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wintering abroad


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Hi we've just bought our first motorhome after having caravans and are thinking as winter draws in about heading for morroco to warmer climes (even 10 degrees higher will do for us) and never having been there would apreciate any info about the area and how safe it is there? we've never had any worries in spain or portugal and the camper we've bought has more security than a bank lol its just i've never done any research on morroco! Comments welcome



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clippersue - 2011-11-20 9:48 PM............................ we've never had any worries in spain or portugal and the camper we've bought has more security than a bank lol its just i've never done any research on morroco! Comments welcome

Morocco is hardly an area, it is very nearly as big as France or Spain. I think, apart from the link already posted, a good place to start research would be a decent guide book. Library?

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BGD - 2011-11-21 9:41 AM


I hear that a lot of insurances (vehicle, health, breakdown & recovery etc) are usually "EU only" or "Europe only", so DO NOT cover you in Africa, eg Morroco.


Worth checking out before you travel.........................


That's correct, we had to get rest of the World Health Insurance and had no breakdown cover, I was a bit worried about no breakdown cover as Morocco can be the back of beyond, but all was well in the end, WWALLEN will tell you not to worry about breakdowns as someone will always help you and I believe this to be true.

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clippersue - 2011-11-20 9:48 PM


Hi we've just bought our first motorhome after having caravans and are thinking as winter draws in about heading for morroco to warmer climes (even 10 degrees higher will do for us) and never having been there would apreciate any info about the area and how safe it is there? we've never had any worries in spain or portugal and the camper we've bought has more security than a bank lol its just i've never done any research on morroco! Comments welcome


Morocco is a great County to visit, very safe too we thought, bit third World and scruffy but a great change from Spain and Portugal we thought.



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