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cpap plus inr checks

Brian Peters

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hi all,

i have sleep apnea and also take warfarin for atrial fibrialation, i have just taken early retirement and would love to spend a few weeks in a more sunny destination in the winter, the problem is i need mains on site for my air pump so wild camping or aires are not really an option, and a supply of warfarin whilst on my travels. Does anyone know if its possible to have an inr readings done whilst abroad or would i have to return home for this test?

Many thanks in advance,


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I can't help with medical advice Brian but have you considered - dare I say it - a generator for emergency use?


An Efoy or similar fuel cell is another way of getting power but although quiet and fuss free costs a lot more?


Solar panels on the roof - as many as will fit and you can justify paying for - plus extra batteries allied to an inverter are also well woth thinking about?


You can still use sites but whatever happens whenever if it happens and wherever you are you will have one thing less to worry about?


Good luck and happy travels.

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You can buy a meter for about £400 (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-147126/DIY-doctor-tests-blood-clots-minutes.html). They will also do the test in mainland Europe but you will have to pay (you might be able to claim the cost back from the NHS).


In Spain you just walk into any clinic and hand over about 10 - 12 Euro and they do the test, sometimes instantly.


£17 will buy you 112 5 mg tablets or most doctors will prescribe for a couple of months for holidays.


Electricity is available on all campsites in France and Spain, as you would expect.


My other half "saves up" warfarin so she has enough for our travels, just order some a week earlier each time, it soon mounts up!



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Hello Brian,


I am on warfarin and needed a blood test (INR) whilst travelling around France on holiday. I simply went in to a hospital and found the anti-coagulant clinic. They took the blood sample and I then had to phone back later in the day for the result. Sadly, the UK instantaneous testing doesn't seem to be available. Anyway, it was necessary to do a certain amount of form filling in order to get the test done and I eventually received a bill (in French "facture") from the hospital for about €9.65. I just sent off a €10 euro note and a receipt duly arrived about a week later. However, that was some years ago and the cost will have gone up since then.


If you need further guidance or help then please get in touch.



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