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Carver Fanmaster


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This weekend we used the Carver Fanmaster in our 1999 Herald Valencia. It stared up ok on electric and when the van got warm cut out. After it cooled down it started up again. The second morning the fan would not work - lights on all setting Gas Auto, Gas low, Fan, 240 Auto, 240 low, flashed slowly indicating i believe low 12V. As we were on a EHU i would have thought the 12V was fine. I believe there is a reset switch on the unit but have no idea how to get to it as the fan unit is behind the fire - which is set underneath the wardrobe.


Anyone any clues?


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That rather suggests that the charger is not charging the battery, but the alternator is. Have a look at the connections to the leisure battery. Somewhere close to the positive battery terminal there should be a fuse. Just check this, though I doubt it is the culprit. Then check whether your power pack/charger has a switchable output, probably controlled via the control panel, and make sure that it is switched to feed the leisure battery. It may have been left switched to charge the starter battery. If all seems normal, you'll need to begin testing with a multi-meter. If unsure how to proceed, either come back and ask, or turn to expert assistance.
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Thanks for your advise - sadly I cannot lay my hands on my multimeter (i must seach harder) However I have just returned from a 4 night stay in north yorkhire and the fanmaster woked pefectly


The site I was on when the fanmaster wouldn't work had had some issued with their hook ups - pumping out in excess of 400 volts - in the week previously and i wondered if a faulty hookup could have been responsible, although everything else worked fine

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