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wing mirror protectors


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I have ordered a set of these on line,and you have to pay first before emailing the guy to tell him the color and for what model.you can email or phone first,but its all a bit untidy.mine is a pvc and he told me that these are a different shape.settled for white(silver a six week wait), a two week wait,so, if you want these email first with all info,then pay.no reply from my email but mony taken,so its a bit of a wait and see. :-(
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We were thinking of buying a set,especially since our driver side mirror was damaged a couple of weeks ago by some mindless muppet, but, seems the price has gone up since the Malvern Show. It is a shame they dont come in bright orange to avoid being hit by some muppet agin.
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Wing Mirror Protectors, I had not heard of these before your post so I Googled them, how do they work? it seems to me that if clipped by a vehicle coming the other way they would not give much protection from a broken Mirror or am I missing something ? they seemed cheap enough on the pages that Google brought up ?
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These things were being promoted six months or so ago. I was interested, but the guy who trying to get them onto the market told me there was a problem with the manufacture, and he would let me know when they'd got things sorted out. Since then, no contact. I have been meaning to ask on here if anyone had any news of them, or any experience of them in action. So, any comments ........




Neil B

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I wouldn't call £109 (inc P&P) cheap.

Mine arrived in 2 days they are quite strong 5mm thick moulded in what looks like high impact ABS. They have already survived one impact from a French boat (don't ask!) also notice that they make the width of the van more obvious defiantly noticed oncoming French drivers veering back to their side of the road.

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lennyhb - 2011-11-07 5:20 PM


I wouldn't call £109 (inc P&P) cheap.

Mine arrived in 2 days they are quite strong 5mm thick moulded in what looks like high impact ABS. They have already survived one impact from a French boat (don't ask!) also notice that they make the width of the van more obvious defiantly noticed oncoming French drivers veering back to their side of the road.


well the ones that Google bought up were £11 so maybe I was looking at something else, still don't know how they are supposed to work though.

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I cannot see what is being protected. If they fit tight to the mirror casing this will not provide any buffer reduction in a collision. I cannot see how they protect the mirrors from being knocked off if the force is high. If its to ensure others see you better then better use florescent paint.


One might as well have a protector - on a protector - on a protector etc. When there are about six of them they MAY then act as a buffer due to a reduction in velocity at the mirror cover itself.


It sounds a grand idea but in reality ?



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We have a set fitted and think they are great. Ours are white which makes them stand out to oncoming traffic. In addition I have stuck a strip of white reflective tape on the arms. I have no doubt they will give considerable protection to the mirrors which have a rather fragile casing but nothing is bullet proof, if you hit something hard enough to take the whole mirror off it will still probably come off. In our opinion they enhance the appearance of the motorhome. Since fitting we have had so many people asking us where we got them we have taken to printing out copies of the web site and taking them with us. Only down side is that contact with hedges will leave marks that are much more obvious than on the standard black mirrors. However these marks do polish out quite easily.


One tip. They are made of very thick material and are a tight fit. Warming them up in an airing cupboard or with a hair dryer makes the job much easier. Also move them in evenly top and bottom and make sure they are in perfect alignment with the mirrors as you go.


We had to wait about a week for delivery.

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Agree with everything Colin wrote but would add that a beneficial effect of fitting them is that they standout againt the background and when driving I see vehicles move over to allow for extra passing width.


Before fitting vehicles did not do this, the original black mirrors just fade into the background are not registered in the drivers mind as an obstacle.


I would not want to admit to being unable to judge width but the protectors have withstood several encouters with Peage ticket booths, (navigators side !), CClub barrier equipment (which seems high for some reason) and a pidgeon hit full on, enough to close the mirror against the cab door.



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