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Motorhome Full-Timing Book?

Derek Uzzell

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[QUOTE]Derek Uzzell - 2006-04-28 9:33 AM Can anyone remind me, please, of the title (and lady author's full name) of a shortish recent book on full-timing? Pretty sure it was by Anna xxxxxxx I know the information I want was in the MMM forum several times over, but it's too far back to retrieve nowadays.[/QUOTE] As a contributer to MMM why dont you ask them for reprints of the seveeral articles on this subject
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YT: The reason I wanted this information is because a lady asked me (off forum) for advice on motorcaravanning books in preparation for a proposed long European trip. I thought Anna Shannon's book might help, but, as I could only remember the "Anna" I said I'd let her know the full details if I could find out. The forum's SEARCH facilities wouldn't reach back sufficiently and, as I couldn't recall the title or author's surname, I found an Amazon search unproductive. I can't decide whether your suggestion is meant to be helpful or snide: I suspect the latter, but I shall give you the benefit of the doubt.
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I gave you the sort of answer that you gave to a new motorhomer who admitted to being a computer novice You seem happy to get at other people, but now I see that you cannot take the flak The reason for this type of forum is to HELP peopple with their problems Just remember that EVERYBODY has to learn at some point and not everybody is happy using computers, and do your best to help not send them away to some other site with complaints about the way people fob you off And if you dont knnow the answer; or cannot be bothered to give a reasonable answer dont join in
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YT: Thanks for the feedback - at least you've confirmed my suspicions were justified. (I suppose I should count myself lucky that I wasn't directed to your beloved MotorHomesTodav website.) Any chance of a reference to the thread to which your "I gave you the sort of answer that you gave to a new motorhomer who admitted to being a computer novice" relates to? Can't say I recall that one.
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To Yorkshire Tyke & Derek Uzzell. I would like to bang your heads together and tell you to grow up and try to remember what this forum is all about. There are some of us out there who are trying to exchange information, help each other out and are not seeking to carry out some kind of personal vendetta. A very small minority of people with attitudes like yours are turning this otherwise exellent forum very SOUR.
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I must admit that I find Derek's postings very good and extremely helpful but he can't be expected to watch this forum all the time and give extensive answers, surely it's better to have a short answer to point you in the right direction than nothing at all. I must admit to finding the way that Yorkshire Tyke phrases some of his/her answers a bit unclear as they can be occasionally taken wrongly which may or may not be intended. Whatever your reply, just remember that people can take totally innocent sentences/phrases in different ways, to some they may cause offence, and others they'll not even realise there was another way to interpret it. Please just post politely and we'll all get on extremely happily together.
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Thanks for your help David. The photo is actually taken on Lindesfarne in late August 2003, in the morning just as the tide went out. It was an absolutely beautiful day, despite the fact that we'd just woken that morning to find our lovely elderly pet rat, Sprite, had keeled over in the early hours of the morning! He'd had his usual potter around on the beach and eaten his BBQ treats the night before so he went very happily in his sleep to rat heaven. He's now burried on Lindesfarne in amongst the sand-dunes. I couldn't think of anywhere better to have my final resting place but I don't think my husband would be too keen at digging the hole to put me in!?! Sorry to everyone else, I know this is off subject, but his final resting place is 'full-timing' isn't it!
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