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Andorra......anyone camped?


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Further to my forthcoming 'wintering in Spain' , i'm looking at the possibility of spending a few weeks in Andorra to enjoy the benefits of duty free 'pleasures' (lol)


Sites seem pretty limited with just five showing on the ACSI map but as i'm intending to wildcamp where possible (unless I become desperate!), just wondered if any other fellow travellers have visited Andorra and if so did you 'wild' ok, or go on site?

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Guest pelmetman
Wintering in Andorra...........I'd of thought it would be a tad on the cold side8-)...........I camped there in 78 during the summer and it wasn't that warm then:D
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We had the miss fortune to try to camp in Andorra on our way to Spain a few years ago, we were delayed for so long getting through Andorra [traffic jams ] that after passing through the Custom control we asked the Customs Officer where we could camp as it was no getting dark and he said just drive along the road for a few miles towards Spain and you will find a Camp site, well we did, booked in and told to find a pitch, plenty of space they said, we were two vans both 8 mtrs, we drove around the site a couple of times and could find no places where we would fit, so drove back to Reception and booked out much to the chagrin of Madame Guardian, we asked if we could stay on the large car park out side paying of course and were told no. we eventually found a Restaurant on the road to Spain and stayed overnight on their car park, had a good meal and a few beers, so a result there. I don't remember the name of the Camp Site, but I am sure there must be some good ones, but we found the Duff one.
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pelmetman - 2011-11-25 6:00 PM


Wintering in Andorra...........I'd of thought it would be a tad on the cold side8-)...........I camped there in 78 during the summer and it wasn't that warm then:D




Been watching the forecasts over the past few weeks and Andorra appears to be around 4 -5c lower than Almeria area (where i'm eventually heading). So today has been 20c in Almeria with 15c in Andorra.


As it's only 6.8c :'( here where I live I think I can handle 15c! (lol)

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vindiboy - 2011-11-25 6:01 PM


We had the miss fortune to try to camp in Andorra on our way to Spain a few years ago, we were delayed for so long getting through Andorra [traffic jams ] that after passing through the Custom control we asked the Customs Officer where we could camp as it was no getting dark.........


Weird place isn't it?


Bit like the Midlands being declared a duty free zone and border guards patrolling the barriers! Imagine the money flooding into the Midlands though as all the 'outsiders' scrambled to buy at sensible prices! (lol)

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Robinhood - 2011-11-25 6:32 PM


....well, I wish you luck with the weather.



It was June when this picture was taken!






Won't be going anywhere near mountains! (lol) (lol)


But just look at that sky. Reminds me of the first winter I spent in Switzerland up a few Alps. Took ALL the wrong clothes (winter woolies!) so ended up buying a couple of short sleeved t-shirts and came back looking like i'd been to Africa! (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2011-11-25 6:24 PM
pelmetman - 2011-11-25 6:00 PMWintering in Andorra...........I'd of thought it would be a tad on the cold side8-)...........I camped there in 78 during the summer and it wasn't that warm then:D
PelmetBeen watching the forecasts over the past few weeks and Andorra appears to be around 4 -5c lower than Almeria area (where i'm eventually heading). So today has been 20c in Almeria with 15c in Andorra.As it's only 6.8c :'( here where I live I think I can handle 15c! (lol)
As others have said BG;-)............Andorra maybe South of Skeggy, but its on top of a big hill8-)...........Frankly went through again a few years ago and was disappointed and wouldn't go out of my way to visit again:D  
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We were stopped and questioned long and hard by the customs men, they would not believe we hadn't bought any gold, diamonds, Rolex watches etc etc.


We don't bother going there now, I suppose it OK for a first visit, the countryside away from the towns is pretty, and whilst I note you don't want to, there are lots of places to spend a night or two without any bother.



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hallii - 2011-11-25 7:44 PM


We were stopped and questioned long and hard by the customs men........


Nothing can be worse than our very own Checkpoint Charlie at Dover Port.


I actually get questioned on GOING OUT.....let alone returning back! The border guards want to know why I am leaving the UK, how long for, where i'm going to and how much cash I have. Sometimes i'm tempted to tell them i'm meeting with my Controllers in Russia but doubt their lack of humour would appreciate that. *-)

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BG: "Won't be going anywhere near mountains!"



Ummmm....if going to/through Andorra, than yes you will.


I've been over there 3 times now.

Twice on motorbike and once in the MH

Andorra is in the mountains between France and Spain. It is very high. It's in those very big mountainy thingies.


Very nice in late May-October.


VERY VERY cold in November-April. Think Alpine mountain villages.




It's also very small; and very crowded around the valley that the main road follows through it.


It is also (my personal opinion only) crap.


The "fantastic deals" because it is (o r was) a purchase tax-free state, no longer exist.

Just like in Gibraltar, all that has happened is that retailers have increased their prices to only a little below the amount that you'd pay in France or Spain for that same camera/laptop/mobile phone.

Fags and booze and biker clothing (it's a bike Mecca) are a little better value, but not worth driving all across mainland Europe for.


Having said all of that, the road into Spain from Andorra is very pretty indeed, lots of hilly valleys, gushing mountain streams etc - you know the routine.


I never saw anywhere to camp along the main road in Andorra itself....but that's not to say there aren't any camping sites there...I think I remember seeing a camping site just south of the main town, but have not stayed there.


If you're passing that way en route to Spain, then it's maybe worth a look en route at least once, to pick up a few cartons of ciggies and a bottle or 10 of spirits, (that's why loads of Spanish go there and back 5 times a day, and then flog said products on the black market in Spain) but I'd strongly suggest doing so outside of winter months.......



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Bulletguy - 2011-11-25 9:54 PM


lennyhb - 2011-11-25 7:30 PM


'er that's not possible in Andorra their one and only main road is a mountain pass (lol) (lol)


Oh well......looks like Almeria then!


I have a feeling that your geography is not so good. Are you sure you are talking about the same Andorra as others?? I believe you got Andalusia wrong (Not in USA)

I know lots of countries have changed names since I learnt geography back in the 1940s, but I I know Andorra is not one of them

Any way enjoy your trip and your new retirement


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Hi, Firstly a geography comment. Andorra is on top of that big lump call Pyrenees which divides France from Spain. The road from Tarascon climbs up to over 6000 feet to Port d'Envalira, the entry point into Andorra from France.


Part way up on the N20 there is a ubend turning 180 degrees and on a 1in4 gradient.(or was when we went a few years ago.). A lot of vehicles going up had to take several bites at that point to get around it, and it was the smell of clutches that was very noticeable. Very nice scenery, but concentrate on the road.


Once past the border crossing adjacent to the radio station, the road drops continually down to Andorra La Vella, the town which is very busy tourist trap with not a lot of parking spaces.


We found a campsite indicated off to the right up a tiny farm track about half way between the crossing and the town, and it turned out to be a rough patch not very level and costa lotsa. It was 'full' at the time so we turned round (multipoint turn) and found a small patch of hayfield where we got permission to pull off the track and stay overnight.. Our vehicle at the time was a VW devon conversion type 2 campervan (air cooled 1600 engine in the rear) Looking at the michelin map, this side track appears to go from Soldue up into the valley D'incles, the cs 270 road


Our trip was in July 1975 so roads etc will no doubt have improved since then, and the weather was warm and sunny at the time.


Have fun, and enjoy the trip, but remember the prices are no longer significantly different from neighbouring countries, "due to transport costs from the sources."




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Bulletguy - 2011-11-25 10:06 PM


Nothing can be worse than our very own Checkpoint Charlie at Dover Port.


I actually get questioned on GOING OUT.....let alone returning back! The border guards want to know why I am leaving the UK, how long for, where i'm going to and how much cash I have. Sometimes i'm tempted to tell them i'm meeting with my Controllers in Russia but doubt their lack of humour would appreciate that. *-)


On our last half a dozen trips out & back via Dover no one has even bothered to look at out passports.


They only pick on the dodgey looking ones :D :D :D

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PJay - 2011-11-25 10:59 PM



I have a feeling that your geography is not so good. Are you sure you are talking about the same Andorra as others??


Looks like Spain to me PJ. Madrid in the middle and Malaga on the bottom. :-D

Then if you want to look at at any specific areas in Spain there is a menu on the left side.



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BGD - 2011-11-25 10:39 PM


Very nice in late May-October.


VERY VERY cold in November-April. Think Alpine mountain villages.


It is also (my personal opinion only) crap.


The "fantastic deals" because it is (or was) a purchase tax-free state, no longer exist.

Just like in Gibraltar, all that has happened is that retailers have increased their prices to only a little below the amount that you'd pay in France or Spain for that same camera/laptop/mobile phone.

Fags and booze and biker clothing (it's a bike Mecca) are a little better value, but not worth driving all across mainland Europe for.


Yes it was just a thought......didn't last though!


Fags/baccy are still way way cheaper ANYWHERE outside UK. I'll just carry on going south till the temp begins to rise. Yesterday was bloody freezing here. Just 6c. :-(

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lennyhb - 2011-11-26 11:24 AM


Bulletguy - 2011-11-25 10:06 PM


Nothing can be worse than our very own Checkpoint Charlie at Dover Port.


I actually get questioned on GOING OUT.....let alone returning back! The border guards want to know why I am leaving the UK, how long for, where i'm going to and how much cash I have. Sometimes i'm tempted to tell them i'm meeting with my Controllers in Russia but doubt their lack of humour would appreciate that. *-)


On our last half a dozen trips out & back via Dover no one has even bothered to look at out passports.


They only pick on the dodgey looking ones :D :D :D


Probably look like immigrants so you'll be OK. ;-)


Noticed you said 'our' trips which tells me you are travelling with your wife........and that's the key. Every time i'm stopped I look around at others who have also been stopped and, like me, they are always single guys travelling alone. Never any couples.


Even single women travelling alone don't get stopped.


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Went through Andorra once.


One long main road with one long traffic jam - got stopped by customs going OUT of Andorra - told them we hadn't stopped IN Andorra because we never saw anywhere to park.


Couldn't get out quick enough, and wouldn't dream of going there again.


( Maybe we just picked a bad day ?)




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Most of it has already been said. Pyrenees are high, snowbound in winter, many roads require chains, and being mountains, the weather changes very rapidly. So, if you want to get from, presumably, Calais to Almeria, just follow Brian Fairbrother's beautifully researched and described toll free route in December MMM (p71). That will take you to Bayonne, so round the NW end of the Pyrenees.

Failing that, follow his instructions to Nonancourt, and then veer off east to either A20 via Limoges, or A75 via Clermont Ferrand, and then into Spain via Perpignan. A75 will take you higher in altitude and, being further east, is more prone to weather disruption in winter. There are toll by-passes on both routes, but long stretches are in any case toll free autoroute.

If you decide to take the more easterly routes, and want to avoid the St Remy-sur-Avre jam, on the N20 just east of Nonancourt, turn left off the N154 just south of Evreux, at junc 10, sp Pray, St Andre and Grossoeuvre, left at roundabout onto the D547 and under N154 and then follow signs for St Andre onto D52. At roundabout just before St Andre-de-l'Eure follow D52 "Centre Ville" for 500 metres, then take right turn, still D52, sp Anet and Nonancourt. Follow this round sharp LH bend to T junction with D833, turn left onto D833 sp Ivry-la-Bataille and Anet and, after 300 metres, take right fork back onto D52, sp St Laurent-des-Bois, Marcilly and Dreux. Follow D52/D143/D16 for 20km through St Laurent, Marcilly, St Georges-Motel, and Cocherelle to T junc with D928. Turn right onto D928 sp Dreux for just over 1km to left turn onto D156 sp Evreux, Alencon, Chartres and Le Mans to roundabout. At roundabout follow sp Chartres, onto N154, under N12, and continue on N154 to Chartres. You are now on your own. I have used this going both ways (sat nav helps! :-)), and although it is a bit slower slower than the N20 via St Remy on a good day, it is far quicker than St Remy on a bad day! Good roads, good signposting, more attractive route. So, you pays your money!

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Brian Kirby - 2011-11-26 1:23 PM


Most of it has already been said. Pyrenees are high, snowbound in winter, many roads require chains, and being mountains, the weather changes very rapidly. So, if you want to get from, presumably, Calais to Almeria, just follow Brian Fairbrother's beautifully researched and described toll free route in December MMM (p71).........


Blimey Brian.......wondered when you were coming up for air! (lol)


Thanks for the detailed info anyway. I'm going for two months so 1) loads of time in no hurry and 2) sticking to the lowlands as much as possible. Planned a rough route out. Just heading south toward Perpignan then hug the coast from there on into Spain and trundle along any road. Don't need the Autoroutes as i'm not in a hurry to get there.


It isn't a country i'd usually choose as my travels always take me across eastern europe during summer of course. Just thought now i'm retired I can go anywhere for as long as I like and winter in Spain has to be better than in summer when the place gets rammed with boozy brits!


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malc d - 2011-11-26 1:19 PM


Went through Andorra once.


One long main road with one long traffic jam - got stopped by customs going OUT of Andorra - told them we hadn't stopped IN Andorra because we never saw anywhere to park.


Couldn't get out quick enough, and wouldn't dream of going there again. :-D


Sounds like me when i'm daring to 'escape' from UK through Checkpoint Charlie.

I'd swear the last time I went through the barriers and chicanes I saw guard towers and razor wire going up. *-)

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There is a good campsite at Xixerella,turn off the main road (cg2) at Escaldes onto the cg3 which becomes the cg4 at La Massana ,when you get to Erts take a left at the roudabout and the site is about 500 yards up on the left.It has a restaurant an swimming pool on site,maybe an ice rink in the winter. (lol)
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