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Report Button


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I rarely post on this Forum as it has to be the worst for abusive comments and members trying to settle previous arguments by antagonising other members knowing they will bite back.


On some forums there is a facility to report an abusive comment to the moderators via a "Report" button.


I did this on one forum and the message was deleted within the hour.


Perhaps the Moderators of this Forum could consider something similar on this site rather than let a thread run and run with increasingly abusive and necessary comments?


Just a thought.....





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Sounds like a good idea.


Recent postings have clearly contravened the forums " acceptable use policy " concerning bad language and yet are still there, so clearly the moderators don't have the time to read everything.


Trouble is that although swearing is fairly easy to define, " abusive comments " might not be.








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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2011-12-12 10:42 AM


Trouble is that although swearing is fairly easy to define, " abusive comments " might not be.


That's the problem ;-)..............one person's abusive comment is another's tongue in cheek joke :D

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pelmetman - 2011-12-12 12:24 PM


malc d - 2011-12-12 10:42 AM


Trouble is that although swearing is fairly easy to define, " abusive comments " might not be.


That's the problem ;-)..............one person's abusive comment is another's tongue in cheek joke :D



But we all know what swearing is - and the "acceptable use policy" says it will be removed - and it hasn't been removed.






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Easyliving - 2011-12-12 6:42 PM


Maybe more useful would be an 'ignore' button. I have had to use this on other (non motorhome) forums. It just means that if you find a particular post offensive / annoying / upsetting you can ensure you never read a post by the 'offending' person again.





Brilliant idea !


That would be extremely useful !





Just thought of a problem.


Some posters can be offensive / annoying / upsetting ( or even worse - patronising ) but are occasionally helpful.

Bit of a dilemma then.





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Guest Tracker
Easyliving - 2011-12-12 6:42 PM


Maybe more useful would be an 'ignore' button. I have had to use this on other (non motorhome) forums. It just means that if you find a particular post offensive / annoying / upsetting you can ensure you never read a post by the 'offending' person again.




No Paul - that would never work as too many people get their kicks by reading the postings that they claim have no interest to them every time they log on - and then they enjoy having a whinge about it and you really would not want them to miss their daily kicks now would you!


As for a report button - jolly good idea - might save a lot of hassle - but then again the poor mods would be up to their necks in reports if some folk really are as determined to be offended as they seem to be!

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colin - 2011-12-12 7:32 PM


Go to near bottom of page, click on Any problems? Contact the administrator but note that this will only be looked at during office hours as MMM choose not to have mods as most forums


Interesting that you say that as I have a couple of times written using that contact button and never got a response. I did wonder if the group had mods and admin :-S



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There certainly used to be mods on here who looked over the posts and took notice of complaints. A long time ago I complained about a thread and it was removed very quickly.


The problem is that often the thread itself is really interesting until it is high-jacked so it would be good if it could just be edited.


I think that MMM needs to do something rather smartly as an awful lot of members are disappearing, particularly the women.

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This is beginning to get a bit boring, nearly more posts about bad posts than there are interesting ones.


Can we just not accept that as in life so on forums and just not read what someone else writes if we don't like it. We all have the sense surely to work out where a thread is leading.


The bores annoy me more than the pedants the rest I read or just leave.


Do we really have to go on and on and on about what terrible people are on here and what a disgrace they are to civilisation as we know it. Some must lead very sheltered lives.


Take care


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Patricia - 2011-12-13 12:13 AM


There certainly used to be mods on here who looked over the posts and took notice of complaints. A long time ago I complained about a thread and it was removed very quickly.


The problem is that often the thread itself is really interesting until it is high-jacked so it would be good if it could just be edited.


I think that MMM needs to do something rather smartly as an awful lot of members are disappearing, particularly the women.





If you look at the list of members who are signed on ( which is at the bottom of the 'front' page) you will see that OAL moderators do sign on from time to time. In fact I believe that one was on yesterday.





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I posted on here a short while ago under 'recommendation' as I was pleased with work i had done by a company rustproofing my van. I quickly received a pm from the mod saying i should not advertise which was not my intention. Point is the mod acted quickly in telling me what was and was not protocol but then allows all the foul language and abuse to continue. Don't get me wrong, some of the crossing of swords on the forum is brilliant but the personal insults and bad language help noone nor the forums credibility.




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Agreed the "Delete" button seems to have no function. It might be more useful if it were swapped for a "Report" button that worked. However, past experience suggests that the mods cannot edit or remove individual posts, merely remove the whole string. This is a defect in the forum format, not a fault of the mods. It faces them with a problem where an otherwise useful, informative, or amusing string contains a few abusive posts. Lose the lot, or live with the abusers. The result is a judgement, and I guess we all know different folk make differing judgements under similar circumstances. Think politics! :-)


So whereas I am in favour of a "Report" button, I would only want one introduced if it resulted in the specific post being flagged for the mods' attention and, if they consider it inappropriate, just that post being removed. Removal should result in a PM to the poster, telling them, as a courtesy, why their post was removed. Finally, repeat offenders should be invited to moderate their tone, or risk being banned. There is no point in having the button if it does not yield tangible results. Page decorations will be of no value whatever.

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Other forums, including ones I've run in the past, allow (a few) mods with enough rights to edit individual user posts usually resulting in a replacement message something along the lines of 'removed due to bad language' or the blander 'contravened terms of use'. Seemed to work well enough. Plainly getting the balance right is an ongoing issue but surely better than tolerating real abuse just because policing is difficult? What sort of society would we live in if policing the minumum standards of behaviour were abandoned just because it isn't easy to get right?
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I'd agree with Brian and neillking.


Preferably whole threads should not be removed just because of one or two abusive postings.


Some peoples' view may be that swearing should be overlooked if the thread is otherwise ' useful', but to my mind that is a slippery slope.





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neillking - 2011-12-13 3:46 PM


Other forums, including ones I've run in the past, allow (a few) mods with enough rights to edit individual user posts usually resulting in a replacement message something along the lines of 'removed due to bad language' or the blander 'contravened terms of use'.


Now you remind me I remember some individual posts being removed earlier this year (or was it last?) . If my memory serves me right Donna was involved, but not necessarily the protagnost, but I may be very wrong. I think Brian may remember as many posters suggested that he might make a good mod.


Anyway, someone keeps an eye on things as the threads are removed from the live listing quite frequently.

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On this subject of "the mods" not having the facility to amend or delete a specific post, well interestingly enough,some time ago now,whilst the "Dale Farm" thread was going,someone(..I can't recall,nor do a need to recall who )posted something which I thought was inappropriate.Now I responded along the lines of "..best keep that sort of thing for down the pub with your mates eh?..not on a public forum.."

..and although several other members just shouted me down "..can't you take a joke...PC brigade.." blahblah.. this "inapropriate comment" got modified and I'm pretty sure that it was AFTER the 30min editing deadline.... :-S


"If" that was indeed the case,I'm not sure how/who did what then...?! . :-S


Oops! Sorry Patricia,I didn't see your post :$ ...so it does seem as if individual posts have been deleted/amended in the past then....



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Patricia - 2011-12-14 2:05 PM


I can't remember which particular thread upset many people but I think it might have been Public Sector Pensions which now seems to have disappeared.



Yep, that's the one.


As you say, it seems to have disappeared.






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knight of the road - 2011-12-13 12:49 AM


Start banning posts and deleting threads will only serve to make the group boring and clinical, if you do not like certain posts and the poster, simple solution, dont read them.




Likewise, if you don't like forums that ban swearing you can always go somewhere else.




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malc d - 2011-12-14 3:21 PM


knight of the road - 2011-12-13 12:49 AM


Start banning posts and deleting threads will only serve to make the group boring and clinical, if you do not like certain posts and the poster, simple solution, dont read them.




Likewise, if you don't like forums that ban swearing you can always go somewhere else.






........there you are; euphemism is always better than swearing (at least when one is reading!)



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