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SAGA MH insurance - don't bother!

Matrix Meanderer

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When considering my MH insurance renewal I decided to ask SAGA for a quote as they had been deluging me with paper for months.


I did not insure with them because:


1. The quote arrived one month after the renewal date - yes really!

2. The premium was over £100 more expensive than the one chose


So I sent a polite missive to SAGA pointing out the above.


I received two separate letters in response both dated 28 November. One standard customer services letter and one 'personal' letter from an advisor.

Does it really take two letters to answer a query?


Forum members will be interested to learn of the apologetic content in the letter that I received which said:


"This (MH Insurance) is not a service we strive to provide"


So why do they spend all the marketing effort advertising it ??

Thought you would all like to know about this negative approach to MH insurance. .


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I Have always found SAGA to be very expensive, on all types of insurance

House and contents, Motor, and personal travel ins. Must be ancient, not old at 70???At one point they would not insure any one over 70?? I thought they were for the older generation?



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Our experience has been quite the opposite. We needed insurance in a hurry when our existing company refused to insure our new motorhome because it was too expensive. Saga gave a very competitive quote on the same day. The paper work and insurance certificate arrived the same day on the net and they also sent a copy to the supplying dealer to enable them to tax the vehicle.


I must say I was surprised because in the past they have never been competitive.

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We too have found Saga to be very good in the past, particularly when we had to make a claim but I am concerned that with my car insurance quote from Saga being 47% higher this year than last that when the motorhome insurance is due in April it too will be 47% higher. I changed to the RAC for the car but they do not do motorhomes. So Ian who did you go with please?


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Bojitoes - 2011-11-30 6:52 PM


We too have found Saga to be very good in the past, particularly when we had to make a claim but I am concerned that with my car insurance quote from Saga being 47% higher this year than last that when the motorhome insurance is due in April it too will be 47% higher. I changed to the RAC for the car but they do not do motorhomes. So Ian who did you go with please?



We had the same, car went up loads but when we got the M/H it was only a few pounds up on last year. SAGA has always given us good service so far.



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Guest JudgeMental

That reminds me to call them and throw a few expletives at them again. Last year I had various heated conversations wit them to stop the deluge of SPAM mall they send out! it stopped for a while and has started again! doing my head in! *-)



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JudgeMental - 2011-12-01 7:56 AM


That reminds me to call them and throw a few expletives at them again. Last year I had various heated conversations wit them to stop the deluge of SPAM mall they send out! it stopped for a while and has started again! doing my head in! *-)




Me neither: one 'phone call to them for a quote and I was deluged for four years with their cxxp!



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We have mixed feelings about SAGA; we have our car and MH insurance with them.


MH quote was the cheapest we could find and the whole process was quite painless:-D. However, when we decided to store on a Gold Award CaSSOA storage facility from parking on our drive all that changed :'( . It took endless phone calls where we were told that someone would get back to us (but no one ever did), to jumping through hoops regarding the security level of the storage site. In the end I demanded to speak to a Manager to make a complaint, and after going through the whole process yet again with him, he OK’ed it without a problem. What a palaver that turned out to be! I was under the impression that the CaSSOA award was a level of assurance that meant something to insurance companies. The whole experience left me with the impression that SAGA were happier to insure the vehicle on a unsecure drive than being in a locked compound, with 24 hr security, 24 hr CCT monitoring and password access, unbelievable!


Regarding our car insurance, that too was the cheapest last year, however, the renewal quote had jumped £100 despite me having an additional 12 month NCB (My previous NCB was lost because it was on a commercial vehicle). After shopping around, got a cheaper quote from AXA by £80. I decided to inform SAGA of this, as well as the fact that it was a better cover, and to my amazement they matched the AXA price and cover at £1.00 cheaper! :-D


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I have mixed feeling about them as well. Used to have the house insured with them policy was a good price until we brought a couple of new push bikes they wanted £100 to cover the bikes of £1400 value and when I read the small print they were only covered in the UK, changed to M & S no extra charge for bikes providing each one is less than £4000 and cover is worldwide.


Insured the car with them this year as they were cheapest by far.

After talking to them got the junk mail down to a couple a month better than the 6-8 a week we used to get.

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After many years of checking out lots of insurers for car/ home&contents/ motorhome/ scooter, each time they are due for renewal. Saga have not been competitive. When the motorhome insurance came up for renewal this year (august) Saga beat our existing insurers (caravan guard) by i think it was £50 plus, same cover. I can never under stand why there should be such a huge difference across the whole insurance industry for same types of cover, thank heavens for the internet i use it all the time to get best prices for everything!
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I am a tight sod, and never buy insurance without spending a considerable time ringing around etc to get the cheapest comparable quotes and SAGA has been the most competitive for me for the last 3 years, I have had to go back to them and ask them to re-look at their renewal notices and every-time they have beaten the best I could find, I now insure my new house, motor-home and 2 cars one of which has an "A" frame fitted which they know about as I just couldn't beat their offer.


I am not complacent I will continue to ring around at renewal time, but I have got to give them credit they are prepared to beat any other quotes i've obtained.


Just a question, with the German ADAC renewal you have to give them several months notice if you wish to change or stop using their services, does anyone know if thats the same for German motor Insurance as well, just interested ???

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Interesting thread this. Mixed views. I wonder if geography comes into the equation? or even age?

We lived in the home counties and now live on the south coast, and as stated before, always found Saga expensive. Have not been quoted for MH,. Maybe try them in March when renewal due.


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My renewal with Saga came in at another £100 on last year's, as it had the year before. Spoke to an advisor - no real reduction - so took out this year's online and saved £150! Told the advisor what I had done - no problem. So will do this when the m/home renewal comes up.

Incidentally, Saga own the RAC now but will not cover the m/home and the car on the same policy (I can only drive one vehicle at a time) for European breakdown but, if I arrange it directly, the RAC will!!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
SAGA, I HATE THIS COMPANY, I made the mistake of requesting a quote. How do you put an end to the avalanche of mail none of which I have never responded to, but continue to receive, drives me nuts. >:-(
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Patricia - 2011-12-02 12:08 AM

My renewal with Saga came in at another £100 on last year's, as it had the year before. Spoke to an advisor - no real reduction - so took out this year's online and saved £150! Told the advisor what I had done - no problem.

Not just Saga, had the same problem with M&S home insurance, now I always get an online quote when a renewal comes through.
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The quote this year was very competitve for our 14 year old MH. Also the recovery insurance. When our brakes failed in France last year, on a Fri. their support was very comforting, from the UK and from the French side. When recovery came they wanted to take us to a garage over the weekend. As we were in a camp site, collecting us on the Mon. for repair, was agreed with no problems. Checking the literature a one visit is only required when called out on an emergency. I have nothing but praise for the service. The repair was done that day, and during the repair, we were taken into the local town for the day by taxi.
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Before renewing the m/home breakdown ins with Saga in Feb, I will check the small print. As I posted (elsewhere?) Saga now own RAC which I happen to have some cover with through my bank. However, they have offered me a good deal for European breakdown which covers £300 repairs too and can be changed from my car (which I am using for the next journey) to the m/home for the summer. Saga themselves refuse to transfer the m/home Euro cover to the car.
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1footinthegrave - 2011-12-02 5:54 AM


SAGA, I HATE THIS COMPANY, I made the mistake of requesting a quote. How do you put an end to the avalanche of mail none of which I have never responded to, but continue to receive, drives me nuts. >:-(


How about returning to them marked "Not know at this address"? I imagin they will have to pay the postage??


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I guess I'm fortunate that I have the time and ability to look carefully at all insurance renewals, whatever they are for.


I have tried SAGA from time to time for all sorts of policies, but always found them very uncompetitive...even for Travel Insurance, of all things....yes I am one of those over 70, but still like to travel,and always look for an Annual Policy for two reaons - one being its a lot cheaper than getting say two for a couple of weeks each, and then like many contributors here,we often don;t know when we are going away, nor for how long, and certainly wouldnt want to be restricted by having to agee these in advance.! It is however getting more difficult to find insurers who will cover more than 30 days in any one trip!



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Many thanks to all contributors responding to my whinge about SAGA. Clearly we are having a very mixed response from the company.


A couple of further comments:


I too store my MH on a CASSOA Silver site. When I mentioned this to the SAGA person their response indicated to me they had little idea of what a CASSOA site was and were even less interested in giving it any discount recognition. However, my last two MH insurers have instantly recognised and rewarded this storage arrangement with reasonable discounts.


I am also plagued with SAGA junk mail despite three (as far as I can remember) phone calls, at my expense, telling them to stop - result - no change. I am losing the will to live with their junk mail ! It's a pity I cannot burn all the junk mail and generate heat for my radiators from it.


It's also a pity that SAGA will probably never read this feedback on their services, products and employee training programmes. Maybe they shoudl send their staff on a training exercise at the NEC or EXCEL to better understand the sector.

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Unless you compare quotes you cannot establish if the discount offered for using an approved? storage facility is really worth anything.


As for circular information from SAGA that's exactly how I got to hear about the good deals they had without the circular information I ,may well have been paying a lot more for my insurance, that's not to say i am complacent as I will continue to put them to the test at every renewal but over the last few years they have come up trumps.


There are plenty of ways to block email's from unwanted companies there is also a phone number you can ring to stop unwanted mail shots and I believe phone calls, it may be worth giving these a try if the circulars are causing you distress.


Try this link:- http://www.mpsonline.org.uk/mpsr/mps_choosetype.html



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