June I have occasional minor losses of balance, usually brought on if I move my head too quickly, but not every time I move my head quickly ?


I have undergone blood pressure checks, full eye tests and full hearing tests, followed by vestibular tests, the latter of which has identified some disparity between my left and right side (inner ear) balance systems. They've told me that this disparity could be the cause of the minor losses of balance, but not the 3 violent dizzy spells.


I have suffered from Tinnitus for a lot of years and my Consultant has ruled out Meniere's, but to date they have not come up with an answer to the dizzy spells.


My self imposed driving ban continues, but neither my GP or Consultant has advised me to stop driving !!


I have not had a violent dizzy spell since I stopped driving, but I don't know if they have simply passed or if it was something brought on by the driving, ie. , G forces in the car, rapid eye movements, mirror checks etc. I have been in the car as a passenger since and have experienced no ill effects at all.


So while I'm waiting for my next consultation to see where we're going next, I'm feeling a bit in limbo.

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Guest JudgeMental

You really need a proper diagnosis from experts in the field, I recommend you get a referral to Professor Luxon at UCL hospital in London, last time I was there there was a girl from Newcastle! I had been under 3 different hospitals previously and they did not have a clue. after extensive tests I was diagnosed with Left side Menieres


You could be suffering from either BPV or menieres or something else....But a NO salt regime seems to work + restrictions on liquids including alcohol :-S

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Good idea to have a self imposed driving ban - but it has to be 100% - ie, no "I am just nipping down to the nearest shop"!!

Do all you legally can to avoid giving Dreadfull Very Lazy A&&holes the chance to revoke your license.

It can take months to get it back, even when you fulfill all the requirements. eg, it takes them 2 weeks to even open any letter you send.

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To cheetadavie & Blizzard.


I don't want to be an alarmist and it is easy for someone else to say, but if your GP and consultants don't know what the problem is, I think I would be asking for a brain scan. (It would be very quick in my case due to the size of mine :-D ) If you take JF's advice though, please wear a life jacket.


I wish both of you speedy answer's and an improvement in your health.



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Guest JudgeMental
nowtelse2do - 2011-09-16 5:58 PM


To cheetadavie & Blizzard.


I don't want to be an alarmist and it is easy for someone else to say, but if your GP and consultants don't know what the problem is, I think I would be asking for a brain scan. (It would be very quick in my case due to the size of mine :-D ) If you take JF's advice though, please wear a life jacket.


I wish both of you speedy answer's and an improvement in your health.




One of the first things that SHOULD have been arranged was an MRI *-)

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