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Members only?


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My wife and I are new to motorhoming but we are planning to use our van for weekends away over the winter before we set off on our Europe tour in April.


We have stayed at a couple of CC / C&CC certificated sites but we are not members of either club. I notice that site reviews in MMM and sites own websites usually state 'members only'.


I was wondering if we have just been lucky in being able to use these sites so far or is club membership not needed in most cases?




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Hi there

In short you have been lucky. All CL's for both clubs are strictly members only, it is all to do with the planning consent. Memebrship is beggar all and you have access to hundres and hundreds of great locations many for less than a tenner.

So join one or both and enjoy :-D

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I would join one of the clubs but we will be away for 6-7 months on our Europe trip and there is no point in having magazines delivered when we won't be there to read them, won't be use the sites either obviously.


I will be keeping the MMM subsciption going as there is a digital version. I did read somewhere that they hope to be able to produce a Kindle version which woudl suit me fine.



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Hi Paul


If you want to stay on Club Sites, then there are many places that take non-members in both clubs. You can find them out by using either club website, but you do pay a Non Member Fee! This fee is quite high so that it encourages you to join the club. If you are not going to use their sites very much and you feel happy about paying the extra then all is well.


As IPS has said, if you are not a member you cannot stay on CLs or CSs but then you may not want to.


The joy of motorhoming is that you please yourself. :-D


Enjoy your travels

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I have stayed on many CLs and CS sites and in many cases there is no membership check. Some CLs require booking and do want a membership number. Many others do not.


I often just turn up, stay the night and pay in the morning, I always have my CC card with me but am rarely asked for it.



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The OPs dilemma seems to be about whether it's worth joining one of the Clubs, before a European trip in April.

The chances of recouping your year's membership by saving the "non-member fees" on Club Sites seems remote. So unless you're hoping to spend quite a lot of nights on CLs or CSs BEFORE your trip starts, I'd be inclined to leave joining a Club until your return.

That way, you'll get a full year's benefit from your subscription.

And don't worry about the mags - neither of the Club mags is that unmissable, IMHO!

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In my experience the only times I have been asked for a membership no has been when booking in advance over the phone. Same with the 5 van rule. I know one site that's very large and part is used with for rallies, the owner was caught with more than 5 vans on site, not by the club, but by the local Council who came to do a pre-rally H&S review for a National club and found more than 5 vans on site. The response was the surprise, they suggested he applied for a 40 pitch site and granted it, subject to a facility block being built. Lovely site but no names no pack drill as they say. ;-)
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I recoup my CCC fees by booking my ferry through them and in addition make use of their holiday sites and CS when travelling to the ferry. Never been asked for proof of membership on a CS. If I had a CS and someone wanted to stay on my site who was not a member I would have no problems if I was not booked up after all a £ is a £ these days. I would hope that jobs-worth in the council would have more to do than check up on whether you are a member or not.
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sshortcircuit - 2011-12-16 2:50 PM


I recoup my CCC fees by booking my ferry through them and in addition make use of their holiday sites and CS when travelling to the ferry. Never been asked for proof of membership on a CS. If I had a CS and someone wanted to stay on my site who was not a member I would have no problems if I was not booked up after all a £ is a £ these days. I would hope that jobs-worth in the council would have more to do than check up on whether you are a member or not.


You would be suprised my friend, you never know who is on your site and who they may tell. Remember that both clubs have "inspectors" who are caravaners themselves and regularily frequent CL's. Also some folk get off on informing the powers that be if someone is not playing by the rules. We have known CL's losing there planning consent due to over zealous booking shall we say. I believe that if you can get planning consent through the club in order to put your spare acre of land to some use and have an excuse to mow the darn thing then the least you can do is abide by the rules and they are primarily mmembers only, 5 vans at any one time and a max stay of 28 days. Believe me you aint making any profit to shout about running a CL so an extra few quid for an extra van or so aint worth the risk. Its a hobby not a business, unless of course your CL is in a very busy tourist hot spot.

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ips - 2011-12-16 3:00 PM


sshortcircuit - 2011-12-16 2:50 PM


I recoup my CCC fees by booking my ferry through them and in addition make use of their holiday sites and CS when travelling to the ferry. Never been asked for proof of membership on a CS. If I had a CS and someone wanted to stay on my site who was not a member I would have no problems if I was not booked up after all a £ is a £ these days. I would hope that jobs-worth in the council would have more to do than check up on whether you are a member or not.


You would be suprised my friend, you never know who is on your site and who they may tell. Remember that both clubs have "inspectors" who are caravaners themselves and regularily frequent CL's. Also some folk get off on informing the powers that be if someone is not playing by the rules. We have known CL's losing there planning consent due to over zealous booking shall we say. I believe that if you can get planning consent through the club in order to put your spare acre of land to some use and have an excuse to mow the darn thing then the least you can do is abide by the rules and they are primarily mmembers only, 5 vans at any one time and a max stay of 28 days. Believe me you aint making any profit to shout about running a CL so an extra few quid for an extra van or so aint worth the risk. Its a hobby not a business, unless of course your CL is in a very busy tourist hot spot.


There is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation put about regarding exemptions.


The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 First Schedule


"Sites approved by exempted organisations

5.—(l) Subject to the provisions of paragraph 13 of this Schedule,

a site licence shall not be required for the use as a caravan site of

land as respects which there is in force a certificate issued under

this paragraph by an exempted organisation if not more than five

caravans are at the time stationed for the purposes of human

habitation on the land to which the certificate relates.

(2) For the purposes of this paragraph an exempted organisation

may issue as respects any land a certificate stating that the land

has been approved by the exempted organisation for use by its

members for the purposes of recreation.

(3) The certificate shall be issued to the occupier of the land to

which it relates, and the organisation shall send particulars to the

Minister of all certificates •issued by the organisation under this


(4) A certificate issued by an exempted organisation under this

paragraph shall specify the date on which it is to come into force

and the period for which it is to continue in force, being a period

not exceeding one year."


All this says is "not more than five caravans are at the time stationed for the purposes of human

habitation." 28 days is an agreement between the issuing club and the landowner (on the recomendation of DEFRA) in the same way that limiting the site to members only, is by agreement between the landowner and the club.


The Guidance to Clubs contains the following


"• Paragraph 5 – exempted organisations issue certificates stating that a site has been approved for the use of its members. However, non-members may also use the site, unless there is an agreement between the site owner and the organisation that restricts its use to members only;"


The only reference in the Act to a time limit for site use is for rallies under paragraph 6 that are limited to 5 days duration.


Even staff at Natural England will spread misinformation that they think is what the act says, without actually reading the act. In the main this is the rules laid down by the big clubs, but other clubs do not follow the big twos interpretations.


DEFRA and its soliciitors reached an agreement with the clubs and ACCEO that rallies under paragraph 4 would be limited to 28 days.


The only reference in the act to 28 days is in the First section of the First Schedule.




Use within curtilage of a dwellinghouse


1. A site licence shall not be required for the use of land as a

caravan site if the use is incidental to the enjoyment as such of a

dweflinghouse within the curtilage of which the land is sit'uaited.

Use by a person travelling with a caravan for one or two nights

2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 13 of this Schedule, a

site licence shall not be required for the use of land as a caravan

site by a person travelling with a caravan who brings the caravan

on to the land for a period which includes not more than two nights—

(a) during that period no other caravan is stationed for the

purposes of human habitation on that land or any adjoining

land in the same occupation, and

(b) if, in the period of twelve months ending with the day on

which the caravan is brought on to the land, the number

of days on which a caravan was stationed anywhere on that

land or the said adjoining land for the purposes of human

habitation did not exceed twenty-eight.

Use of holdings of five acres or more in certain circumstances

3.—(l) Subject to 'the provisions of paragraph 13 of this Schedule,

a site licence shall not be required for the use as a caravan site of

land which comprises, together with any adjoining land which is in

the same occupation and has not been built on, not less than five


(a) if in the period of twelve months ending with the day on

which the land is used as a caravan site the number of days

on which a caravan was stationed anywhere on that land

or on the said adjoining land for the purposes of human

habitation did not exceed 'twenty-eight, and

(b) if in the said period of twelve months not more than three

caravians were so stationed at 'any one time."


As far a fees are concerned, to me it is well woth joining the clubs for the ability to use their network of Cls and CSs.

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sshortcircuit - 2011-12-16 2:50 PM

I recoup my CCC fees by booking my ferry through them and in addition make use of their holiday sites and CS when travelling to the ferry.


That's a good point..it may be worth just seeing if any useful savings could be made by joining one of the clubs(ferries,insurances,breakdown cover etc).


We've "dropped the C&CC club this time..and although we're still in the CC,if there was a way of "opting out" of getting their mag' and all the advertising bumpf that comes with it,we would... *-)

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I think the CC CL sites are members only but the C&CC CS sites accept none members but you are supposed to be given a form where you can join if you want to. At least thats what a CS owner told me when we stayed on their CS. I am not a member of the C&CC but I am in the CC.


I think the C&CC CS sites are accessible on the website to none members but the CC site CL's are not without a member login but its not difficult to find them on other sites.


I never use club sites so I joined the CC as they have a better and wider range of CL's. I might stay on a C&CC CS occasionally but only if there isnt a good wild spot or a good CL nearby.

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Barryd999 - 2011-12-17 2:01 PM


I think the CC CL sites are members only but the C&CC CS sites accept none members but you are supposed to be given a form where you can join if you want to. At least thats what a CS owner told me when we stayed on their CS. I am not a member of the C&CC but I am in the CC.



C&CC CSs, regardless of what the individual owners do or do not allow, are supposed to be used by members only.


AFAIK IPS (see above) owns and runs one, so is well qualified to comment. :-S

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Yep members only you can John at cl.s as we are given the forms but your supposed to John on arrival therefore you are a member if you see what i mean. The planning consent is given on the basis that it is a members only site. Maybe some owners dont bother but we operate by the rules as i believe its only right to do so.
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Barryd999 - 2011-12-17 2:01 PM


I think the CC CL sites are members only but the C&CC CS sites accept none members but you are supposed to be given a form where you can join if you want to. At least thats what a CS owner told me when we stayed on their CS. I am not a member of the C&CC but I am in the CC..





CCC Certificated Sites "are exclusively for members". (P10 of CCC"Your Big Sites Books)


It is true that people CAN JOIN at (some) CS sites (presumably BEFORE they pay for a site pitch).




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Dr Dave - 2011-12-17 7:01 PM


At the end of the day if everyone used Certified Sites without joining the clubs there would be no sites. So why not spend £39 and contribute what is a small amount to the running of the network of sites.


We consider that there are also many benefits of being in one (or both) of the clubs. This has been outlined on other posts but for us a brief summary would include:

No "none-member" fees at Club sites

Over 55 age discount in low and mid seasons (CCC)

Temporary Holiday Sites offering excellent value for money, especially in high season

Weekend rallies

Cheapest motorhome insurance for 9 years for our requirements (CCC)

Excellent continental travel/breakdown insurance (CCC Carefree but I understand that CC Red Pennant is also excellent)

Cheaper ferry crossing this year with DFDS at peak times (CC)

Free nights on Club sites with CC credit card

Special 2 for 1 and other ofers in "Days Out" booklet (CC)

Excellent "no restriction" breakdown cover at a discounted price with Green Flag (CC)

Reasonable monthly magazines


So for us the benefits of being in both clubs far outweigh any annoyances. We consider the membership fees to be "money well spent".

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mel wood - 2011-12-17 7:57 PM


Dr Dave - 2011-12-17 7:01 PM


At the end of the day if everyone used Certified Sites without joining the clubs there would be no sites. So why not spend £39 and contribute what is a small amount to the running of the network of sites.


We consider that there are also many benefits of being in one (or both) of the clubs. This has been outlined on other posts but for us a brief summary would include:

No "none-member" fees at Club sites

Over 55 age discount in low and mid seasons (CCC)

Temporary Holiday Sites offering excellent value for money, especially in high season

Weekend rallies

Cheapest motorhome insurance for 9 years for our requirements (CCC)

Excellent continental travel/breakdown insurance (CCC Carefree but I understand that CC Red Pennant is also excellent)

Cheaper ferry crossing this year with DFDS at peak times (CC)

Free nights on Club sites with CC credit card

Special 2 for 1 and other ofers in "Days Out" booklet (CC)

Excellent "no restriction" breakdown cover at a discounted price with Green Flag (CC)

Reasonable monthly magazines


So for us the benefits of being in both clubs far outweigh any annoyances. We consider the membership fees to be "money well spent".


Why on earth should you get a discount for being 55 or over? Is that right? did you mean 65?


Agree about the 2 for 1 vouchers with CC. We have saved a lot with these.

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I am pleased to say that it is correct there is a discount for over 55 year olds outside high season with the C&CC. That is why we are members of both clubs. Cheap C&CC club sites and good and plentiful CC CL sites.


We have rarely been asked for membership cards on CL or CS sites and often when the club areas are full we have been given a pitch in a private area very close by.


For me the cost of membership is minimal compared to the benefits.

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I think it is wrong for CLs and CSs to allow 'non-members' to stay as the facility is purely for members of the relevant club, however, although we have been asked for our membership number on occasion, either when booking in or when we arrive, it is very much the exception rather than the norm.


I also think it is wrong for CLs/CSs to allow more than the maximum 5 caravans/motorhomes to stay on their site at one time as this actually undermines other CL/CS providers ...

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