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Robinhood - 2011-12-14 3:25 PM


malc d - 2011-12-14 3:21 PM


knight of the road - 2011-12-13 12:49 AM


Start banning posts and deleting threads will only serve to make the group boring and clinical, if you do not like certain posts and the poster, simple solution, dont read them.




Likewise, if you don't like forums that ban swearing you can always go somewhere else.






........there you are; euphemism is always better than swearing (at least when one is reading!)




What swear words are we talking about? I have only seen mild expletives on here such as b****r and s*d never seen any heavy duty swear words, like I said if the mods start getting heavy with banning threads and posts people will stop posting for fear that their posts will be deleted.

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malc d - 2011-12-14 3:21 PM


knight of the road - 2011-12-13 12:49 AM


Start banning posts and deleting threads will only serve to make the group boring and clinical, if you do not like certain posts and the poster, simple solution, dont read them.




Likewise, if you don't like forums that ban swearing you can always go somewhere else.




Likewise again, if you like forums that ban swearing then you can always go there (lol)

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knight of the road - 2011-12-14 3:37 PM


malc d - 2011-12-14 3:21 PM


knight of the road - 2011-12-13 12:49 AM


Start banning posts and deleting threads will only serve to make the group boring and clinical, if you do not like certain posts and the poster, simple solution, dont read them.




Likewise, if you don't like forums that ban swearing you can always go somewhere else.




Likewise again, if you like forums that ban swearing then you can always go there (lol)




We are already there mate.




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"What swear words are we talking about? I have only seen mild expletives on here such as b****r and s*d never seen any heavy duty swear words, like I said if the mods start getting heavy with banning threads and posts people will stop posting for fear that their posts will be deleted."


With respect KOTR you obviously did not read the particular thread that many people are upset about - and you have missed your chance now as it has been deleted. Perhaps if you had read it you might adopt a different stance.

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So that I know what I am talking about can you kindly send me the offending words by PM, there is one old standing member of this group that sent a really offensive PM to another member (not me) only last week, just wondering if it was the same member.

I've spent most of my working life in the building trade where swearing is par for the course, make a complaint about swearing on a building site and you would probably end up headfirst in a cement mixer.

Swearing is just like smoking you only do it in the appropriate circumstances out of respect for other people, swearing by and large does not bother me, after all swear words are a part of the English language, if I were to see a load of heavy duty swear words on this site all I would think is that the poster could have chosen his words better, I obviously missed the post you mention.

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Malc'..it sounds as if you're thinking of the same thread/post....

...where after some provocation and general snipeing from another forum member,a "colourful" PM was sent..the recipient threatened to "go public" with it..but the author beat him to it..and "published"..

(..Oh! and put it this way, he wasn't calling him a "Flipping Twit" .... ;-) )

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pepe63 - 2011-12-14 5:12 PM


Malc'..it sounds as if you're thinking of the same thread/post....

...where after some provocation and general snipeing from another forum member,a "colourful" PM was sent..the recipient threatened to "go public" with it..but the author beat him to it..and "published"..

(..Oh! and put it this way, he wasn't calling him a "Flipping Twit" .... ;-) )

Oh so it was the same member then? shows him up for what he really is, thanks for that pepe.

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