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Discover Leisure in trouble?


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What a shame, I always thought that they did the 'Big bang' at exactly the WRONG time, Barrons, Harringtons, Mendip, All were good dealerships and more importantly well SPACED around the country, The Floatation or whatever it was and Amalgamation of those well known brands into 'Discover' never worked in the Customers interest. They almost immediately closed most of the branches (presumably for the sale of the freeholds). And left past Customers with vast distances to travel for warranty work etc., A similar thing has happened at Brownhills as they contract, 'My' nearest branch ,Swindon has been closed down and the freehold sold off, leaving me with no local support.

NOT good for Customers, or staff.


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Well, I bought £500 worth of shares, so thats my money down the drain, unless the administrators can work some kind of miracle. Thought that by supporting them that some good my have come out of their business plan and keep competition going to benefit all of us. Plus of course the possibility of a little extra funding for my trips away.

The branch at Portsmouth was closed and the site now has a lot of new houses on it. The people who worked there were always helpful and it is a shame that they all lost their jobs.

It seems that the recession is still hitting us all, except of course the bankers who caused it all.


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mike 202 - 2011-10-15 10:58 AM


Well, I bought £500 worth of shares, so thats my money down the drain, unless the administrators can work some kind of miracle. Thought that by supporting them that some good my have come out of their business plan and keep competition going to benefit all of us. Plus of course the possibility of a little extra funding for my trips away.

The branch at Portsmouth was closed and the site now has a lot of new houses on it. The people who worked there were always helpful and it is a shame that they all lost their jobs.

It seems that the recession is still hitting us all, except of course the bankers who caused it all.



Unfortunately the buying of shares in this 'Unwise' flotation only encouraged them to press ahead !

They were better off the way they were before, as individual companies, serving their local areas,

Before 'some Bod' had a 'Wet dream' about 'World domination' it seems to be the 'British way' of business, 'Get Bigger, strip the assets, then Piss off' leaving staff and customers in the lurch.

Sorry, but no sympathy for you. Shares are a 'mugs game' . *-) Ray

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Fully agree with you that they were better off as individual companies.

As for wanting sympathy, I Dont, In fact I bought for, in my opinion at the time, the right reasons. My only dabble in shares ever.

I just hope that the employees dont suffer, as I was really piss*d of when the fat cats started stripping and selling the individual sites for a quick buck. Serves them right if they have lost out big time, but I suspect that carefull squirreling has been done.

Sitting in Spain for another 5 weeks and enjoying that great big orange ball in the sky.

Off to the beach soon, enjoy the W/E

Regards Mike.

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I have it on good authority from a bloke who has a MH in storage at chorley branch that the place is shut and under lock down by the recievers. They wouldnt let him get his van out at the weekend apparently nothing is going out or in. Wouldnt give him any idea as to when he would be allowed to get his own van out :-(

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ips - 2011-10-17 11:01 AM




I have it on good authority from a bloke who has a MH in storage at chorley branch that the place is shut and under lock down by the recievers. They wouldnt let him get his van out at the weekend apparently nothing is going out or in. Wouldnt give him any idea as to when he would be allowed to get his own van out :-(


Thanks for your post ips; I too am in that position. Paid Discover at Chorley £475 up front for 12 months secure parking just two months ago! Not received any official notification from anyone about what has happened, only found out about it after reading the news on this board. Was at the NEC yesterday, could see Discover Banners, but no stand. While walking about I recognised a member of staff from the Chorley branch; he explained that they only found out while at the exhibition and another company had given them some temporary work over the weekend. He suggested that I telephone Discover today, which I have done (Head office and the Chorley branch) but no one is answering the phone or returning calls. Will travel up there tomorrow to see if I can get any more info.


Any suggestions?


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The way I understand it is that there are no discover staff on site presumably just some security staff put in there by the administrators so no wonder your call wasnt answered.

I think its a bloody disgrace that people cant get there vans out (even with proof of ownership apparently)


As I say this is second hand (but presumably reliable info) things may have changed since yesterday I suppose. Anyway good luck I hope you get your van out soon and if you find out anything further during your endeavours then let us know.


PS-We bought our van from there 2 years ago and they were a dead loss then.

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I suggest you get a Solicitors letter drawn up, with the effect to reclaim your property within a set date,

or you will start charging them for 'loss of use'. And make sure you have proof of owership to hand when you collect your Van. I would get it away from their site ASAP. Ray




They (the administators) have to be made aware than NOT EVERYTHING on the site belongs to them.

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ips - 2011-10-17 1:25 PM

...PS-We bought our van from there 2 years ago and they were a dead loss then.


Same experience here...we bought our previous van from their Cannock branch and unbeknown to us,they closed it down,midway through a warranty claim(..and failed to forward any documentation)..


We rolled up there one day,to find the place cleared out and the gates padlocked!


Totally shambolic....


A real shame for the shopfloor workers though...:-(

(..where as, it's shame ON those at the top,who were pulling the strings!! >:-( )

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spike - 2011-10-17 12:29 PM


He suggested that I telephone Discover today, which I have done (Head office and the Chorley branch) but no one is answering the phone or returning calls. Will travel up there tomorrow to see if I can get any more info.


Any suggestions?




On the Discover Leisure website there is a message giving a new phone number, have you tried this number?


"We have a dedicated helpline on 0845 617 1490 , however we are expercing high call volumes so please be patiant ."



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Discover closed our local site (as Mike202) states above, It was a prime residential site, in the middle of lots of houses.. I would think that a "lot of Asset Stripping " went on, and someone has made a LOT of money out of this fiasco. It was a very good buisiness before discover took it over, and the staff very helpful, and always was a very busy place

Hope all you who have vans in there yards get on to the receivers ASAP and get your property back


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It was a very good buisiness before discover took it over, and the staff very helpful, and always was a very busy place


As was chorley branch formerly "Barrons" bought a few new caravans off them and loads of stuff in the past it was allways a good dealership .... until.. :-S

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Keithl - 2011-10-17 2:50 PM


spike - 2011-10-17 12:29 PM


He suggested that I telephone Discover today, which I have done (Head office and the Chorley branch) but no one is answering the phone or returning calls. Will travel up there tomorrow to see if I can get any more info.


Any suggestions?




On the Discover Leisure website there is a message giving a new phone number, have you tried this number?


"We have a dedicated helpline on 0845 617 1490 , however we are expercing high call volumes so please be patiant ."




When I visited their website this morning it was still the old Discover site, but after reading your message I decided to try again to find that it has now be changed to a single page showing a short message and the telephone number you provided (Thanks for that). I explained the situation and they ask for my name, postal code and phone number. I’m now waiting for someone to get back to me to arrange a time for me to go and pickup the vehicle. I also asked about the current security situation, and was assured that all vehicles are safe and there is 24hr security on site.


So if anyone else has a vehicle in storage by them, I can now confirm that the situation is as ips earlier stated. So if you travel to site you will have a wasted journey, your vehicle can only be retrieved by prior arrangement.


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We live about 10 minutes walk from the Coppull branch, had a walk up there yesterday afternoon. There was a security guard, when he saw us walking towards the shop he started shouting to attract our attention (he appeared to be sat in a parked car). Told us they closed on Friday, but said he didn't know anything else, wouldn't even let us walk any further towards the shop entrance. Don't quite know what he thought we were going to do :-S


Apart from that we saw a few people drive in and out again.



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Folk have said that they had a stand at NEC ? (i didn't go this year, as we only bought last year). I wonder if any Deposits were taken before the Stand was closed down ?? That would be very bad form if they were still taking deposits from poor unsuspecting Show goers. And bordering on Fraud I would suggest. ? anyone here owed money by 'Discover' ?? >:-( Ray




Quite ironic that they went kaput right in the middle of the 'Showcase Show' for the industry,

and MORE than a bit unsettling for folk thinking of BUYING at this time, WHO can you trust with your Deposit ?????

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Rayjsj - 2011-10-17 4:42 PM


Folk have said that they had a stand at NEC ? (i didn't go this year, as we only bought last year). I wonder if any Deposits were taken before the Stand was closed down ?? That would be very bad form if they were still taking deposits from poor unsuspecting Show goers. And bordering on Fraud I would suggest. ? anyone here owed money by 'Discover' ?? >:-( Ray




Quite ironic that they went kaput right in the middle of the 'Showcase Show' for the industry,

and MORE than a bit unsettling for folk thinking of BUYING at this time, WHO can you trust with your Deposit ?????


Was talking with a member of staff a few weeks ago who informed me that Discover had got rid of quite a few of the sales staff that week, and had lost millions in the previous year. It seems that the writing had been on the wall for quite some time.

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