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Motorhome Insurance - again

Keith T

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try again - first of all, what an awful forum this is. Been away for sometime, and come back to find this, far more complicated than its predecessor.Please let's go back to a simple one..... However, the point to raise - anyone remember Budget Motorhome Insurance, thecompany 'promoted' by mailshot from MMM. DO they still exist. I've tried calling the freephone number given on the litereature 0800 316 8468, andf also referred to the website, which gives a different freephone number - neither of which go anywhere! Was this just a scam or has anyone actually succeded in contacting them . If so what result? By the way, how can we 'option' an e-mail advice of a reply to the posting??
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  • 2 weeks later...
Keith I insured my Talbot Autosleeper Harmony through a company called Budget from an ad in MMM. Phone number from my paperwork is 02476550814. They were very helpful and the premium seemed very reasonable at £166 fully comp, (first year as additional vehicle ie no NCB to use on it)and the resulting paperwork very clear. The policy is with AXA. Hope this helps
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Mike - thanks for this. I did evnetually get through on a yte different freephone number, and found their quote semed OK, but the coudln't give Euro Breakdown. Apparantly they are looking into something for the future, but no good for this year, so stayed with teh competiive quote from Comfort.....may try again next year.
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Keith T: Ref your e-mail query, I think you'll find what you want if you go into the Welcome Box at the top-right of the page, click on 'Control Panel', then scroll down to the option boxes below "Profile image URL". (Funny how people's views differ - now I've got used to it I rate the present forum as way superior to its predecessor. And it's certainly a whole lot faster.)
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Mel B: Yes, but don't overlook the fact that the current version of the O&AL forum has undergone a goodly measure of tweaking since its inception in March. Still someway behind the MHF site in terms of overall functionality though (but a lot quicker) and IMHO a fair balance of user-friendliness versus features provided.
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