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Long Terming - Europe


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Myself and my partner have a motorhome which is 3 years old and holds a current MOT certifcate. My question is this, we would like to spend at least 18 months - 2 years long terming around Europe without having to return home. How do we stand legally with regard to the MOT and motorhome insurance . How have other members dealt with this situation?
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As the law stands you have to return the van for its MOT (it has to be phisically examined) The insurance people dont really care wher you are as long as you pay up Problems will be in finding an insurer to cover you for long term I think that the Caravan Club do a full year insurance though, we can only go away fr up to 3-4 months at once as the medics require us to return for tests
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We have the long term insurance but we are trying to work out what we can do about the MOT. If we have an accident and make a claim I am sure that they will ask for ALL documents even though we won't have been driving on UK roads. That's why we are trying to find out what others do.......
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(!) You will need the MOT to get the VED (Road Tax) they will also want to see insurance certificate. Do not be kidded that you can get MOT cert. by back door-vehicle has to be presented. European legislation requires that any vehicle imported for more than 6 months must be reregistered in that country-most people run up to 12 months on the basis that they are moving about and the authorities will not discover them. Spanish and Portugese police are now getting very hot on this subject. Also be advised that insurance companies are now putting in a clause that the vehicle must have current documentation. (!)
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It seems that the only problem with long terming abroad is the MOT. We have just ordered our new tax disc for the car over the internet so we don't even have to be in the country to do that any more. You just need someone to forward it on to you as the DVLA will only send it to the registered address. I think people must be either long terming abroad in brand new vans or they are driving illegally!!
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Don't forget, the MOT test is actually a 'safety' test more than anything else. If you miss it, quite apart from the obviously regulatory problems you could encounter, you could also find you have an unsafe vehicle. Unfortunately some people don't check their vehicles that well so this could be the only time they get properly examined and pick up faults which have occurred. Yes, you can get checks done abroad but I doubt if many peope would if it wasn't compulsory! Be safe.
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