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Waste tank cleaner (again)


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Sorry to have to ask this one, as I know it's been covered loads of times, but my pathetic searching can't find the posting I want. :-(


I leave the waste tank tap open all the time and just drain out into a bucket, so nothing should be lingering too much within the tank.

However, the water standing in the bucket lately has been a bit whiffy and as we have only been using the sinks for early morning washes and teeth cleaning duties, I thought I'd give the tank a good sluice out.

I know not to use bleach or Milton type products, but can't remember what other products you experienced good folk are using.

Could you please refresh my memory (and hopefully my tank),



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Hi Brian

Leaving your Waste outlet open draining in a bucket, will leave residue in your tank, as there is insufficient flow to carry all the sediment.

Best to let your tank fill (or half full) then begin the emptying, this will give a full flow & has a much better chance of carrying any solid / sediment along.


BTW Milton won't harm your Waste Water system, there's no Stailess Steel on the waste side, but it is not a good cleaning agent where grime is concerned, it's for sterilising.


Before you add a Tank Cleaner, close the Waste outlet.

Add the Cleaner, half fill with water, then take the Van for a run to agitate & swill the Water around.


Keep as clear as possible when draining the tank, I think you may be surprised at the amount of residue you left behind by keeping the Waste Tap open.

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I agree with the last two posts -- Flicka's method works for us too -- but we don't use proprietary tank cleaners -- a couple of dishwasher tablets in the half-full tank, plus a quick run up and down the local by-pass (with a good 'swishy' whizz around the roundabouts!) works fine for us.

As few solids as possible down the sink does help to extend the interval before we need to do it again.





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Guest 1footinthegrave
We are very careful what goes down our waste tank, as the poster above. We rightly or wrongly put bleach down the waste periodically, but have never completely defeated the smell. We just travel with plugs in all the wastes. I would echo what has been said about draining straight into a bucket though, sounds like a lot of unnecessary hassle for you !
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Thanks for the replies folks.

I'll try a dishwasher tablet flushed into the tank and will take the 'van for a run with the tap closed.

Incidentally, we do wipe plates etc., and make sure no solids go into the tank.


Last week we were parked on our son's drive and just using the 'van as a base for sleeping.

Although we'd bathed and showered in the house, it would appear we were still a bit pongy if our waste water from face-washing caused such a stink in the bucket. *-)


Back with him again this week to finish the painting and decorating before they move in.

Hopefully we'll not disturb the new neighbours with any nasty niffs. :-)




P.S. I seem to remember now, someone had recommended one of Lidl's cleaning products too.

Can't recall which one it was though.

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Guest Tracker

Based on the experience that a tank rarely gets pongy when on holiday and in regular use we find that just emptying it out and half filling with fresh water then driving a few miles to swish it about and emptying it before the sediment has time to settle tends to keep it clean without the need for added detergent.


When away I always try to empty it as soon as we stop rather than just before we leave as that too seems to help prevent the gunge from solidifying on the tank bottom.


If all else fails a good dollop of household bleach with a small dollop of Flash liquid (or Lidl's own brand) in a couple of gallons of water may also bring gasps of amazement at the colour of what comes out of the drain tap after a short drive!


As with many things, regularity is the key!

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We routinely avoid putting any solids down drains as we are on a septic tank at home so just carried this habit over to the MH.  All of our plugholes have those little s/s strainers over them but they do tend to 'swim' off if a bowl of water is poured into the sink.  I've found the best way is to wash up at the facilities if on site and if not use a washing up bowl and chuck it over the nearest plants! 

We also use a dishwasher tablet regularly, if we detect any odour, usually after a period of non-use.



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As above we put a good dose of Tesco biological washing liquid down the sink drains plus some clean water on our last day heading home. The drive home sloshes the mixture around and I then empty and flush with clean water a couple of times the next day (allow biological action to work) when home.
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We use our van on a regular basis (every other weekend when possible) and use two five litre water containers for our drinking water. These are cleaned before we go away with Boots version of Milton (much cheaper). To keep our waste tank pong free I pour the 10 ltrs of the steriliser down into the waste tank before rinsing the containers.
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