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Hymer camp 544 fridge not working on 12v

Guest peter

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Guest peter
Hi folks just joined the forum and the ranks of motorhomes after caravanning for a while. Just bought a Hymer Camp 544 of 2000 vintage, it is a German import. The problem is that the fridge won't work on 12v with engine running, (no red light on). anybody got any idea where to start looking? or where a wiring diagram can be sourced. The handbooh I have is in German , so not a lot of good either. Hope someone can help. Cheers. Peter
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Guest peter
It's an Electrolux on a fiat ducato 2.5 TDI. Will post model of fridge tomorrow as book is in motorhome at present.
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Peter: Once you've identified the exact model of fridge you could go on to the Dometic website (www.dometic.com) and, as your Hymer is quite recent, you should be able to download an English-language fridge handbook. I think you might also find it useful to search this website's "Caravan Chat" forum. (Use keyword "12V" (omitting the quotes) and 'All Posts" Date Limit) as I'm pretty sure your question has been raised there in the past.
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Hymer have this frustrating habbit of combining the split charging relay, fridge relay and a few other electrical bits into one dedicated part potted lump. Frequently positioned under the drivers seat - but not always! You need to lay your hands on the wiring diagram for your model, it should be in the manual but Hymer in Germany do respond to email requests for diagrams directly if you do not have one, they have for me and I don,t even have a Hymer! Once equiped with the information a little while with a multimeter tracing where the 12 volt supply stops will identify the problem. My guess is that the fridge is the last thing to suspect. First fuses, second poor connections including a bad or loose chassis connection and thirdly a component failure. Contact details on the Hymer.de web site give norbert.schupp@hymer-alu.de Good luck Clive
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Guest peter
Thanks for your input Dereck and Clive. The fridge is a RM4400 and I do have the manual in english, but I think the problem is something to do with what Clive was refering to, as someone else had the same problem as it was in this months MMM but for a different model van. I will contact Hymer and ask for an english wiring diagram and manual if they still have one. Iv'e got the German one but my wife's German does not extend to technical German.
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If you can scan in the German diagram and email it to me I will try and translate. For the last 10 years Germans owned the company I worked for. I cannot speak the language but recognise most of the electrical bits. I can then email back a marked up version with some more detailed suggestions. My email address is on my web site front page www.motts.dsl.pipex.com Regards
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Guest peter
Thanks for the response Clive, I have contacted Hymer and asked for a PDF copy of the Manual and Wiring diagram in english. If I have no luck I will certainly take up your offer. By the way the link you gave me for the Hymer site is for their aluminium and scaffolding section, the correct link is Hymer.com. Urs kindly put me right when I E.Mailed him. Regards. Peter
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