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Aires v camp sites


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Guest 1footinthegrave
Contrast the ease which one can make use of Aire's, Municipals, and camp sites over the channel, with the hoops you have to go through in the UK. I have lost count of the times I have telephoned a CS / CL to enquire of availability, rarely if ever finding anyone answering the telephone, ditto the CCC, if the warden is not in his hut, which is most of the time, again your left in the dark ( have they not heard of cordless/mobile phones ). Turn up at some unannounced and it's as though you've committed some sin. So sorry to some but that is why, A. we prefer getting over the water, or B. occasionally parking up somewhere discreet in the UK in the absence of being able to do "the right thing" as some see it.
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1footinthegrave - 2011-11-13 7:46 PM

I have lost count of the times I have telephoned a CS / CL to enquire of availability, rarely if ever finding anyone answering the telephone, ditto the CCC, if the warden is not in his hut, which is most of the time, again your left in the dark ( have they not heard of cordless/mobile phones ). Turn up at some unannounced and it's as though you've committed some sin. QUOTE]


Oh boy are we on the hymn sheet here!


I suggested to the CC (in writing no less) about the possibility of having pitch availability, (i.e. when a site was full and then had a cancellation), texted to mobile phones.


Surely in the modern age of technology a very reasonable request?


Not a chance, may as well have asked for a pitch on a Bank Holiday 8-)



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Guest Tracker

No offence taken Henry!


I don't feel the need to justify or explain to anyone how and where I enjoy my camping save to say that I've been doing it a very long time and know what I can and cannot do!


Neither do I expect to be told how I should and shouldn't go about it by those who disagree!


Each to his own.

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Just wondered. Those of you who are against wild camping do you never take your vans out anywhere other than a site, CL or Aire? Do you never park them in car parks, laybys or beauty spots when touring? Or is ot ok to wild camp in your van for a few hours in the day or an evening as long as you dont park in the same spot after a certain time?


If thats the case and there are no no overnighting signs whats the difference or indeed the problem?



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robertandjean - 2011-11-13 7:14 PM


Derek Uzzell - 2011-11-13 5:55 PM


rupert123 - 2011-11-12 11:26 PM


...How long does Derek think an aire is going to remain some big secret, by this time next year hundreds will know about it so what is wrong with sharing it as others do...


As the aire I mentioned (or didn't mention ;-)) was opened in July 2010 and has still to find its way into the guidebooks and on to websites, there seems a fair chance that it will remain relatively unknown for a while. Give me one good reason for me to name it and I will.


Derek, the reason to name it is that the village/town have put a lot of money in providing the facility in the hope that more than you will use it, spend money in the town and hence help the community. It is as simple as that. Now we are sure you will spend money there, buy a meal, have a drink, buy bread etc but how much better if more of us know so we can do the same.


Not the reason I would have given but a better one than mine. However, Derek I have only contributed on two M/H sites, MHF and here, and this is the first time I can recall anyone has ever found a possible new location and refused to give its position and for someone like yourself who freely tries to give out advice it seems pretty selfish but your choice. I reckon Robertandjean,s reason is a pretty good one though.

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Tracker - 2011-11-13 8:03 PM


No offence taken Henry!


I don't feel the need to justify or explain to anyone how and where I enjoy my camping save to say that I've been doing it a very long time and know what I can and cannot do!


Neither do I expect to be told how I should and shouldn't go about it by those who disagree!


Each to his own.


No need to justify it to me Rich, or anyone else. I have my reasons for being dead against free camping either in the UK or europe. These reasons I have gone into before on here, several times, and if you do not agree I have no problem with that either but I will continue to be against it for those reasons. If my opinion annoys people that is fine to and as long as they are not abusive will argue my point with them. One person on here seems unable to resist abuse whenever someone disagrees with him, do not know his name as it seems to be a state secret. I can actually change my mind as I have done about aires, at least partially, thanks to information given freely on forums but doubt I will on free camping.

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Barryd999 - 2011-11-13 9:49 PM


Just wondered. Those of you who are against wild camping do you never take your vans out anywhere other than a site, CL or Aire? Do you never park them in car parks, laybys or beauty spots when touring? Or is ot ok to wild camp in your van for a few hours in the day or an evening as long as you dont park in the same spot after a certain time?


If thats the case and there are no no overnighting signs whats the difference or indeed the problem?



Barry you seem a reasonable bloke and I really enjoyed your blog but this is plain daft as you must well know.

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rupert123 - 2011-11-13 11:41 PM


Barryd999 - 2011-11-13 9:49 PM


Just wondered. Those of you who are against wild camping do you never take your vans out anywhere other than a site, CL or Aire? Do you never park them in car parks, laybys or beauty spots when touring? Or is ot ok to wild camp in your van for a few hours in the day or an evening as long as you dont park in the same spot after a certain time?


If thats the case and there are no no overnighting signs whats the difference or indeed the problem?



Barry you seem a reasonable bloke and I really enjoyed your blog but this is plain daft as you must well know.


Oh. Ok then.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
rupert123 - 2011-11-13 11:41 PM


Barryd999 - 2011-11-13 9:49 PM


Just wondered. Those of you who are against wild camping do you never take your vans out anywhere other than a site, CL or Aire? Do you never park them in car parks, laybys or beauty spots when touring? Or is ot ok to wild camp in your van for a few hours in the day or an evening as long as you dont park in the same spot after a certain time?


If thats the case and there are no no overnighting signs whats the difference or indeed the problem?



Barry you seem a reasonable bloke and I really enjoyed your blog but this is plain daft as you must well know.


You should have added "unlike me" but he really has a very valid point, and that's what has left you floundering in your reply. Of course it makes no difference if you are parked up day or night, what is so mystical about night time that you or anyone for that matter need to make a distinction, oh that's right it gets dark ( any other differences on a piece of paper please )


I used to be a keen coarse fisherman, and very often arrive on the river bank in my van the evening before to facilitate starting to fish before dawn broke the next day, would you condemn that as well. We have enough completely stupid rules in this country, just because we have rules imposed on us more often than not by some tin pot council official, does not necessarily make them right , You do what you like, but for God sake man give the rest of us a break.

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Wildcamper: I look down on him because I am a proper motorhome user.


Aire User: I look up to him (Wildcamper) because he is a proper motorhome user; but I look down on him (Site User) because he is a motorhome wimp. I am an Aire User.


Site User: I know my pitch. I look up to them both. But I don't look up to him (Aire User) as much as I look up to him (Wildcamper), because he has got innate sense of adventure.


Wildcamper: I have got innate sense of adventure, but I have not got any money. So sometimes I look up (bends knees, does so) to him (Site User).


Aire User: I still look up to him (Wildcamper) because although I have money, I am not as adventurous, and a bit vulgar. But I am not as vulgar as him (Site User) so I still look down on him (Site User).


Site User: I know my pitch.


Aire User: We all know our pitch, but what do we get out of it?


Wildcamper: I get a feeling of superiority over them.


Aire User: I get a feeling of inferiority from him, (Wildcamper), but a feeling of superiority over him (Site User).


Site User: I get to mix with Tuggers and wear socks and sandals.



[With apologies to Marty Feldman and John Law.]


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Guest Tracker

Love it Gwendolyn!


Just one point if I may - many so called 'wild campers' although I prefer the term 'off site campers' - don't do it for lack of funding they do it because they like the sense of freedom. They also like not being herded into compounds with all the other white boxes at night. Money is less of an issue - that said 'owt for nowt is always satisfying!

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Tracker - 2011-11-14 12:35 PM


Love it Gwendolyn!


Just one point if I may - many so called 'wild campers' although I prefer the term 'off site campers' - don't do it for lack of funding they do it because they like the sense of freedom. They also like not being herded into compounds with all the other white boxes at night. Money is less of an issue - that said 'owt for nowt is always satisfying!


Yeah! I know... but I was trying to stick as closely to the original script as possible [and the subject of money does crop up now and again in these exchanges, so it was too good to edit out].


And, btw, I should also have said apologies to those too young to remember "The Frost Report"!!

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That was superb! I just bet that appears on all the forums.


There was a real spat on the wild camping forum a couple of years ago over a wild spot in a remote part of the Lake District. The guys were talking about it and sharing information and some park ranger bloke joined the forum to specifically tell them not to stay there anymore.


He said you can park there as long as you want but not overnight. There are (or were) no signs though and despite much debate there was never a reasonable explanation as to what the sudden problem is when the same four wheels and white box is still in the same parking place after it gets dark. If anything they should ban the vans during the day so cars can park and they dont make the place look like a caravan site. When its dark nobody can see em!



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Guest 1footinthegrave
I have yet to read anywhere any justification for this " no sleeping overnight" malarky. If you are responsible, do not litter, do not dump, what on earth is the difference between an empty vehicle parked overnight, and one with a couple of old farts like us in it. Our hobby is stargazing, lying flat on our backs gazing up through the Heki roof light all night long, taking in the wonders of the night sky, we never intend to sleep overnight, but occasionally we do drop off though, must be our age.
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1footinthegrave - 2011-11-14 2:19 PM


I have yet to read anywhere any justification for this " no sleeping overnight" malarky. If you are responsible, do not litter, do not dump, what on earth is the difference between an empty vehicle parked overnight, and one with a couple of old farts like us in it. Our hobby is stargazing, lying flat on our backs gazing up through the Heki roof light all night long, taking in the wonders of the night sky, we never intend to sleep overnight, but occasionally we do drop off though, must be our age.


I know but its a pointless battle that wild campers will never win. Many of the wilders I know when they are parked in Beauty spots or where ever actually go out and do clean ups! I have seen them do it. Not only do they pick up their own tab ends and the like but other peoples crap as well!


I cant be arsed to argue with this country and its attitude to Aires and overnighting etc anymore. Lifes too short and I would rather be abroad anyway.

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The main reason for overnighting restrictions must surely be to prevent car parks turning into ad-hoc traveller camps. The bye-laws are presumably intended to give local authorities the power to move-on people who seem to be settling in. However, how the restriction will be interpreted presumably depends upon whether it is overnight parking, or overnight "camping", that is forbidden. If the latter, one discreetly parked motorhome will presumably attract little attention, providing it is either unoccupied, or looks and sounds unoccupied. If there are are several, and they don't leave, someone will complain if they object.


However, I still can't see why this issue provokes people into making digs at those who do not do as they do, invariably resulting in so much indignant heat being generated. Gwendolyn has it, more or less, right on the button.


The one thing I can never understand, having an overwhelming preference for campsites, is why they are almost invariably described in such derogatory terms, such as crowded, noisy, regimented, etc, invariably by people who then say they don't use them, so are hardly in a position to judge. In the same vein, why, as in one post above, are those who prefer sites described as being "herded" into them, with all the derogatory connotations that carries with cattle and sheep. I have never been "herded" into any campsite, they take as much finding as aires or anywhere else, and the act of finding them is entirely voluntary. So, why the prejudice? You know who you are! :-)


And all this spirit of adventure stuff? Fooey! I have been to quite a few sites where negotiating the site obstacles, and finding, and using, the facilities, involves far more of a spirit of adventure than sitting in your own van on tarmac and using your own on-board facilities! Where does that come from? :-D

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Perhaps its because we love what we do so much and the way that we do it that we cant understand why anyone would do it differently and feel perhaps that they are missing out.


There has certainly been a fair few places either wild spots or Aires where I have thought why on earth would anyone prefer a campsite to this, it defys logic but no doubt others will have found sites like that and thought the same.


I will hold my hands up. On the few sites we went on this year because there was little alterntiive. Two were ok but the others were so dire I would never ever want to stay on another. One (a supposed ACSI 4 star site) when I asked where the motorhome service point was told me "oh we built on it but you can use the Super U service point three miles away". But you see Im not tuned into campsites. I dont know what to look for. I can smell a good Aire or wild spot from a hundred miles but dont really know how the campsite malarky works.


Maybe we should do a holiday swap. Ill plan one with just wild spots and Aires for a campsite user and vice versa. Then come on here and report back.

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Robinhood - 2011-11-14 6:51 PM


...But at least it not being an Aire meant I could put the chairs out!




Nothing to prevent one putting the chairs out at an 'aire' as long as its appropriate.


The attached photo is of the aire I mentioned earlier. It's copied from the town's own website and relates to the aire's inauguration last year. The top of the adjacent campsite building can be seen in the background.


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Brian Kirby - 2011-11-14 4:59 PM


I still can't see why this issue provokes people into making digs at those who do not do as they do, invariably resulting in so much indignant heat being generated. Gwendolyn has it, more or less, right on the button.


The one thing I can never understand, having an overwhelming preference for campsites, is why they are almost invariably described in such derogatory terms, such as crowded, noisy, regimented, etc, invariably by people who then say they don't use them, so are hardly in a position to judge.


Thank you Brian, and those above who enjoyed my little attempt at humour. I was trying to lighten the mood… but… in vain…


Can anyone explain to me why this topic gives rise to so much vitriol?


Much earlier this year I started a thread entitled Sites OR Aires as I was genuinely seeking information. I was new to motorhoming – but not to the camping lifestyle. As on this thread, the debate ran for 6 pages, and was just as heated.


Why???? I am puzzled by this. Why do some care so much what others do, or don’t do?


When I started the earlier thread, someone responded “you are brave”. Now I see why!


Earlier in this thread someone used the word “convert” in the context of converting people to using Aires. And another poster says he wants to let others know what they are missing by not wild camping. Why the zeal? Why the fervour? I’m with Brian on this – not all sites are crowded and noisy. And, camping as we do out of the main season, we are often one of only a handful of users.


And then there are the indignant ones who declare they don’t like motorhoming in the UK because of lack of Aires, attitude to wildcamping and so on…. So I’d like to ask - is motorhoming an end in itself? Or do people use their motorhome as a means to and end?


I would miss so much if I were to eschew the UK, much as I enjoy touring in mainland Europe. Today I set off for Cardiff, to the council run site in Sophia Gardens, as I am seeing a performance this evening at the Millennium Centre. Tomorrow we travel to Bristol where we are seeing a gig at the Colston Hall and will use the Caravan Club site at Baltic Wharf. Means to an end on this trip. Sometimes we use hotels; sometimes not, for my theatre going interests.


And for using sites abroad – well, there are many reasons why I choose to do so, but perhaps the most compelling is this: we still have a caravan [we will be taking that to Spain for 2 months next year], we still have tents. We like the “camping” lifestyle in whatever form it takes, and on sites you get loads of ideas, you see how other people do things, you see a variety of outfits. That’s it really. And I am sure that other site users have equally compelling reasons for choosing sites. And shouldn’t the matter rest there? Exchanging information is fine, but why at the same time does that entail heaping opprobrium on those who do not make the same choices as you do?


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