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Portugal Tolls


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No one has answered so I will mention that I was there this year and the gantries etc for the automatic tolls were all in place. The signs were also up and these give plenty of warning of what sort of toll motorway you are heading towards. You can then divert off and avoid them if you want.


If you want to use them then you just have to borrow a machine and put some money on it. I think that if you don't use it you lose it in one month, a bit mean I think.


I will stick to the "A" roads, slow at times but we don't have to rush when we are in Portugal.



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We were over there about 6 months ago for a couple of weeks.


Here's our actual experience:




We'd been avoiding all the toll roads sections; 'cos mostly the slower roads are more enjoyable to chug along on.


But we were told very clearly by the people at Tourist Info in Porto that if we had non-Portuguese plates, the system wouldn't recognise us, as their ANPR computer system ain't linked to any other country........so they were advising people to just ignore the system, not get a box-thingy for your dashboard, and just drive on them whenever you want to.

They said the whole scheme is (or at least was at that point) in total chaos, as massive numbers of locals just completely ignore the "get a box and charge it up" requirement, and the Police ain't interested, as it's all run by some private Company, and was totally unthought-through...... no toll booths or barriers means they can't get any money off you if they can't trace you or your bank details


A couple of days later we were in a rush to get somewhere, so used a toll section - nothing happened. We weren't put up against a wall and shot.

The MH did not burst into flames.

So we've used them several times since and, as the Tourist Info girls said, nothing happened at all.



Pays yer money and takes yer choice of course: but until we hear otherwise about any form of actual enforcement, we'll continue to chug along them when needs must, without buying any smartbox.


The main Spanish Motorhome forum that I belong to has a couple of threads on this subject, and the overwhelming view is that Spnaish people are simply ignoring any smartbox/toll payment and drive on those stretches whenever they want without any penalty, as you're on non-Portugese plates.

Certainly no-one on that forum has reported ever being caught/made to pay after the event at all.




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