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Motorhoming with dogs

Guest Chloe MMM

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Guest Chloe MMM

Here in the MMM offices, we received a call from a lady who is about to start motorhoming with her two labradors.


She asked if there were any rules about travelling with dogs ie do they need to be harnessed or caged whilst on the move?


We're not aware of any actual rules but wanted to know what you guys do with your dog(s) whilst on the road?


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I'm not aware of any rules - but if an unrestrained dog caused you to have an accident it could have legal consequences. Also in an accident an unrestrained dog could become a "missile".


We always use car harnesses which attach to seat belts, a major factor in choosing the motorhome we did was that it had rear belts - albeit lap strap type in the rear U shape lounge - so that we could secure our three.

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There are no Rules regarding Dogs travelling in motorhomes, ours falls asleep 'in her spot' down behind the drivers seat, and only stirs with a short whine if she needs me to stop, to answer a call of nature. She is not restrained, and she doesn't move about. A dog that constantly moved about would need to be restrained (as above) or placed in a proper cage, Some folk Buy vans with garages specifically to house their dogs.

Motorhoming with your Dogs is the perfect holiday, they probably enjoy it more than 'their human'.Ray


We used to have 2 labradors, now just the one,a Black bitch 9 years, All of our dogs over the years have 'loved' travelling in the van, and are excited as us, as the van gets packed for a trip.

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hallii - 2011-10-07 3:05 PM


The law is different abroad, certainly in Spain your dog must be restrained and in France it depends on how the law is interpreted.




In a two Berth Motorhome with NO rear restraints, how do you restrain a dog (without just tying it's lead to the base of the drivers seat ) ? to the Spanish Police's satisfaction ? (I've not been to Spain in my Motorhome yet, but the more I hear, mainly on this forum, the less i want to try). Ray

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We travel with our labrador and his soft basket fits under our half dinette table where he is happy and very rarely moves. Labradors are really too big and heavy to ride on the seats of motorhomes restrained by a harness as the seats are usually not wide enough for them to lie down.


We have travelled all over Europe and never had any trouble and if they are curled up behnd the front seats they really cant go anywhere if you are unfortunate enough to be in an accident.


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Rayjsj - 2011-10-07 3:17 PM


hallii - 2011-10-07 3:05 PM


The law is different abroad, certainly in Spain your dog must be restrained and in France it depends on how the law is interpreted.




In a two Berth Motorhome with NO rear restraints, how do you restrain a dog (without just tying it's lead to the base of the drivers seat ) ? to the Spanish Police's satisfaction ? (I've not been to Spain in my Motorhome yet, but the more I hear, mainly on this forum, the less i want to try). Ray


I'd suggest getting a proper dog harness for a vehicle and using it to secure it to the base of the passenger seat so the dog can't jump up next to the driver, I would think that this would be sufficient for the Spanish police and it is much safer for the dog than a lead, especially if it was attached to a collar!


We are planning on going to Spain in February so we'll have to do something too for our 2 hairy beasts.

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Very helpful thread.


In under two weeks we will have a 4 legged addition to the family who will travel with us to Spain next May. Meanwhile he has some growing to do and we have some learning to do. We have already purchased a crate that fits under the table and have now moved on to consider if we should buy a harness. I certainly did not know that restraint was compulsory in Spain I also don't know if he would be cooler under the table or on the seat in a harness.


I would appreciate hearing some of the pro's and con's of traveling with a dog, as I said we certainly have a lot to learn.

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terryW - 2011-10-07 7:01 PM I certainly did not know that restraint was compulsory in Spain I also don't know if he would be cooler under the table or on the seat in a harness.


Neither did I. I'd like to see something in writing. I've searched Spanish motorhome sites/forums and found nothing.


Our westie has never been restrained or harnessed in any European country we've driven in and never had any problems.



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In my view, if you can keep your dog on the floor behind the passenger seat (when we open the M/H door our dog goes straight to his place under the table behind the seat and he will stay there for hours,) it is much safer than on the seat, even in a harness as they can't go anywhere in an emergency stop.we have always done this and

Have never allowed any of our dogs on seats unless absolutely essential, even at home.


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Guest Chloe MMM

Thanks for all the replies.


It's interesting to find out what everyone does with their dogs whilst on the move.


We're going to do a bit of digging around (excuse the pun) to try and find out whether or not a dog does have to be restrained whilst on the road in Spain etc.


We'll let you all know...

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driving any vehicle with an unrestrained animal in the front I thought was classed" as driving while not in proper control"


evidence would say there is a risk the animal could climb on driver and affect his view or steering, or jump into the footwell so drivers braking impaired etc


it is in the road traffic act



Failure to have proper control of vehicle or full view of the road and traffic ahead, while driving


fine = £1,000 (£2,500 for PCV or goods vehicle)


being disqualified = Discretionary


licence points added = 3


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Guest 1footinthegrave

I know my comments will provoke fury from some, mainly the "dog lovers" but do ANY of you consider it from the dogs point of view, bored stiff, strapped down in harnesses, shoved in a cage, even seen them consigned to "the garage" for God knows how long bouncing around in total or semi- darkness and either half cooked or half frozen to death, God save me from you dog lovers.


Then what happens at the stop of points, sneak them out for a crap for someone to tread in, leave them barking their bloody heads off, whilst saying "oh what a lovely quiet spot" then go off on your bikes. Why don't you consider doing your dogs a huge favour and get a dog sitter so they can stay in their comfort zone, and save yourselves and the poor bloody dogs a load of hassle.


Oh in case your wondering we had a Labrador for many years, thank God some of you folks did not end up with her, strapped down or confined in a hostile environment.


And I have to say to Somersetsteve are you for real THREE dogs, oh and any dog gets excited to get out of the boredom of a house, it ain't because they know they are going in the van though ! ! >:-(

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Your perception of a dog's life in a motorhome and the reality of it are in my experience 2 very different things - you just try to keep our two little monsters out of it - even if we're only cleaning it they are in there and settled down ready to be on their way! They love going on holiday, seeing new places, splashing around in the sea or lakes, running on beaches, in the grass etc. I feel sorry for any dog that doesn't have the opportunity to get out and enjoy themselves as ours do, poor things sitting at home for weeks on end whilst the owners go off and have a nice holiday somewhere ... talk about boredom! Ours are part of the family and as such they go with us and are looked after with their needs and more well and truly met.


You have obviously had some bad experiences due to the comments you make and the way you state them, but don't tar every dog owner with a motorhome in the same light.


We've had 3 dogs in our motorhomes on a number of occasions - what's wrong with that? So long as they have space to move around and have some quiet time if they want it, and have plenty of fun on holiday what's the problem with 3, or even more dogs?????

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Guest 1footinthegrave

The typical delusional reaction of a so called dog lover, they enjoy their holidays indeed. It's well documented that pigs have higher intellegence than dogs,don't see many of them on their hols, for Gods sake they are just animals. They see you as a feeding station, nothing more, nothing less. You in turn are quite happy to let them smear their unwiped backsides over your van and home furinshings, let them crap where others can step into it ( yes I know you clean up ) then no doubt when the time comes to sell your van advertise it as having had no pets or smokers in it.


Odd that I cannot take my 8 year old granddaughter to more and more campsites, but "dogs welcome is the norm", she neiother craps all over the place,or annoys with yelping and barking.

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1footinthegrave - 2011-10-10 9:17 PM


The typical delusional reaction of a so called dog lover, they enjoy their holidays indeed. It's well documented that pigs have higher intellegence than dogs,don't see many of them on their hols, for Gods sake they are just animals. They see you as a feeding station, nothing more, nothing less. You in turn are quite happy to let them smear their unwiped backsides over your van and home furinshings, let them crap where others can step into it ( yes I know you clean up ) then no doubt when the time comes to sell your van advertise it as having had no pets or smokers in it.


Odd that I cannot take my 8 year old granddaughter to more and more campsites, but "dogs welcome is the norm", she neiother craps all over the place,or annoys with yelping and barking.



you really are an objectionable old so & so aren't you ! What a life your poor old Labrador must have had.

Please put 'Victor' in large letters on your Motohome just to make sure I don't get the misfortune to pitch next to you (with MY Labrador). Or just write 'I Hate Dogs and People who Like Dogs' That should do it. By the way, YOU are in the minority when it comes to Motorhome and Caravan users/owners, more than 75% of them holiday WITH their dogs, SO I would just get 'Used to It' 'Cause WE are not going to 'go away'.

(lol) Ray

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I'll tell you what is really objectionable in the 21st century, dog s**t, and with the trend for multiple dog ownership, more of it. We have just returned from France, and whilst they have cleaned up their act the last year or so, the prom along where we spent our last evening was plastered with the disgusting mess left by you lot Take a walk in our sand dunes in high summer and see the hundreds of discarded plastic pooper bags with there fresh as the day it was done contents, now that is really objectionable, odd that no one is guilty of this disgusting practice though is'nt it. P.S what do you do with their s**t, was that some of it that ended up liberally smeared over my granddaughers shoes, no of course not.
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Careful, remember the blood pressure ! All dogs sxxt, of course they do, but it only takes a minute to 'Bag it & Bin it' and if everyone carried a bag container on the dogs lead there wouldn't be a problem. And it isn't the dog... but the owner who is to blame. I agree with you on that one.


BUT, ranting about dogs doesn't solve the problem.

We happen to like them, (and now that my kids are grown up) I far prefere them to 'other peoples Children' My Dog can be 'stopped in its tracks' with a call. Most kids i call to to 'Stop doing that' usually ends up with me being given a string of Four letter words, that I didn't learn until i was 14 or 15.

But I 'tolerate' them, because 'Someone loves them ? it's the same with Dogs. ;-) Ray

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I have no problem with responsible dog owners, problem is we are still despite the "clean it up" campaing still knee deep in the stuff.


When I hear of a child savaging a rottweiller to death, or I'm forever having to avoid childrens s*** on the footpath / beach / camping field, then I'll think the balance is about right. My granddaughet had a huge fright with a very large dog, she is still terrified of any dog now. The problem is that most dog lovers think everyone else is too, they are blind to the problems they sometimes cause to other people, discarded s**t and barking noise that some of us simply find objectionable, is that so hard to understand ?

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Mel B - 2011-10-10 10:07 PM


Your perception of a dog's life in a motorhome and the reality of it are in my experience 2 very different things - you just try to keep our two little monsters out of it - even if we're only cleaning it they are in there and settled down ready to be on their way! They love going on holiday, seeing new places, splashing around in the sea or lakes, running on beaches, in the grass etc.


Our westie loved his recently holiday to Switzerland. On one day, he went on eight cable car/chair lift rides, walked about ten miles and went back to the MH on a train (and he was free). He was also allowed into the mountain top restaurant where we had our lunch!!


Whenever we go into the MH at home, he always gets in, expecting another holiday!!

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1foot .... You DO have a problem with responsible dog owners, you are tarring everyone with the same brush (or should that be bag of sh*t!) as your above postings show. You are entitled to your views of course but don't just have a go for the sake of it which is all that this looks like.


When I hear of a child torturing or killing a dog (or any animal for that matter) ... it does happen but we don't hear about it. Or killing another child .... very very sadly that does happen too and we do hear about it. The comments you make about dogs' (behaviour) could equally be applied to many kids ... so should we ban kids too? This is an extreme view, and your view of dogs appears to also be very extreme.


I'm am very sorry your grand-daughter has had a fright I certainly wouldn't wish that on anyone. We've met children who are wary of dogs, many of them for no reason other than their parents have made them feel that way, many have seen how our dogs are and we've been able to encourage them to be less wary and stoke them, it does wonders for their confidence and at the same time we advise them on what to do and how to act round dogs. I wouldn't condone any child going over to an unfamiliar dog to stroke it and some kids do do that as we've had this with ours who fortunately do not take offence but some dogs don't like this as kids can be quite 'quick' and startle the dogs. 8-)


The best thing you can do for your grand-daughter is to get her less wary of dogs by letting her gradually meet and stroke the dogs of friends etc that you trust, gradually she'll get over it but it is up to those around her as to how quickly she is able to do this - please do NOT put your prejudice on her as you will cause her problems for life. You can believe me or not on this, I speak very much from experience of the kids and adults that we've helped get over their fear of dogs (and other animals).


Our dogs are not JUST dogs, they are OUR dogs and are part of our family - we don't have kids so we have dogs as our 'kids' in effect - just because you have a 'human' family doesn't mean that we should be prevented from having a 'family' - if you didn't have kids you might understand more, but don't criticise those of us who regard them like family just because you don't. As you say above ... it that so hard to understand???


As for picking up the mess ... we always have bags with us ... usually stuffed into every pocket of every piece of clothing we have on!!! :D


Our motorhome is well protected (covers on all the seats, table etc) to ensure it stays pristine - in fact when we sold our previous 2 motorhomes (3 years and 4 years of ownership) they really did look like new due to this and the care we took of them, compare this to those who just use the seats etc as they are without covering them up.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

To be perfectly honest it never ceases to amaze me that there are hundreds, if not thousands of children stuck in Barnados' and the like, some after the most appalling personal tragedies like the loss of parents, mothers in childbirth and so on, and society as a whole seems happy to ignore them. But as a species we seem to have the endless capacity to welcome animals, particularly dogs as part of someone's "family".


On an almost daily basis I walk our local sand dunes and beach I see the actions, or rather the lack of actions by dog owners to clean up, so yes I am biased, it is disgusting and completely unacceptable. But God forbid you should politely challenge some one as I have on occasions, all I have ever met was verbal abuse. Yes some folk are responsible, but don't kid yourself for a minute that they are the majority.


As for the OP, and you will be astonished to hear this, we do house sit for a number of people with dogs, whom all take the view their pets are far happier in their own surroundings, not confined and bumping around in a van, or strapped down, or even worse caged in one, or stuck in kennels, their view I share, we get a couple of bob as well, and they get some relaxed dogs when they return.

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