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Daytime Running Lights: 2011 Fiat Ducato

Frank McAuley

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lennyhb - 2011-11-22 10:40 AM


Just emailed Ledcom and found out they are voltage sensing so would need an additional relay switched by the ignition, I've emailed them back and pointed out this & why, as they make a point of advertising them for Motorhomes.


Note: If you have a solar panel voltage sensing ones would be on nearly all the time when the suns out & on a hook up 24/7, assuming your van is set up to charge the engine battery.


I've had a reply from Ledcom and they assure me that although they are voltage sensing they will only come on when the alternator is running, the guy I have been corresponding with has a Motorhome with a solar panel & mains charger that charges the engine battery and assures me they do not cause any problems.

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I`ve had Ring Aurora DRL`s ( BRL0397 ) fitted for over 12 months now and can highly

recommend them. They can be a bit fiddly to make a good job and hide all of the wiring

but it is well worth the effort. They really are " fit and forget " the automatic on/off switch

works perfectly i.e. they turn on when you start the engine and off when the sidelights

come on. They are VERY VERY VERY bright and have been commented on that many

times i have now lost count.

You can get them at Halfords....£69.95....or as i did on Ebay for £43.95 delivered.


The other thing i did to make ourselves more visible ( been hit by a tractor and trailer )

and we had stopped at the Tore roundabout, the tractor came round the corner and

started drifting over and the BANG clean off with the drivers side mirror !!!! was to

put reflectors on the mirrors.



Trying to post a picture but can`t get the damned thing small enough....sorry


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WildBill - 2012-06-10 11:28 PM


I have 2012 van but no DRL's.


However I also have no sidelights just one position for lights on or off.


I leave the dipped headlights on all the time. They go off when I switch off the ignition and come on when I start up.


Just to clarify ?


What type of m/home base vehicle is it ?


There is no side light switch (as such, as in off - side lights - sidelights and beams) but you just have lights on or off.


When the switch is on, I assume you have side lights that can be on if parked when engine is not running.?


but when engine is running, Dipped beam is on all the time (other tham when on main beam)


(I'm getting slow, must be the age *-) )







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Wooie - 2012-06-10 7:35 PM




The other thing i did to make ourselves more visible ( been hit by a tractor and trailer )

and we had stopped at the Tore roundabout, the tractor came round the corner and

started drifting over and the BANG clean off with the drivers side mirror !!!! was to

put reflectors on the mirrors.



Trying to post a picture but can`t get the damned thing small enough....sorry


Done it.


Had to get the daughter to help her " OLD MAN " out again.


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Not sure when Fiat changed this but on recent and certainly Euro V models. the DRL (on/off for side/DRL lights) are controlled via the computer on the dashboard (trip computer/mode function to the right of the steering wheel) See the Fiat Manual as it describes the process in there.


Hope this helps

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I recently fitted a pair of Ledcom's new DLR's although a bit more expensive than others available the finished result looks much more like an OEM fitting, far better than other after market kits.


Although the fitting looks daunting I found it very easy, the slots required were far easier to cut than expected, the plastic panels below the headlamps come out very quick and easy & cutting the slots was about 15 min work.

Just don't make the mistake I did that was to put masking tape on the plastic moulding as I found out the hard way Fiat's paint is not keyed very well to the glossy plastic surface its sprayed onto & when I removed the tape the paint came with it.

Didn't cause too much of a problem a quick trip down the shop for an aerosol, liberal applications of masking tape to remove the rest of the paint and sand with some 3000 grade wet & dry to give a key & a quick spray up. Needles to say I didn't make the same mistake on the other side.


Wiring was easy they supply a link fuse that plugs directly into the fuse box so no problems with the canbuss system.


Very pleased with the overall effect, they are very bright first time I drove at night I was wondering why the dash lights weren't on then realised I hadn't turned the lights on the DLR's are almost as bright as dip beam (the DLR's turn off when headlights are turned on).


Before anyone points out that the pictures on Ledcom's website look like my van, yes they are they asked me if they could have some copies of my pics as I was one of there first customers to fit them they asked for some feedback, & they didn't have any shots of them on a white van.


I don't have any connection with the company, apart from being a satisfied customer who is very pleased with the product and found them an excellent company to deal with.




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tonyishuk - 2012-06-11 11:49 AM


WildBill - 2012-06-10 11:28 PM


I have 2012 van but no DRL's.


However I also have no sidelights just one position for lights on or off.


I leave the dipped headlights on all the time. They go off when I switch off the ignition and come on when I start up.


Just to clarify ?


What type of m/home base vehicle is it ?


There is no side light switch (as such, as in off - side lights - sidelights and beams) but you just have lights on or off.


When the switch is on, I assume you have side lights that can be on if parked when engine is not running.?


but when engine is running, Dipped beam is on all the time (other tham when on main beam)


(I'm getting slow, must be the age *-) )






[/when engine is off and I want parking lights then I have to turn the lights off and on again. There is only one position on the stalk for lights.]

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Just to confirm :-

My base vehicle is a Fiat Ducato euro5 and I have only one position on the stalk - lights on or off no side lights. If I want parking lights on trhen I have to stop and remove key then turn lights off then on again.

I have looked at the onboard computer but cannot find DRLs so assume that option is not available for me.

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I have a euro 5 fiat fitted with DLRs and have noticed that lorries overtaking us are having difficulty making out when i flash the headlights because of the DLRs.Have gone into the trip computer and you can turn them off which is handy when your doing a lot of motorway driving.
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Not correct.


The Police will have no interest in this matter.


The legislation does not (yet) apply to this class of vehicle and thank goodness that in this situation the owner has the option to disable the inappropriate and unnecessary fairy lights.


Legislation like this is typical over-kill. Because a proportion of motorists are too stupid or ignorant to switch on some lights when visibility is reduced and sometimes even when it is plainly dark; we will have to suffer the fashion led (LED) manufacturers who as already discussed seem to think that more is more, and brighter is better.


An own goal actually, in some cases as the vehicles do not look more attractive, in fact the reverse. The Jag XF looked great at launch, then they revised the headlights to incorporate idiot/poser lamps and completely ruined it!


I think this is Nanny Europe gone mad. If a pedestrian can't see a camper van in broad daylight, it would probably not matter if it was on fire, never mind some bright lights!


While I am at it; I am sick of seeing "THINK BIKE" signs everywhere. Why not signs that say "BIKERS; THINK!" I understand that they form less than 1% of the motoring public, yet are involved in 40% of RTA's. They should be banned. Suicide is illegal and surely most of these people are attempting just that on public roads.


Yes I did get out of bed on the wrong side this morning!


Happy camping.



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Hi all I have been reading all the posts and have noticed that no one has said what DRL`s were first used for.

I had a volvo since 1999 that had DRL`s from new and when I asked what the lights were for I was told they were to warn pedestrians that the engine of the vehicle had started and could be moving they were not to warn people that it could be doing excessive speed or any of the reasons that have been put on this subject

That is what Volvo told me but what do I know there are more experianced people out there that wiil put me right.



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Hi Nick

Whilst agreeing with your sentiments of the EU nanny state mentality, it would appear from the EU websites that the regulations will apply and the only current exceptions being Trucks (which I would interpret as HGV's) & Buses

"European Union Directive 2008/89/EC requires all passenger cars and small delivery vans first type approved on or after 7 February 2011 in the EU to come equipped with daytime running lights. The mandate will extend to trucks and buses in August 2012. The EU Directive requires that the DRL function must be produced by functionally specific lamps meeting the requirements of ECE Regulation 87 and mounted to the vehicle in accord with ECE Regulation 48. Functional piggybacking, such as operating the headlamps or front turn signals or fog lamps as DRLs, is not permitted.


On vehicles equipped with Daytime Running Light, this light is automatically switched on when the engine is started. When it is dark the driver has to switch on the driving lights manually. In this case the DRL goes off automatically."


It would be strange to mandate vehicles are equipped, but no mandate that they operate (?) (?) (?)

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The rules apply to small delivery vans that are 'car derived' and under a certain GVW. At present purpose built vans are not obliged to have the lights, but they are available as an option on many of the recently refreshed designs such as the Fiat Ducato.


For this reason, though they may be fitted, the user is not obliged to use them and they can be switched off.





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You are absolutely correct, and I remember this well.


I remember countless pedestrians and drivers pointing at Volvo (and Saab) owners and laughing at them because they had 'forgotten to switch off their lights'.


Certainly got them noticed though.


I suspect kids still ran out into the road in front of them anyway.


At least the lights were on side light or dim dip; not the shockingly distracting, overly dazzling bling that we are now having to put up with.



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Compared to the other impositions like catalytic converters and DPFs and the problems and ongoing costs associated with them - all of which are borne by the user and not the maker - the whole DRL issue pales into insignificance!
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Hi all

Even though I had DRLs on my volvo for thirteen years I would not want them now it was a pain people flashing me to tell me I had got my lights on some people went to great lenths to tell me and I tried to get them switched off but Volvo would not do it.

I am in France and I had a problem with my lights last week I went to a Toyota garage to get it sorted and I saw that there new cars were fitted with DRLs so I asked how much they would cost I was shocked they wanted 500 euro`s for two what looked like cheep fittings " No Chance".

I had my car this year in march and they were not fitted I do not know why.

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