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Camping Card ASCI


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Basil - 2011-12-26 3:29 PM


BGD - 2011-12-26 10:08 AM

Seems to me like yet another reason to cut out the CCC entirely, and order your ACSI discount card AND the free ID card too, direct from the ACSI website every year.


"...............................Shame ACSI don't recognise English people with their card though"






Sorry; I don't understand the point you are making.........as I understand it the ACSI scheme is run by a Dutch Company, but covers all of Europe - and is open to all people across Europe. How do they not recognise English people with their card?

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Basil - 2011-12-26 3:29 PM


BGD - 2011-12-26 10:08 AM

Seems to me like yet another reason to cut out the CCC entirely, and order your ACSI discount card AND the free ID card too, direct from the ACSI website every year.


Or of course from Vicarious Books who sent through the complete package. Shame ACSI don't recognise English people with their card though




Managed to order mine with no problems from ACSI. As the C&CC point out it does not have as wide a coverage as the FICC Camping Caret and not all sites in the ACSI books are accepting it as identity.



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BGD - 2011-12-26 3:38 PM


Basil - 2011-12-26 3:29 PM


BGD - 2011-12-26 10:08 AM

Seems to me like yet another reason to cut out the CCC entirely, and order your ACSI discount card AND the free ID card too, direct from the ACSI website every year.


"...............................Shame ACSI don't recognise English people with their card though"




Sorry; I don't understand the point you are making.........as I understand it the ACSI scheme is run by a Dutch Company, but covers all of Europe - and is open to all people across Europe. How do they not recognise English people with their card?



My comment was a bit TIC, but when you go to order your free ID card they have in the nationality list, which you have to select from, all nationalities including Scottish, Welsh and Irish but not English. Thought that a tad racist myself! TIC.





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The more I think about that CCC "explanation" for deliberately trying to cover up the free availability of the ACSI ID card to purchasers via the CCC of the ACSI discount card and book, in order to try to prevent those CCC members from getting hold of one, the more intrigued I am.



What do paying members of the CCC think about their clubs deliberate cover-up attempt?

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BGD - 2011-12-26 10:27 PM


The more I think about that CCC "explanation" for deliberately trying to cover up the free availability of the ACSI ID card to purchasers via the CCC of the ACSI discount card and book, in order to try to prevent those CCC members from getting hold of one, the more intrigued I am.



What do paying members of the CCC think about their clubs deliberate cover-up attempt?


Well, since you mention it - I'm not too impressed. The explanation from CCC includes: - "ACSI Club iD is a new card with no advantages over the CCI."


Well actually, I'd suggest that is not true. The CCC fail in their rambling excuse to mention that: - "A CCI generally costs £5.50 (but is FREE when booking an Inclusive Holiday or take out Personal and Vehicle Insurance through Carefree.)" In other words, you get the benefit of an ID card and thrid party insurance included with the ACSI guidebook - unless purchased from CCC - in which case your ID card (CCI) will set you back another £5.50.


Oh, and just to rub salt into the wound, CCC make a CCI card mandatory, if you want to attend one of their Carefree rallies? My question is WHY?





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We have been across to Europe every year since I think 1991,and i always took (well paid for!) the CCI through the Caravan Club -I think this year its gone up to about £6.50.

I have always used this when checking in at a campsite, and it has never been refused - sometimes it's retained until you pay on departure. I cannot remember ever having been asked to produce my passport.


This year I bought the ACSI card via Vicarious Books, and found they gave first class service, even to the extent of e-mailing when the books were despatched. Mine arrived in one package, not damaged at all.


Reading through the above thread, I gathered that there was an option to obtain the free ACSI Carnet,and shall apply for this in the New Year.

I cannot see this will be in any way inferior to that previously obtained from the CC, although I shall still take their continental guide/s with me, as I find this a very useful source for reference- but also by searching on the internet .regularly find other sites not listed.

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mikebeaches - 2011-12-26 10:54 PM


BGD - 2011-12-26 10:27 PM


The more I think about that CCC "explanation" for deliberately trying to cover up the free availability of the ACSI ID card to purchasers via the CCC of the ACSI discount card and book, in order to try to prevent those CCC members from getting hold of one, the more intrigued I am.



What do paying members of the CCC think about their clubs deliberate cover-up attempt?


Well, since you mention it - I'm not too impressed. The explanation from CCC includes: - "ACSI Club iD is a new card with no advantages over the CCI."


Well actually, I'd suggest that is not true. The CCC fail in their rambling excuse to mention that: - "A CCI generally costs £5.50 (but is FREE when booking an Inclusive Holiday or take out Personal and Vehicle Insurance through Carefree.)" In other words, you get the benefit of an ID card and thrid party insurance included with the ACSI guidebook - unless purchased from CCC - in which case your ID card (CCI) will set you back another £5.50.


Oh, and just to rub salt into the wound, CCC make a CCI card mandatory, if you want to attend one of their Carefree rallies? My question is WHY?



Its what they call 'Marketing' Mike!


I have to say that I am disgusted with the CCC for doing this and I am thinking of writing to the Trading Standards too. I have written to the Club accusing them of Sharp Practice but I have not had a response yet, due to the Festive Holidays. I feel that if I get the long winded response from them, then I will get into dialogue with them as I do not like their attitude!


I really do not like discrimination of any kind.



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I think the long-winded reply from the CCC is ill-judged and does not reflect well on the organisation.


It appears to me that the Club does not want to support the development of a direct relationship between the client and ACSI. Indeed, the Club has actively sought to thwart it, whilst at the same time happy to sell the ACSI guidebook.


The Club has realised just how popular the ACSI scheme has proved and I suspect is concerned about possible loss of membership.


I guess the root question that should be asked - Is the Camping and Caravanning Club genuinely acting in its members' best interests on this matter?

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Curiouser and curiouser.......


From the ACSI website I can buy the ACSI Sites Guidebooks (there are now two of them from 2012, as the number of sites in the ACSI scheme across Europe is now too many for one book) and discount card (with their ID Card thrown in for FREE) for 9.95 euros.


From the CCC website, as a valued CCC Member (of course, you've already had to pay to be a member), you can buy the same ACSI Sites Guidebooks Book, but with the included free offer from ACSI of their ID card DELIBERATELY hidden from you by the CCC before they send on the books to you; for which you must pay them £14.00.

That's about 16.50 euros.




So those people who've paid the CCC to become members so that the CCC will act in their best interests as members, are then given the pleasure by the CCC of paying 65% MORE for the exactly same product.....................................sorry, not even the same product, as the CCC then actually do their utmost to try to prevent you getting the ACSI ID Card part of it.



65% more expensive through the CCC; and with part of the product deliberately and secretly denied to its buyers by them.


How very kind of the CCC to behave like that to its "valued members" who pay to be in it............ >:-(

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tugga - 2011-12-27 9:08 AM


mikebeaches - 2011-12-26 10:54 PM



I have to say that I am disgusted with the CCC for doing this and I am thinking of writing to the Trading Standards too. I have written to the Club accusing them of Sharp Practice but I have not had a response yet, due to the Festive Holidays. I feel that if I get the long winded response from them, then I will get into dialogue with them as I do not like their attitude!


I really do not like discrimination of any kind.



Hi mikebeaches


Have you thought of sending ACSI an email to see if they are aware of what is going on, I would have thought the CCC may well be in breach of agreement with ACSI. I would do it myself if I had a copy but I'm not prepared to do it without having seen exactly what they are doing with my own eyes.

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Whilst I'm not condoning the action of the C&CC to not offer the new ACSI carnet, the official FICC camping carnet is accepted instead of your passport throughout Europe at virtually all campsites, it also provides basic 3rd party insurance cover and a small discount at some sites (which we got in Portugal this year).
We booked our ferries for next year through the C&CC and managed to get the ACSI discount Camping guide FREE . . . AND a £30 reduction in the ferry costs by booking it as an inclusive holiday.
They didn't mention getting the FICC carnet free as well, as was stated in an earlier posting. I will check that out when I order new carnet.
Is there a market for an alternative carnet with limited usability which is what ACSI are trying to get into?


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BGD - 2011-12-27 10:16 AM


Curiouser and curiouser.......


From the ACSI website I can buy the ACSI Sites Guidebooks (there are now two of them from 2012, as the number of sites in the ACSI scheme across Europe is now too many for one book) and discount card (with their ID Card thrown in for FREE) for 9.95 euros.


From the CCC website, as a valued CCC Member (of course, you've already had to pay to be a member), you can buy the same ACSI Sites Guidebooks Book, but with the included free offer from ACSI of their ID card DELIBERATELY hidden from you by the CCC before they send on the books to you; for which you must pay them £14.00.

That's about 16.50 euros.





Following this through regarding the cost -

... I bought my ACSI books via Vicarious Books, and by pre-ordering received a discount of I think £1. So the total price inc p&p was around £12.50...and I get the 'free' CCI.

I'm not a member of CCC- I've fallen out with them too many times over various issues, but in any case would have checked out the pricing, but it does seem they are doing their members a dis-service. Surely if the books are delivered to a 'dealer', he has no right to remove part of what they contain? I call this 'sharp-practice'.

interestingly, though the CC chose not to even deal with these books,and that of course is their prerogative, especially as they have their own Continetnal Sites Guides - which I see for 2012 is going to be split across 3 books! At least with the CC there is a differential in price between what memebrs will pay and what they charge to non-members!

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terryW - 2011-12-27 6:00 PM


tugga - 2011-12-27 9:08 AM


mikebeaches - 2011-12-26 10:54 PM



I have to say that I am disgusted with the CCC for doing this and I am thinking of writing to the Trading Standards too. I have written to the Club accusing them of Sharp Practice but I have not had a response yet, due to the Festive Holidays. I feel that if I get the long winded response from them, then I will get into dialogue with them as I do not like their attitude!


I really do not like discrimination of any kind.



Hi mikebeaches


Have you thought of sending ACSI an email to see if they are aware of what is going on, I would have thought the CCC may well be in breach of agreement with ACSI. I would do it myself if I had a copy but I'm not prepared to do it without having seen exactly what they are doing with my own eyes.


Hi Terry - I didn't post the item you've attributed to me. I think it was Tugga / Cheryl. No worries, just thought I should clarify.


Regards, Mike

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There is a page in each of the guides devoted to 'ACSI Club ID' which states....


'....anyone who purchases an ACSI product in 2012 ......will receive a unique code with which they can request a free ACSI club ID.

'.....this guide contains a voucher with a unique code......'


Surely therefore it follows that the CCC has no authority to remove this voucher. It's part of what the purchaser has already paid for?

Personally, I'm not bothered as I bought from Vicarious who sent the complete package (and at a better price it seems than the CCC) but I think if I were a member of the CCC I would be writing a very strong letter of complaint to the Director (or whatever title he / she holds) of the 'club'.

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Keith -


I don't know exactly how the CCC have tried to remove references to the ACSI ID Card in the ACSI Books they sell on from ACSI.......


...did they literally rip pages out,


..............or did they remove the accompanying accompanying flyer with the free ordering code printed on it,


...................or do they have some deal with the printer via ACSI where they get a "welcome" page added to the ACSI book in lieu of the page referring to the ACSI ID Card offer; to make unsuspecting CCC members think it was a CCC scheme?




Maybe people who got their 2012 ACSI Discount books via the CCC could comment.................





In any event, the CCC's cover-up attempts were unsuccessful, as others have noted, because they even cocked that up................. they missed redacting out at least one ACSI mention within the books of the FREE ACSI ID Card with integral 3rd party on-site liability insurance that each purchaser of the book can obtain from ACSI at no cost.



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The ACSI guide sold by the CCC is a separate print run and is personalised to the Club.


The inside page of the front cover has a full-page forward from the Travel Services Director of the CCC - Richard Grimsdale (inc his photo).


The ACSI discount card (not the additional ID card) carries the Camping and Caravanning Club logo, as well as the ACSI branding.


There is no sign of any special code number to obtain the free ACSI ID card in my copy, so I do not know what format it took, or how it was published, in the guidebooks from other suppliers.


However, the pages advertising the free ACSI ID card are very much in evidence! So my theory is that the CCC thought they'd done a deal that the special code and reference to a free ID card would be omitted from their print-run. In the event, only the code was missing, but not the adverts!


It's anybody's guess whether the cock-up was a genuine error on the part of ACSI, who should have deleted the adverts for a free ID card, or whether ACSI stitched the Club up by including them (ie the club said we don't want the code in our guidebooks, so that was omitted - but they didn't know / realise there would be other advertising?).



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mikebeaches - 2011-12-28 11:50 AM


The ACSI guide sold by the CCC is a separate print run and is personalised to the Club.


The inside page of the front cover has a full-page forward from the Travel Services Director of the CCC - Richard Grimsdale (inc his photo).


The ACSI discount card (not the additional ID card) carries the Camping and Caravanning Club logo, as well as the ACSI branding.


There is no sign of any special code number to obtain the free ACSI ID card in my copy, so I do not know what format it took, or how it was published, in the guidebooks from other suppliers.


However, the pages advertising the free ACSI ID card are very much in evidence! So my theory is that the CCC thought they'd done a deal that the special code and reference to a free ID card would be omitted from their print-run. In the event, only the code was missing, but not the adverts!


It's anybody's guess whether the cock-up was a genuine error on the part of ACSI, who should have deleted the adverts for a free ID card, or whether ACSI stitched the Club up by including them (ie the club said we don't want the code in our guidebooks, so that was omitted - but they didn't know / realise there would be other advertising?).





My guess is that it was the CCC Marketing Department, who cocked up, as they are the customer.

It would have been them I assume who specified what changes they wanted made to the normal ACSI guidebook specifically to customise it for selling on to their members at their inflated price, with the info about the free ACSI ID card that they didn't want their members who paid for the Guide to know about removed.

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mikebeaches - 2011-12-28 11:50 AM


The ACSI guide sold by the CCC is a separate print run and is personalised to the Club.


The inside page of the front cover has a full-page forward from the Travel Services Director of the CCC - Richard Grimsdale (inc his photo).


The ACSI discount card (not the additional ID card) carries the Camping and Caravanning Club logo, as well as the ACSI branding.


There is no sign of any special code number to obtain the free ACSI ID card in my copy, so I do not know what format it took, or how it was published, in the guidebooks from other suppliers.


However, the pages advertising the free ACSI ID card are very much in evidence! So my theory is that the CCC thought they'd done a deal that the special code and reference to a free ID card would be omitted from their print-run. In the event, only the code was missing, but not the adverts!


It's anybody's guess whether the cock-up was a genuine error on the part of ACSI, who should have deleted the adverts for a free ID card, or whether ACSI stitched the Club up by including them (ie the club said we don't want the code in our guidebooks, so that was omitted - but they didn't know / realise there would be other advertising?).




On the standard version (via Vicarious Books), there is a section devoted to ASCI CCI on p15 (French & UK sites guide) and p16 ( other Eu sites guide).

Enclosed, but on a separate card, was the information for the FREE CCI for ACSI customers. This contained the code required to order the CCI.


Perhaps the CCC did an 'under the counter' deal - but I would say that on the basis of the information very clearly given on the relative pages of the guides it should be be available to everyone who purchases this guide,and not at the whim of wherever you obtain it.


My ACSI card has no reference to any organisation other than ACSI!


It does seem that by buying via a 'members club' (!!!???) you not only pay more for the product in the first place, but don't get the full deal!

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For the last couple of years I have purchased the book(it includes the card) and cd directly, paying with my French Bank euro debit card.

The cd has many more sites than the books so this year I have just ordered the cd and this includes the new id type card, the postage is the only extra. As we always take a laptop with us the cd is lighter than the books.


ACSI Camp site guide dvd Europe 2012Language English €13.95


ACSI Club ID ACI 1 €4.95


Subtotal €18.90


Discount €4.95


Delivery €2.00


Grand Total €15.95


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EMS - 2011-12-28 9:05 PM


For the last couple of years I have purchased the book(it includes the card) and cd directly, paying with my French Bank euro debit card.

The cd has many more sites than the books so this year I have just ordered the cd and this includes the new id type card, the postage is the only extra. As we always take a laptop with us the cd is lighter than the books.


ACSI Camp site guide dvd Europe 2012Language English €13.95


ACSI Club ID ACI 1 €4.95


Subtotal €18.90


Discount €4.95


Delivery €2.00


Grand Total €15.95





Thanks for that EMS (David?)


- I'm intrigued about the DVD having more ACSI sites on it than the hard-copy books.


We've always bought the book, so I've never seen the DVD version. Have we thus been missing out on knowing about additional ACSI sites?


I'm not clear on what could make an ACSI site appear on the DVD but not the book? Is it just late additions, that came into the scheme after the had-copy book had gone off to the printers?





Do you or anyone else know what ACSI sites get onto DVD but not into book, and why?

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The DVD is not the same as the ACSI Camping Card.


The DVD includes 8600 sites but when bought does not include the 'discount card'.

The Camping Card Book which does include the 'discount card' only has 2300 sites ~ but these are the ones which accept the card.


With regard to the book, the easiest way to personalise is to have a different cover printed to your own specification; with your logo and foreword etc. It would appear that the C&CC have either not realised what editorial / content was going to be in the book; or, ACSI have been a bit cute in enclosing something the C&CC weren't aware of !


Happy New Year



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Ems said "The cd has many more sites than the books so this year I have just ordered the cd and this includes the new id type card, the postage is the only extra. As we always take a laptop with us the cd is lighter than the books. ^


The cd/dvd may be lighter than the books Ems but you only get the Discounts with the Discount card and to get the card you need to buy the books


So you've paid 15.95 euros but no advantage of any discount ;-)

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I agree we will not get any discounts but we are usually travelling in Europe to visit families during their summer holidays so in the high season so we would not get a discount at a campsite.

We then stay with the families so we do not often use campsites when we arrive.

I have yet to persuade my other half to go south in the winter!!!

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EMS - 2011-12-30 10:23 AM


I agree we will not get any discounts but we are usually travelling in Europe to visit families during their summer holidays so in the high season so we would not get a discount at a campsite.

We then stay with the families so we do not often use campsites when we arrive.

I have yet to persuade my other half to go south in the winter!!!


As far as ACSI discount sites in France are concerned - the peak season can be very short. I've seen a number of campsites where it is from 8 July to 17 August, and all other dates are eligible for the ACSI discount.


Not all of the sites have such a short peak season, but it could be worth investigating.

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