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Message to Clive only

Guest bill h

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Bill, I have sent you a direct email, however if you look at my details on this forum by clicking on my name on any posting it will give my details. These include my personal very primitive web site. If you click on this web site address the web site home page will open and reveal an email address for me and the Mrs. You will need to note these down and type them in as they are .jpg images. So, two way to get in touch. Regards Clive
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Watts going on ere then?. Haven,t you lot got an ohm to go to? Perhaps this can be the place for off topic waffling? Currently I tend to volt from one topic to another sometimes re-coil-ing with suprise by the size of the amps circulating. A right old Henry sometimes. But if this space has the capacity for a coulomb-inch or so of text then should we put up any resistance? Anyway its Faraday tomorrow and we don't need any inductance ceremony do we?. And it doesn't hertz so lets give it a try. I'l get my hand Kirchoff out now!! Time to pop down to the Leyden jar for a node or two. An idea will Gell shortly but no acid comments please. I can think a few conductors but not on this bus. Eddy may have some current thinking on this. Watts your topic of potential?
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Clive you have sparked me into a reply to prove that I am not static. As you say it is Faraday so I have charged myself up for the weekend and before I put a plug in it I'll ask the current, its almost a raisin, why you forgot to put on your signature "all round good guy... on a monkey bike". Have a good weekend Docted
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One nice thing about being retired(ish) is that you can choose to keep off the roads during a bank holliday week end and go out when you lot are at work. But it takes AGES to wash a motorhome with a bucket and sponge!. Just think of all those buckets in use just before Peterborough to achieve a complete show and car park full of clean shining motorhomes!! Um!
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Good, Come and find us for a natter if you wish. We plan to arrive Thursday and be resident throughout. We shall also have a small car as we are nipping out hospital visiting M-I-L most days to Winchester.
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It all depends!, The lower voltage bulbs tend to be fitted to quicker vehicles and as such germinate quicker. The filiament of the flower is a lot thicker and shorter than those fitted to the bigger slower trugs. The thick filiament means the currents flow through it easier and it bursts into a bright bloom faster. Interestingly, because the filiaments of the flowers for the higher voltage are thinner it is not possible for them to flower so brightly, hence a 55 watt 12 volt flower is about as bright as a 70 watt 24 volt flower. In the future the faster vehicles will be changing to a much higher voltage to redece the amount of roots and the size of the nest necessary to support the flowers, but by then bulbs will no longer be incandescent, more luminescent. Unless its Christmass of course. Hope that's clear ??
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Aparently you should not plant them in a cluster but positively individually in neutral soil. You could try a drop of John Innes No 3 if you want to increase their potential. Alternatively start them off in the kitchen growing hydroponically in some electrolyte in a Leyden jar. That's if you have the capacity. Some soil warming may transform the growth rate and you may well be delighted. But whavever, stay positive!
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