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Andorra......anyone camped?


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Not exactly "camped," but ...

We've only visited Andorra once, about 20 years ago when the kids were with us. We had an old Glendale coachbuilt, on a decrepit Mk1 Transit chassis.

It was mid summer, but we laboured up the zigzags of the Pyrenees into thickening mist/cloud/fog. We were starting to run out of daylight, and as we crossed the border into Andorra I cried "Enough! We eat and sleep at the first place that seems safe to park."

Which turned out to be a layby in Pas de la Casa, where two other vans had stopped for the night as well.

We didn't have anything so posh as levelling ramps, but I found an old pallet in the layby, and put one wheel up on that to ease the worst of the slope inside.

Liz went through the van cupboards and found all we had was a big tin of spuds, another of corned beef, and one of baked beans, so a family tradition was born - "Pyrenees Potato Pie" has been in our repertoire ever since!

We never did make it into Andorra La Vella, as the traffic queues even then were just too much for us. We used the bypass (yes, there is one) and went on down into Spain for the rest of our trip.

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We stayed at a decant camp site in lLa Vella,short walk to shops etc restaurant on site,quite good facilities.

We were coming from Spain to France,in early march, lovely views and roads but a bit cool, and much snow from site to France, but no probs. we. Found drink and cigs( for other half) very cheap but site expensive. This is on right approaching town centre from Spanish end, very easy to find.

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In view of the exact location of Andorra I would have expected some sort of apology for the poster who gave his opinion and got the location right. I do not know what the reference to Andelucia was but he got Andorra correct. Posters appear quick to 'nitpick' but slow to admit a mistake!! Come on guys, BG offers a lot of good information. We all make mistakes sometimes but it costs nowt to say so.


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