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Sprout throwing in Dover

mike 202

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Hi, we stopped in Dover Marine Parade overnight 2 days ago on the 17th november. At 11pm there were several bangs on the side of my motorhome and my friends. Fearing the worst we got out to investigate and to our relief found out that the cause of the banging was that some high spirited youths (read yoblets) throwing Brussel Sprouts from a passing car. Bizzare or what ??. this is Not a windup. Any one else had any problems stoppoing overnight at Dover.


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Mike - it was probably my 91 year old mother & the other "hells great grannies" who live in the block of flats behind the statue of Henry Royce. *-) *-)


They don't like their views blocked you see - next time they'll use the heavy artillery - beetroot or turnips if they are in season. >:-) >:-)

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Guest Tracker

That's the first time anyone has ever come up with a fit and proper use for those disgusting balls of green yukk!


All them years ago when the first woman ever ate a sprout - all I can say is she must have been very very hungry - and it must have been a woman as no man would ever logically eat such a thing!

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Guest pelmetman
Sprouts are my favourite veg:D...............Bubble and squeak tomorrow for tea;-)..................Trumpet involuntary for supper:$  
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Tracker - 2011-11-20 6:10 PM


That's the first time anyone has ever come up with a fit and proper use for those disgusting balls of green yukk!


All them years ago when the first woman ever ate a sprout - all I can say is she must have been very very hungry - and it must have been a woman as no man would ever logically eat such a thing!


You are probably right Rich, it had to be a woman, as no man would have a clue what to do with it other than think it was another man's brain ... :D


Try cutting sprouts in half (raw) and then dipping them in tempura batter and deep frying them, supposed to be very tasty that way! :-D

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mike 202 - 2011-11-20 2:20 PM


Hi, we stopped in Dover Marine Parade overnight 2 days ago on the 17th november. At 11pm there were several bangs on the side of my motorhome and my friends. Fearing the worst we got out to investigate and to our relief found out that the cause of the banging was that some high spirited youths (read yoblets) throwing Brussel Sprouts from a passing car. Bizzare or what ??. this is Not a windup. Any one else had any problems stoppoing overnight at Dover.



Reminds me of our microcar club Christmas dinners ... we used to end up having sprout fights!!! :$

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When I first read the thread title, I thought this was going to be about one of those obscure village traditions, like worm charming contests or bacon twisting, or cow staring competitions!


Who knows, maybe throwing sprouts at motorhomes is an ancient local sport that's being revived?



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Guest Tracker
The kids along the roadsides in Morocco have a variation of sprout throwing - if you don't throw them money or sweets as you pass they throw rocks and stones at the van!
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Tracker - 2011-11-20 8:14 PM


The kids along the roadsides in Morocco have a variation of sprout throwing - if you don't throw them money or sweets as you pass they throw rocks and stones at the van!


Never happened to us when we were in Morocco. The majority of children just waved.


I wonder how young goats manage to throw stones.



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If you go to a certain aire in Holland they throw bricks at your motorhome on a Sunday at 3.00 am! 8-)


Give me sprouts any day!!! :D


At least anyone near Dover, who needs some sprouts for their Christmas dinner, knows where to get them 'free'. (lol)


There's quite a lot you can do with them too:



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I love Sprouts..?? but never had them thrown at me or mine before..

Its the throwing that interests me..not because I want to throw..yet ..I look at most of the Politicians?? ah well?/

I [Royal We [ sat watching TV as you do? Big,,Big bang..wife runs to front door shouting "did you hear that"?

Like most fellas I let her investigate?

A Cry..profanity?? She can and sometimes does?

I got out of my comfortable armchair..slowly made way to the front door..

Some ********* had thrown a very large Pumpkin at the front bay window?/

We have had many eggs..take a deal of time to clean..I know that because I time her when she starts the clean up?

The Pumpkin was huge..the thing had shattered..bits every where..thank god it was ****T double glazing

I was really annoyed..as the boss cleaned it off the windows it was damn hard to concentrate on the {Real} Rugby.especially with the draught/she left the door open??



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The sprouts humour raised a smile but to answer the query.

No Mike, we have had no problems of any sort when overnighting at Marine Parade, Dover. We have used this facility several times over the past few years, the last time being this September.

Lets hope this was a one off incident?

Cattwg :-D


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