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I'm leaving for ever


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Having applied a few comments over the years on both forums I will make no more, its degraded here into an abusive forum where a simple point of view is attacked without a reasonable and sensible answer.


It would appear that many posters have little common sense and have to resort to attacking those who offer a personal comment.


I doubt they will mind what my view is and they will very likely say so, it was enjoyable but sadly no more, an interesting excercise it certainly was that I enjoyed but to constantly read attacks and rudeness I see no point.


I'm certainly no scholar, spending all my school days in air raid shelters but consider myself above those who have little else to contribute except trash.





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Well Art I will be sorry if you go.


I enjoy your well though out insightful comments, which if I may say so are inspired from a few more years on the clock than myself.


I'm not surprised by your decision. The recent spats (call them what you like), on the coachbuilt V panelvan thread were (are), for me, mind boggling.


I mean, anyone with a grain of common sense would accept that there is no definitive answer, nor was it asked for, but some just can't help themselves can they?


There were some interesting, helpful comments made, ruined, for me, by, well you get the drift.


All the best Art whether you stay or go.



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Guest pelmetman

Don't go Art......................Don't stop giving your point of view.........................Don't let the b*****'s grind you down *-)


I for one appreciate your post's :-D

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art338 - 2011-12-11 5:55 PM


Having applied a few comments over the years on both forums I will make no more, its degraded here into an abusive forum where a simple point of view is attacked without a reasonable and sensible answer.


It would appear that many posters have little common sense and have to resort to attacking those who offer a personal comment.


I doubt they will mind what my view is and they will very likely say so, it was enjoyable but sadly no more, an interesting excercise it certainly was that I enjoyed but to constantly read attacks and rudeness I see no point.


I'm certainly no scholar, spending all my school days in air raid shelters but consider myself above those who have little else to contribute except trash.





Whilst I have not participated a great deal to this forum, I agree with your comments!


My observations are very similar to yours, and sadly I have come to the same conclusion.....


It appears there are a 'core' of individuals who are hell bent on scoring points off one another, and in some cases are downright rude!


This has, in my opinion lowered the integrity of the forum overall, and detracted from the original aim of this forum in offering help and objective opinions to those who have sought help and advice!


I can't say that I will miss it!.......



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Art, I am with you on this - I was wondering how to write the post & you have done it for me.

Too many vicious comments by nasty people who should not get the benefits of replies, but who do.


Shame, as there are some good people on here but they are drowned out by the trash & I simply can't be bothered


Toodle pip

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There seems to be quite a few people with the same problem as yourself Art.


The only pleasure I get from this forum nowadays is checking the threads and reading the mindless spats from the same individuals. It seems to occur ever more frequently.


If there was effective moderation on here, it would not happen. I have already posted on another thread that this is the worst motorhome forum on the net. (MMM please note, as they are not doing any good for Warners publications). In my view, this forum should be closed down altogether.


Good luck and safe travels.

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No go on stay art. It's quite simple you know who the offenders are so do as I do and simply don't bother to read their posts it's quite simple really since they make themselves very easy to both identify and avoid!


Mind you to be fair they seem to be enjoying themselves so as long as the rest of us ignore them they are doing no harm.

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I'm not a heavy poster on this or any other forum for good reason.

I prefer to post if I have a technical query and some members' technical knowledge I appreciate and respect eg Brambles on batteries, Nick of Euroserv since he has huge knowledge of x250's. There are others.


I rarely respond to posts because I am not a technical expert. Of course I have an opinion on most things but thats all it is..............MY opinion.

There are people on here who appear intolerant of others' opinions. Just read through the PVC/Coachbuilt debate. For that reason I tend to avoid frequent posting. There's more to my life than participating in such 'debate'.


I've got a lot out of this forum and I've no intention of leaving. I do ignore certain names though as I have no respect for their views/behaviour on here.


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don't leave, just post your comments and opinions and ignore the Cretins, that's what I do , lots of people have disagreed with posts I have made but I don't care, I just post my opinions and people can agree or disagree, after all as I have said before this is not the real World it's just Cyber Space and the Key board Warriors are not real. :-D :-D :-D :-D
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Art I will be a little bit blunt but I do not mean to be offensive. Leave if you like as is your own choice and in a very short time you will be forgotten. What will happen is a post will come along that you can make a positive contribution to but as you have locked yourself out you will get so frustrated. Ignore the plonkers that are trying to dominate and provide positive postings as you have done in the past.


A bit early but have a good Christmas

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I too have noticed an increase in "bickering" on this forum but I value the technical knowledge of some of the members here. A brief reply or a fully researched one can be very much appreciated. It is a shame that some people delight in "winding up" others with their views and comments.

We live in a democracy but we should all appreciate the views of others. If the facts are put forward constructively then they are fine but I seem to get the impression that some members look too deep into comments and over react. My views as a frequent reader of this forum are that fewer and fewer people are posting on this forum and I too think that MMM should look to appointing moderators.


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Are we all talking into the ether, or are you still there Art? It's a shame if you've gone because you will have missed all the supportive posts :-(

This may not be the best Forum, someone mentioned the other one. I wonder which of the other five or more that is?

But there are some experienced and knowlegable people here so if you can filter out the nonsense, you can pick up some very useful information.

Look at this, I'm rambling on and you're probably down the pub already (lol)

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Art, you have been a valued contributor on this forum in the past, I would expect a chap of your Calibre to over ride the cynicism of a select few of deliberate agitators on the Forum ,I have made it a policy not to read either Threads posted by the well known tripe mongers or read their reply,s on any given post ,and read only the post,s/replies of those known to be genuine in their intention to assist, Like Brian and Derek plus many others who make this a worthwhile Forum, The Moderators will wake up one day and Give some kind of power to the likes of Derek and Brian to oversee posts and act as on line Moderator,s.  if they dont then Practical Motorhome forum will outstrip this well established Forum.   stick with it Art.
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Corky 8 - 2011-12-13 4:56 PM


, The Moderators will wake up one day and Give some kind of power to the likes of Derek and Brian to oversee posts and act as on line Moderator,s.  if they dont then Practical Motorhome forum will outstrip this well established Forum.   stick with it Art.


There must be moderators here somewhere because I once mentioned the magazine you quote and my post was immediately erased because it mentioned the opposition. How long before they notice your reference?

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... I've tried to 'escape' in the past ... but found I couldn't! *-)


This forum is addictive and by far, IMV, the best for info etc. I do occasionally frequent other forums, not just motorhome ones, and can't abide some of the inane chatter on them, if you think it's bad on here, go visit some of the others ...


As for Practical Motorhome ... sorry Corky, its not a patch on this one ... think I'll stick around here even with all the abuse. :-S

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