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Second leisure battery ???


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The way I would do it is, mount batteries next to each other, connect up in parrelel, i.e. positive to positive and negative to negative. Connect incoming positive lead to one batery and earth to second battery so as to give even charge across both.
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Can I just add you should also make sure both batteries are in a similar state of charge before connecting. Ideally both batteries should also be of a similar age and type. Disconnect/connect the negative terminals 1st. If you spanner touches both negative and chassis (seat say) then no prob. If you are undoing/connecting positve with negative connected and have a slip then BIG sparks will fly. With negative terminals disconnected then if a spaner shorts +ve to chassis by accident then it is safe. The second battery must be securely fixed - vehicle regulations, and remember to attach a vent tube to the outside which you could do by using a Y piece into existing tube from other battery.
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