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CAT Protection


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Hi all

Has anyone tried the "Catclamp" as a protection for the CAT on their van or know of any other protection?


We have just been victems of a CAT theft and are now looking at ways to prevent this happening again, the van was parked up on our front driveway next to the house not sure when it was stollen sometime in the last 4 weeks.


Thanks in advance



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There are some earlier comments on the Cat Clamp (and on 'cat' theft generally) on




Alternative products are branded "CATLOCK" and "CATLOC". Deteails on the links below, and GOOGLE-searching on the brand-names will retrieve lots more information





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nasher - 2011-12-08 11:43 PM


Hi there, just wondered if it is possible to put some kind of micro switch onto the cat wired into the vehicles alarm system?


I'm sure you could do what you are proposing - though connecting the switch to a couple of small shaped-charges to surgically remove the criminal's hands would perhaps be more appropriate.


There is a commercial product marketed by Trucksecure that 'alarms' the catalytic converter:





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Hi What is the point of the catlock if a theif has the means of cutting off the cat then he will have the tool to cut off the wire that retains the cat lock so both go with him to the scrap yard.


Would it not be better to use the alarm from trucksecure that Derek Uzzell mentioned I know it cost over £200 but if you think you have a good chance of it being stolen then it would be well worth it.


I have been on to the people who fitted my vehicle alarm and it can not be extended to cover the cat he said there is no alarm that can be used for that at the moment so a separate alarm would be needed ===




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