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The motorcaravanners club

Dr Dave

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We went to a CCC meet at the weekend for Lincoln Christmas Market , and in an adjacent field was the Motorcaravanners Club. I don't know anything about this club and the website is a bit basic. Does anyone else have any information or experience on this club and is it worth joining? IE are the rally's cheaper or on par with the CCC

Thanks in advance. Dave

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Guest pelmetman
johnnerontheroad - 2011-12-05 9:34 PM


The only thing I know about them is I'm to young to join them I'm only 61. It seems to be for old people :-D



(lol) (lol)

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johnnerontheroad - 2011-12-05 9:34 PM


The only thing I know about them is I'm to young to join them I'm only 61. It seems to be for old people :-D




I know a member who is MUCH younger than you and in no way could be called "old".


Sorry but I don't know anything about the club except that the member referred to rallies with them many weekends a year. I haven't looked at their website but I'd be surprised if there wasn't a way of contacting someone in the club for further information.

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The motorcaravanners Club is probably the oldest club for motor home owners. The country is split up into areas much the same as the caravan clubs (CC and CCC) but they are more active, at least up norff they are. They have advantageous sites at most of the popular attractions for members only. It costs about £30.00 to join and once you have a membership number it gives you access to a more sensible web site including the usual forums. I have noticed the same people as on here plus many more. For me the rallys are the best part in as much as the rates are beneficial and I can attend any of them. At one recently a member from Northern Ireland was on his way home and took the weekend out at one of the Northern Counties rallys - cheaper than booking a site for two nights. However not everything is all things to all people so why not give this number a ring and ask your questions 01684 311677.

Just to summarise, you get a membership card, a monthly mag, a whole file of info. some of which you will already know but some may be new. The local group secretary will contact you (based on your post code) and inform you of your groups rallies etc. For me, I think the main advantage (after rallies) is the fact that they have ringside seats for all the MMM shows. At the Great Western we were two fields away from the action. The club pitch was right on. Finally, again for me, trying to get a view point for the Sunderland Air show is like finding rocky horse s.... but the club have a rally field which gives perfect viewing of the show. I understand the same goes for Fareford? RAF air show. (forgive spelling if wrong)

Hope this helps - having re-read your post I add that a weekend will cost you around £10 per night which includes entertainment and other goodies - what, depends on where you are. The qualification is that you must own or about to own a motor home. Age does not come into it and some of those in our group would be pretty miffed to be called old.


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We had " Free " membership through Brownhills a few years ago only went on two weekend rallies more expensive than CCC meets and also charged a " Rally Fee "on top  for whatever reason, at the 1st rally the grass was really long and the best bit was a member who got a strimmer from his garage and cut the grass around his motorhome and then produced a lawn rake to clear up the cuttings , thats something you don't expect at a weekend rally. The secong meet we went on was at Chatsworth House well in a field about a mile from the house and again it was more like a cow pasture ,so we never bothered with them again.
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We were members a few years ago. As Art says they do have rallies, and you can join in any group (Area) rallies. they seemed a very friendly lot. we did not go on any rallies, as it is not our scene, so did not renew our membership. They are not all in fields, they use schools and other places as well. In Portsmouth the old Fort Widley is used for some get togethers. If you are in to rallying then I would give it a try.


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As far as I am concerned the Motorcaravaners Club is the best thing since sliced bread. All I can say in reply to some of the negative response on here is "GET A LIFE". We in the Lancashire group have regular weekend rallies which are held in sports clubs and village halls throughout the area which includes music and dancing for a very small financial outlay. Who wants to sit in a motorhome in a field stareing at one another. This weekend we are having the childrens christmas party which is an annual event and the commitee work very hard to organise all the events throughout the year.


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IMO the MCC caters for motorhomers better than the two major clubs insofar the rally sites are chosen by motorhomers.


As for being for older people quite the opposite, we rally with NWMids&NWales group, along with Lancashire, Northern Counties, and S Wales groups and can say they have been some of the best venues we have rallied at and organisation has been good without regimentation.


I cant say we have ever thought of the rallies as being expensive, if they have been dearer its due to the facilities or entertainment that has been on offer

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rolandrat - 2011-12-06 8:32 AM. This weekend we are having the childrens christmas party which is an annual event and the commitee work very hard to organise all the events throughout the year. "GET A LIFE"

And I bet you all sit in a circle with a box of christmas cards and a pen  playing pass the christmas card which makes me pleased I do not attend " Rallies " and prefer to widen my horizons by touring Europe , so now who needs to " GET A LIFE "

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kelly58 - 2011-12-06 9:25 AM
rolandrat - 2011-12-06 8:32 AM. This weekend we are having the childrens christmas party which is an annual event and the commitee work very hard to organise all the events throughout the year. "GET A LIFE"

And I bet you all sit in a circle with a box of christmas cards and a pen  playing pass the christmas card which makes me pleased I do not attend " Rallies " and prefer to widen my horizons by touring Europe , so now who needs to " GET A LIFE "

What a childish post. Everybody has their own form of enjoyment, as you allude to your own preferences, so there is no need to attempt to ridicule as you only make yourself look foolish
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I see you are in Mansfield Dr Dave. I have some friends who live near Nottingham: members of the MCC and enjoy going to frequent weekend rallies with them in the area. It allows them to get away without having to spend too much on fuel. They tell me that the MCC rallies often ( usually? ) provide social gathering oportunities like ' 1940's weekend' for example.


For me, the MCC has nothing. I have looked at their magazine and other information and they have very little in the area in which I live and I don't want to 'rally' anyway, especially not at weekends. Being retired I like to take advantage of queter less busy weekdays.


If you want frequent weekend rallying fairly local to you then maybe the MCC is for you.



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We were members for a while, and found them friendly and helpful - and they catered for all ages!

We liked the fact that the whole club was motorhome-oriented. Not that we've anything against any other kind of camping/caravanning, but needs and preferences ARE different.

We're not big ralliers, but we went to an MCC rally at Canterbury the year the Tour de France went through there. The rally venue was about 500yds from a really good vantage point on the course!

The only reason we later switched to the CCC was that we were doing more UK touring etc, and (not being "big site" people) wanted access to the CS network. The MCC only has a few CLs - although of course those they have are all very motorhome-friendly!

As always, it's horses for courses! Think about what you want or need from a club (if anything!), then look at all three and decide which one matches you.

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SSORTCIRCUIT, I couldn't agree with you more. I personally don't have a problem socialising with like minded friends, the MCC might not suit every one but it certainly suits us. We enjoy quizzes, socialising,bingo,take your pick, dancing, we have live entertainment now and again and of course a steady drink of whatever you fancy. We also have members from other areas joining us who come back on a regular basis. Owning an Autotrail, we are also members of that club as well. It is also a well run club. What has to be taken into consideration is the dedication of elected members on the commitees who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure the rallies are a success.
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rolandrat - 2011-12-06 8:32 AM


As far as I am concerned the Motorcaravaners Club is the best thing since sliced bread. All I can say in reply to some of the negative response on here is "GET A LIFE". We in the Lancashire group have regular weekend rallies which are held in sports clubs and village halls throughout the area which includes music and dancing for a very small financial outlay. Who wants to sit in a motorhome in a field stareing at one another. This weekend we are having the childrens christmas party which is an annual event and the commitee work very hard to organise all the events throughout the year.



Not really an impartial posting Roland as not everyone, clearly from the responses on here, likes to rally - it doesn't mean they don't 'have a life' though.


We also joined for a year to see what the MCC offered but found that it mainly caters for those who like to rally (in fields, schools or anywhere else they are organised) and we were not using them often enough to justify continuing the membership.



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I think the "Fields" bit is a little way off mark when an organisations clubhouse is being used. The motorhomes have to be parked somewhere. I have to agree that occasionally we might have a rally in the open using a large marquee but that is in the summertime. The MCC use village halls, sports clubs and school premises and at times it is bar drinks and on other occasions you take your own. I totally agree that rallying isn't everyones cup of tea but dont knock it for the owners that do.All the members that I know are very social minded and when we are together we thoroughly enjoy ourselves. Life is for living, you only get one chance. At the Roses rally this year at Lytham St Annes there was about 300 motorhomes, they had to park on the Grammar School playing fields, we used another field for the outdoor games and all the social activities were held in the very large sports hall which included live evening professional entertainment.
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rolandrat - 2011-12-06 3:59 PM


I think the "Fields" bit is a little way off mark when an organisations clubhouse is being used. The motorhomes have to be parked somewhere. I have to agree that occasionally we might have a rally in the open using a large marquee but that is in the summertime. The MCC use village halls, sports clubs and school premises and at times it is bar drinks and on other occasions you take your own. I totally agree that rallying isn't everyones cup of tea but dont knock it for the owners that do.All the members that I know are very social minded and when we are together we thoroughly enjoy ourselves. Life is for living, you only get one chance. At the Roses rally this year at Lytham St Annes there was about 300 motorhomes, they had to park on the Grammar School playing fields, we used another field for the outdoor games and all the social activities were held in the very large sports hall which included live evening professional entertainment.


But here you go again... "Life is for living, you only get one chance". Less strident than the shouted GET A LIFE [written twice] in your previous posting. But this is saying much the same thing.


I don't think that anyone has "knocked" owners for rallying. But by saying ‘get a life’, and ‘life is for living’ there is the clear implication that you think this is the best way to enjoy the hobby. There is an implied superiority in those two phrases. We thoroughly enjoy our way of motorhoming [and caravanning] and that does not include rallying or having "entertainment" laid on.


The OP was a genuine request for information. Therefore people are giving their views based their own experiences. There is bound to be a mixed response.


I was interested in the replies as I too have considered joining the club. What I wanted to learn was what one gets for the membership, are there the same, or similar, benefits that one gets from the two major clubs [i’m thinking about insurances/ ferry crossings and so on].


Telling people to get a life, [and reminding us all that life is for living], because they happen not to enjoy your way of motorhoming is not helpful.


And I have a life, thank you, and it is one I really love living.....



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We joined a few years ago at a show but found it was not for us. We found them very clique-ish and you had to be 70+ and go to Spain for the winter or you didn't 'fit in' At the time I was still working so needless to say didn't 'fit in!'

We also went to their National Rally which was and absolute disaster for us-very badly organised and little information re competitions cancelled/not cancelled etc and the shows were virtually impossible to enjoy as the regulars all saved seats for each other and you couldn't see the entertainers nor hear them very well-moreover nearly got knocked down in the traffic rush (see: Whacky Races) after the show. Needless to say did not renew membership or buy the fleece.

Not our cup of tea but once again it is personal choice-not everybody enjoys the Bulldog Bash!!


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Nobody is shouting "get a life", I stated a friendly view and yes life is for living, the way in which I do. What I have said is my own personal experience of the MCC. My outlook on life obviously differs from some others. Apart from motorcaravanning we enjoy cabaret weekends in hotels occasionally parking the motorhome in the hotel car park. I am a Northerner and enjoy a workingmens club atmosphere and proud of it. The guy asked about the MCC and he got various peoples experiences, anyone who found it not for them, fair enough. We once stayed at Chipping on our own and the CCC was holding a rally, all the time we was there we never saw any activity apart from some people sitting in other peoples vans nothing was happening at all. We went to the local pub and enjoyed the locals company.
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rolandrat - 2011-12-06 6:26 PM


Nobody is shouting "get a life", I stated a friendly view and yes life is for living, the way in which I do. What I have said is my own personal experience of the MCC. My outlook on life obviously differs from some others. Apart from motorcaravanning we enjoy cabaret weekends in hotels occasionally parking the motorhome in the hotel car park. I am a Northerner and enjoy a workingmens club atmosphere and proud of it. The guy asked about the MCC and he got various peoples experiences, anyone who found it not for them, fair enough. We once stayed at Chipping on our own and the CCC was holding a rally, all the time we was there we never saw any activity apart from some people sitting in other peoples vans nothing was happening at all. We went to the local pub and enjoyed the locals company.


Posting using capital letters is, in the conventions of Forums [not just this one], considered to be the same as shouting in a conversation.

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rolandrat - 2011-12-06 6:48 PM


Gwendolyn we can do without attempted character assassination on here lets keep it on a friendly basis, all we are doing is expressing our own personal view on the MCC and rallying in general. If it isn't your scene then so what, it doesn't matter.


I am not attempting any character assassination. I was merely suggesting that telling people to GET A LIFE [capitals = shouting] is not helpful. You expressed a view but, by implication, by using that phrase and style, criticised others' choices. Much the same point has also been made up-thread.

I have said nothing any more unfriendly than have you.



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Well Well

Thanks to all the people that have posted with meaningful replies however i find it strange how a genuine question can be turned into a slanging match, yes we all have different ideas of what the ideal motorhome site / venue is but we all have one thing in common no matter if you camp in a field a club site at home or abroad we all love the motorhome experience ,dont we?? Its somtimes all too easy to wind people up on a forum when you would not do it when talking face to face. Again thank you and if you wondered we may give the club a try.


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rolandrat - 2011-12-06 6:58 PM


Since when is posting capital letters cosidered shouting, its a new one on me. We learn something every day. If it is the case then I aplologise if I have offended anyone, it certainly wasn't intended.


I used to read, and post on, The Archers Message Board a lot; Sagazone too [occasionally] as well as "lurking" on other Forums.

Anyone posting in capital letters was immediately "reprimanded" by others for "shouting".

One poster used all capital letters for her user name and was thereafter referred as “the one with the shouty name"!!!!


I, in turn apologise, if you were unaware of the convention.

Is peace breaking out?


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