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Motorcaravan insurance


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I have ordered a new Motorhome for delivery next year. Has anybody had luck insuring a van that costs £54000. Thought I would get a rough idea what it will cost to insure, so I tried a few companies and they will not quote, stating that the vehicle is over £50,000. I would think 50% of vans are over this price now.

I could trawl through even more quote but I thought it easier to ask if anybody has had any success.

Thanks in advance.

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Although our van is not as expensive, we are insured via The Camping and Caravanning Club and I believe that they would insure such a van. I do know that they have excess "loadings" in bands depending on the value of the vehicle.


If you are a CCC member it will be worth asking for a quote.

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Guest Tracker

Not relevant to the original question but may be of use to others, our van insurance is due and whilst it is 5 years old and worth about half of the value mentioned above the comparitive quotes might be of interest for broadly similar cover which includes European breakdown cover.


Safeguard £343


Caravan Guard £372


Comfort £281


So we are no longer Safeguarded but are now enjoying some Comfort - and £62 saved!

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Hello Tracker. Thanks for your reply. I never realised it would be so difficult to insure a van. Makes one wonder why motorhomes of this price and above are produced. All the quote forms I fill in are underwritten by Red Star/ Groupama. I cannot seem to get away from them. I have not yet looked at Comfort, but will give them a try.
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Have you tried a comparison site? I don't know if they cover motorhomes but i certainly saved a good deal of cash on my car and motorbike when they were due. My motorhome is insured with the Caravan Club and you could have knocked me down with a feather when they came out as best value for money. My renewal is £250 Safeguard wanted £100 more!! I know you said you're not a member yet but give them a call.
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Many (most?) of the specialist motorhome insurance firms will quote for 'vans of this value, BUT, you may well find that, over a value of £50K, you will need to have a Thatcham Class 1 Alarm/Immobiliser fitted, and/or a tracking device.


If you cannot demonstrate this, it may be why you are getting a failure to quote.


If you are looking for a "sample" figure, and are over 55, one on-line site which I think still does quote for such a value, without additional security, is Saga. (though be ready for the influx of junk mail if you divulge your address and eMail ;-) )




Whilst it may give you an idea of cost, it would still be sensible to try the other specialists (and if necessary arrange to have the additional security fitted).

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Ours is with Saga with a quite competitive price and very good service. We had a problem when two days before we were due to pick it up we went to move the insurance to from the old motorhome to the new one only to find that they would not cover it because of the price. Saga did it all on line with no problems and even sent a copy of the insurance certificate to the dealer on line so that they could tax it ready for us! That's what I call service.
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Guest Tracker

If any of the comparison sites do motorhomes I couldn't find it!


Comfort is underwritten by Aviva - was Norwich Union


Safeguard is underwritten by MMA or Gateway Ins company .


I am not a fan of the Caravan Club and it's attitude towrds Motor Caravans so I would prefer not to deal with them.


On a £50k van I would expect that most insurers will want you to install a Tracking device (no not me) and the cover may well be dependant upon this? In any case with that much money tied up it makes sense!

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Hi All.

I took trackers advise and asked for a quote from Comfort (underwritten by Aviva) They came back with a price of £299 and a few coppers. What could be so difficult for the other companies???

I did disclose all the info they wanted on the other sites, Tracking device to be fitted etc, but they all said it was the price.

Well when the van arrives, Comfort will be getting my money.

Thanks again for all your replies.

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As an ex buyer it behoves the insurers to look at the value of the real van price as built and thus lies the problem as the true value of MH's between 50 and 100K is not that much in bought-out terms.

Probably the real costing is 20 to 28 K as the manufacturer sees it and as I used to build parts for 8 GBP and sell for 350 GBP and factors resold for 500 GBP it is not surprising that insurers dont want to pay mony out for fiction prices. I wonder if any ever have I doubt it as It would be un realistic.

The same arguement applies to caravans above 20K as basically they are a couple of bags of firewood and and matress or two. This is how assessors see the wreckage and not how the owners see their baby.

A further indication is the devaluation pa on these expensive chassis cabs.

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Guest Tracker

Sorry Alec - I take your point but I can't agree with it.


An insurer assesses the risk as they see it based on claims experience with the makes and types of vehicle and the age and record of the drivers.


This includes the experience based expected proportional number of toal loss claims as well as partial damage and injury claims and from this the financial risk is based on the projected cost of each sector, plus admin and profit margins, in arriving at a premium.


For repairs this means the new replacement cost and costs of parts and labour and has no reference to the cost of making any of the various components.


The cost of repairing an older and thus lower value van is often more than the cost of repairing a new van due to parts sourcing issues and the increased liklihood of hidden damage or deterioration only coming to light when repairs commence.


The most serious threat to a new or very expensive van is theft and to reduce this risk to a more acceptable level insurers sensibly insist on tracking devices and alarm and security systems on the more expensive and thus more vulnerable, as they see it, vans.


As very few damage claims are total loss, especially for Motorhomes which tend to be driven more cautiously than many other vehicles, there is no real reason why a higher value van should cost significantly more to insure than an old van as the aforementioned quotes would suggest - as long as the theft risk is more equal.


Pardon me for rambling on a bit!

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Hi Ron


I think you must have been contacting Car Insurance companies to have encountered so many rejections.


Motorhome Insurance is a specialist field, but there are many players in the market place.

Have a look at this recent thread:-



& scroll down to my post, listing the majority of the common players.

The quotes are for a "repesentative" user, so will not apply specifically for you, me or anyone else.


I agree with the previous poster, that you may find you need specific (usually Thatham approved" security Alarm & possibly also a Tracking device, based on the value of your Motorhome.

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mel wood - 2011-10-24 4:34 PM


Although our van is not as expensive, we are insured via The Camping and Caravanning Club and I believe that they would insure such a van. I do know that they have excess "loadings" in bands depending on the value of the vehicle.


If you are a CCC member it will be worth asking for a quote.


I'm no longer a CCC member but can confirm they will insure non members and at the same price. No discount is given for membership. I know that because when i left the club I asked these questions, having been insured with them at the time.

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