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Facebook and MMM

Guest Chloe MMM

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Guest Chloe MMM

Hi everyone,


First of all, MMM is now on Facebook (and Twitter) for all you social media fans. Add us as your friend and you can join in on all the motorhome gossip and news.


To those of you on Facebook, you can now comment on the end of news stories/reviews/features on OAL from today onwards via your Facebook page. Take a look at today's news stories on the motorhome section of the website to see what I mean.


This means that if you have any queries or anything to add to our news stories/online features/motorhome reviews, you can now share them with everyone on OAL.


Chloë :-)

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I will admit to being an old fashioned ol git who has never gone anywhere near either Facebook or Twtitter, and has no desire ever to do so. I have no interest in reading what someone has had for breakfast, or did during theday, as equally I am sure my small world would bore the socks of anyone daft enought to look at it. Putting messages on Forums such as this oneis as far as I go.


They tell me that these sites are secure, but I still believe that in this modern age anything you put on the internet can be retrieved by anyone who wishes it. Most of the sites apologise when this happens, but don't do too much to prevent it happening. Data sharing, or selling is out there, and any Government agency can get whatever they wish at any time., mind you as my name is not James Bond or Osama Bin Laden again i doubt i cause much of a stir.


So, sorry although this may be something of advantage, it will not affect me.

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