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Good Job No Taco's in Motorhomes


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Out in the lorry to-day I was pulled by VOSA on a spot check a slight infringment on my Taco cost me a £120 fixed penalty fine . The offence I did not put a line across to show my exact start time which was 5 minutes before I put my Taco disc in the clock "" Ouch ""
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Guest Peter James

Do they still use discs in Tachos - I thought they might be all digital by now?

12 years since I have used a tacho - back in the days when you could short out the brown wire to make it look like the lorry was stationary. Before that I had a D reg Scania 142 and discovered when I plugged my electric kettle into the 12v power socket it cut the power to the tacho which also made it look as though the lorry was stationary. Another fuse you could take out disabled the speed limiter. Them were the days ;-)

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In over 20 years of driving HGVs I never did that on any card whatsoever...I have been stopped by the men from the ministry on more than one occasion..had me charts checked ..There you go driver all in order..No mention of the line before you start..To me that is defacing a card..all entries on the rear of the card...Never ever had that!!

I would get myself a good brief..and they will laugh it out of court!!

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All new model HGV's are now fitted with Digital tachos, the card is just like a credit card and holds all your details of truck and driving. The information has to be downloaded on to a computer at regular intervals for the DVLA. There is no hiding place at all now. Domestic running only requires a log book record to be kept, this used to be called billies weekly liar.
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rolandrat - 2011-11-25 9:45 AM


Kelly58 is right. You are not defacing your tachograph. In all my years of HGV driving I always marked my cards with a start of duty and end of duty line and still do to this day.


So what you are saying that from 1978 when I passed my HGVIII up to 2008 when I retired I was committing an offence by not putting that line on my Tacho for start and finish...I took my CPC Goods National and International in 1989 and no where does it state that it has to be done..obviously with the advent of digi tacho cards this may have changed!!

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No you were not Mondo, I think it is latest rules recording rest periods and part of this is when you start work. Its to stop drivers, say, doing a days work not driving and the jumping in a Truck and driving over the permissable hours allowed. Even though I have spent my life developing Tachographs I have still always found the driving hours regulations confusing. I am not the only one, even different police forces have their own interpretations. I think the new regulations came in during 2007 but not sure when they were implemented. So since you retired it has been a requirement to write the start of the working day on the chart. All this has happened since I stopped being involved in tachograph development when the digital ones came along with Drivers Smart Cards. I could be wrong!!...I just designed and developed the electronicsand software for the Electronic Analogue tachgraphs.


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