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Home from france


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Hi everyone I am back after four months


What a time we had this has been our first time in France with our new motorhome.

We left home with some doubts as we were wondering if everything would work due to the problems that we had getting our motorhome exchanged for the new one and getting all the extras sorted and working.

well the truth is it was bloody great we had a little problem with the air conditioning in the habitation side but that was soon sorted with MMM help the rest apart from a blown fuse and an awning light worked like clockwork.

My biggest worry was the Fiat dredded reversing judder but no it went up hill and down dale in forward and reverse without as much as a sqeak.

The engine was smooth and quite and did not miss a beat I felt real proud driving it with many a compliment on my travels, well after waiting almost four years for it I think myself and my other half deserved it.

My camper van/motorhome or what ever you call them is a Carioca 694 and I would have liked it to have been a little bigger but it will serve its purpous for the time being.

We hope now that we can draw a line under all the problems that we have had with our dealer and get on with our lives.

BUT now the investigations dept of the customs and excise and inland revenu have contacted me and said that there is a problem with the sale of my van and the dealer and are now hounding me.

Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh "To be continued".


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