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Trailer Insurance


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I believe trailer insurance to be really difficult to source - we have now acquired a splendid little CarBuddy trailer for our yet-to-be-acquired Smart Car and would like to ensure that the trailer is fully covered as well as the car - we intend to take comprehensive insurance for the car - will this cover it for when it is on the trailer? Any ideas as to which insurers will insure the trailer? Also.....I assume the AA cover as per our Safeguard policy will not cover anything to do with the trailer....does this mean having to take a separate policy with one of the breakdown companies like AA to cover the trailer when in use? Seems ridiculous, but thats life today, I suppose. Hope to get to Peterborough tomorrow, albeit without motorhome.....next year we'll make it a must.
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For several years my normal insurance has covered the towing of a trailer as standard Provided that it was withing the towing capacity of my vehicle and I have a licence that allows the towing of trailers We got cover for trailer contents through our ""Van Sheild" Business cover but with a porviso that we must be with the trailer, or it was in a locked shed/garage. CC cover caravans & contents There is a possibility of the C&CC covering camping trailers
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As for breakdown cover I think if you ask Green Flag they will cover the trailer as well as your M.H. on their Comprehensive, I am covered for my motor home, 4X4, and caravan, all on one policy. Give them a try, it will only cost you time, tel:- 0800 400 654.
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Virtually all comprehensive insurance policies provide Third Party cover for a trailer whilst being towed by the insured vehicle within its manufacturer prescribed towing limits: that is cover is provided for any damage done by the trailer, for example, if it became unhitched (happened to a friend of mine!). But it is always advisable to let your insurer know that you are towing a car on a trailer. Then they have no get-out! Insurance cover for the trailer contents and for damage to the trailer depends on what you are carrying. For example, glider and boat insurance policies can normally be extended to provide cover for the trailer and boat/glider whilst being towed. For a car, the easiest method is to advise your car insurer of your intention to tow the car on a trailer and obtain their written acceptance. The trailer itself can be covered by a variety of insurance policies and I would start with your car insurer and your motorhome insurer (good motorhome brokers have lots of experience of owners towing cars and trailers). Failing that, the suggestion of NFU is a good one.
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