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New member signing on

bob the builder

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Hi - New member introducing myself. I have been motorhoming for 25 years starting with a raised roof Leyland Sherpa converted by AutoSleepers - brilliant van wonderful memories. Presently running a Autotrail Miami based, on the Renault Master. Good layout not so pleased with finish, can't have it all !


Not a builder , but this handle the only one not taken up by someone else, more in the Selweyn Frogett class myself. Anyway, never tried chat sites before as registered member always looked over everyones' shoulder but hope I can make a positive contribution in time. Bye for now :-S

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Well Bob seeing as how the reception committee has already welcomed you on behalf of 'The Management' all I can say is watch for some of 'em as they are a funny bunch of old codgers and if they don't get their medication on time they can become quite delusional - so make yerself right at home in the madhouse - and Happy Christmas!!
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