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OAL Moderator - 2011-09-22 3:06 PMHi, I'm sure many of you will have seen Amanda's comments on other similar threads about a new server being introduced next month which will solve the problem but just to let you know the techy guys are having a look this afternoon to see what they can do to speed things up in the interim period. Many thanks for your patience, Mike
        Many Thanks Mike, for this information ,its a relief to know O&A live is being cared for, although I do not contribute a great deal, I dont have as much to say as some. I do visit the Forum two or three times a day when not out in the Motorhome, just to see whats new,  many Thanks for a Great forum.
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This is usually a computer error..yours[?] or their Server [?] and is usually caused by mixed up files or similar,It is sometimes caused by registry cock ups[ .Don't ask whose?]

Try such as Cc Cleaner [free just Google]

I may well be wide of the mark..but trying a fix like Cc Cleaner cant do much harm and will improve your system [remember to save the changes ??]




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ERROR 500 is just one of many HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) response status codes.


There's a long list of these on




and it will be seen that 500 is a server-related general error code.


If you GOOGLE-search on "Error 500", you'll find plenty of advice on how to 'fix the problem' if you are receiving Error 500 meesages, but (for most people) the cause will be outside their control. When the problem is outside the home-computer user's control, (dare I say this?) this fact should be pretty obvious even if the user has minimal computer expertise.


In this instance, it was evident that there was a problem at the Warners end and not with the internet generally or with individuals' own home computers. If (as was the case here) one could access other websites without any difficulty, then the problem clearly related only to the Out&AboutLive website and there was nothing individual home-computer users could do to overcome the problem themselves.


Dave mentions CCleaner (originally named "Crap Cleaner"). This is a free downloable utility intended primarily for tidying up PC file systems (there's also a Mac beta version), but it CANNOT cure server-related problems that are external to the home-computer user. Any program that plays about with file systems has the potential to cause harm, so, unless you've got a problem with your PC/Mac where it's plain that a clean-up program might help, you'd be well advised to think carefully before employing this type of application.

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