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which club to join


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everhopeful - 2011-10-03 7:31 PM

I've found their sites are sometimes a bit iffy and often rather lawless..


We only stayed on 3 CCC sites and that was exactly the impression we got. Certainly lawless, (couldn't have put it better).


Take as you find as ever. CC for us, 12 year members.





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mel wood - 2011-10-03 7:59 PM


everhopeful - 2011-10-03 7:31 PM. The CCC always escort you to a pitch and although sometimes there is a choice, you invariably end up on a pitch that suits the warden rather than you.


I've found their sites are sometimes a bit iffy and often rather lawless..



1) Obviously some people ( including ourselves) have had occasional problems with some Wardens or Holiday Site Managers but such staff are in the minority.


2) We would not settle for a pitch that wasn't suitable for us - if it was not suitable we would ask politely to have a different pitch (assuming others were available).


3) We have been active CCC members for 17 years and have never found a site to be "rather lawless". We have never been on a CCC site where the "Quiet after 11 pm "rule has not been observed. If there were such problems did you speak to the Holiday Site Manager? If so. what was the reaction?


4) I don't know what you mean by a site being "a bit iffy".


A few examples to answer some issues raised by Mel, who I'm pleased seems to have been lucky with CCC sites.


1- Never had a particularly bad experience with staff of either club


2 - If stopping for only 1-2 nights then couldn't care less, but have been told, when given a choice of pitches "hurry up or I'll choose it" when trying to work out which would be best to level the van on very sloped pitches. Been told "that's your pitch". when suggested others might be better was then told "they're already reserved". CCC do seem to sometimes pre-allocate pitches and it's a major re-shuffle if you don't like what is offered..


3 - How about full-blown game of cricket between the lines of vans/tents down the middle of the main pitching area. How about group of drunks watching football late on an outside TV at full volume. The first instance didn't affect me as I was on another part of the site, but several motorhomes moved pitch to escape. Second instance I didn't have time for wardens and grief as I had to be away very early next day so adopted the ear-plug approach..


4 - Perhaps I should have said iffy pitches rather than sites. Stuffed in against a high wall one end with the toilet block up my nose the other, with large overhanging trees to block out all remaining light. How about hard up against a factory wall one end and noisy statics the other with rampant kids running absolutely everywhere until very late.



I still use the CCC when the site is in the right place, but, as mentioned by others I feel some sites need to enforce a few basic rules.

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Just thought of another reason why we prefere the CC to the CCC, with the CC you can SEE where the money (Membership and site fees) is being spent, new facilities,refurbishments,new sites purchased and 'refurbed', Lots more 'open all year' sites, which suits us fine.

With the CCC all we could see were 'tired' facilities (on the sites we visited over 3 years of membership) and lots and lots of new 'camping Pods' ? and 'Lodges' both of which are surely not part of a 'Touring club' ethos ? and do not interest us at all.

My only 'hang-up' is with 'Seasonal-pitches' with the CC, I hate to see an empty caravan (and they are ALWAYS caravans) taking up a pitch while other members are being turned away because the site is Full (but not fully occupied !). But otherwise a satisfied member. Ray


Oh yes ! another thing guaranteed to get me going is 'Strategic use of Windbreaks' (to create 'fences'),

not that i ever walk through other folks pitches, but the 'keep out' mentality drives me mad.

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Rayjsj - 2011-10-04 8:31 PM


Oh yes ! another thing guaranteed to get me going is 'Strategic use of Windbreaks' (to create 'fences'),

not that i ever walk through other folks pitches, but the 'keep out' mentality drives me mad.


I started to do so when someone drove their 4x4 so close to my awning they nearly hit my dogs nose, now if there is a risk I'll position one to keep people a safe distance away from the door/awning.

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I favour the CC for all the reasons given above. The CCC in my experience has produced the less customer friendly staff - in the main. That is not to say all CCC staff are such, we have found some very nice and helpful CCC staff on sites although they seem to be in the minority. The CC seem to have the majority of nice wardens whilst again, some are less than helpful. I use the CC for booking ferry's as up to now they have been cheaper. They can also provide the complete package for anyone going abroad. The CCC will no doubt claim the same but during the time I was member of both the CC came well ahead. Being able to choose your own pitch is another plus against being taken to one they choose. As for the windbreaks - sometimes it is necessary to deter people from tresspassing on 'your' area. It does not necessarily mean an anti social act, just a means of protecting one's own area. Again, depending upon your requirements it may be that the MCC provide everything you require. They have quite an extensive list of places to stop either overnight or longer. The ideal from my point of view is to be a member of the MCC and one of the caravan clubs which give access to the CL's/CS's. My choice is the CC for the reasons given by me and others. I can understand the CCC wanting a deposit but in the event of cancellation they are not very 'member' orientated. In other words the system is stacked in favour of the club in that it is unlikely you will recover your deposit. With the CC lots of people book for the year resulting in the blockage of pitches by people who have no intention (often) of using the pitch. This is unfortunate and selfish, the deposit system is trying to get over this problem but in doing so punishes genuine cancellations. However, in the main, contact the site direct and you will more often than not get a pitch even though the booking system on line says they do not have one.

At the end of the day only you can decide what you want to join. This forum has provided - as always - food for thought. We are all different (thank goodness) so do your homework and do what is right for you.


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Arthur Brown - 2011-10-04 9:15 PM



I can understand the CCC wanting a deposit but in the event of cancellation they are not very 'member' orientated. In other words the system is stacked in favour of the club in that it is unlikely you will recover your deposit.




As was clearly stated earlier:


if you cancel more than 7 days before your start date your deposit will be refunded.


If you cancel 7 days or less before your start date your deposit will be lost.


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I've always rated the CC as providing a MUCH better visit experience than C&CC.


Like many other posters I HATE the C&CC insistance on the wardens directing you to a pitch they want you to have.


My general experience too , with a few C&CC site exceptions, is that CC site facilities are almost always far newer and posher than C&CC ones. The lack of an apparent constant site facility upgrade programme by C&CC means sometimes their washblocks can be very ropey indeed. I can't help thinking this is because of the ongoing policy of C&CC in putting loads of their cash into fixed holiday chalet/cabin facilities - which I really can't understand - given the stated "mission " of C&CC to serve a tenting and campervan/caravan membership. It's a "diversification which certainly seems to have left the C&CC accounts much more debt laden than CC.


MY ONLY quibble about the CC experience is the considerable rise in pitch fees over the last 5 years - but then I recognise that costs, particularly power costs have risen massively in this period.



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