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New member saying hello.


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Corky 8 - 2011-12-10 6:55 PM


Welcome Daniel, Flak Jackets are not compulsory just helpful, enjoy a brilliant Forum, ......Stay cool it helps.


Hello Corky 8,


I came under fire on a different thread last night, the flak jacket defiantly helped. I am now fully healed and ready to continue.


It is certainly a bit of a war zone in here, It all makes for interesting fun though !

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Hi Mandale and welcome from one of the few females on this forum now. With your experience I am sure you will be a fount of knowledge on here.


As Mel said, your designs look delightful and I sense, from many of the finer touches, that perhaps a female has had a hand in the design? I love the finish on the cupboards and several ideas took my eye in the kitchen and lounge. I might downsize in the future but unfortunately I am not keen on the overall designs of either of these 'vans but the finish looks superb. By the time I can afford to change perhaps you will have developed another design!

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