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Members only?


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Mel B - 2011-12-18 4:02 PM


I think it is wrong for CLs and CSs to allow 'non-members' to stay as the facility is purely for members of the relevant club, however, although we have been asked for our membership number on occasion, either when booking in or when we arrive, it is very much the exception rather than the norm.


I also think it is wrong for CLs/CSs to allow more than the maximum 5 caravans/motorhomes to stay on their site at one time as this actually undermines other CL/CS providers ...


I Agree with you Mel

I also think that the clubs should only take members at there sites. It is frustratiing to not get a place on a site, when there must be others (Non Members) taking up places. If they want to use club sites , why not join?

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Ultimately the landowner should have the right to allow whoever he feels happy with to occupy his land.


CLs and CSs do not run themselves nor are they free to set up and all and any income that the site owner can recoup helps to keep the site active which should surely be the overall objective - not petty rule enforcement?


The clubs have the power to grant an exempted status site license but it is surely in nobodys interest to restrict the site owners income in this way when all business people need all the support that can get?


A reduction in company/club/governemnt department empire builders and jobsworths in this country and a more tolerant and supportive attitude to businesses is long long overdue in my view?


How about both clubs allowing members of either to use their club sites and CS / CL network as a move towards flexibility - we might then see which club the majority prefer to remain with?


And pigs might fly!!!

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Personally I would like to see CL's do what they like really. Its a shame for some that they are restricted to 5 vans as some of the ones we have been on are massive. I guess as usual in this country there is a long list of rules that have to be followed but it would just be great to have a network where you just turn up and drive on. When its full its full.


Hang on a minute. Havent I just described the Aires network?



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5 caravan sites and exemptions refer to Caravans?

In the back of my mind I remember thinking that motorhomes are not caravans but are treated as cars.

The Cl’s have the ability to accept a much larger number of campers, therefore cars, therefore if you park on a CS and erect a small tent the site owner is allowing you to camp on his site, and the space occuped by your 8.4m long motorhome is considered to be car parking?

Bit like on an Aire where you park overnight and do not expect to have ground contact for awnings etc.

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Well all I can say to the likes of IPS who keep these CL and CS sites going is a massive thankyou. I dont suppose anyone does it for the money and without them for our style of motorhoming in the UK we would be pretty much stuffed.


Wilding is great when its somewhere special but thanks to the CL network your never far from a Peaceful, safe and usually cheap place to stay without any hassle.

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Barryd999 - 2011-12-21 3:24 PM


Well all I can say to the likes of IPS who keep these CL and CS sites going is a massive thankyou. I dont suppose anyone does it for the money and without them for our style of motorhoming in the UK we would be pretty much stuffed.



I agree with your "thank you".


I also think that if we are going to use both CLs and CSs we should be in both clubs. Membership brings some privileges - using CL and CS sites should be one.

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Retread24800 - 2011-12-21 1:53 PM

5 caravan sites and exemptions refer to Caravans?

In the back of my mind I remember thinking that motorhomes are not caravans but are treated as cars.

The Cl’s have the ability to accept a much larger number of campers, therefore cars, therefore if you park on a CS and erect a small tent the site owner is allowing you to camp on his site, and the space occuped by your 8.4m long motorhome is considered to be car parking?

Bit like on an Aire where you park overnight and do not expect to have ground contact for awnings etc.

If "Motorhome" is printed on your Hymer's V5C registration document, then you may be in a position to argue that it's a 'car'. But, if your V5C says "Motor Caravan", then to argue that it's not a 'caravan' would seem to be much trickier. ;-)
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Isn't there an insurance issue if a site is insured for 5 outfits but actually allows more on?


Personally we use CL's and CS's more than anything else, and have wildcamped on occasion. We prefer small quiet sites, and are also eternally grateful to the owners of these small establishments for their hospitality.



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I do wonder why some of them do it. I was on a lovely CL last autumn in the Forest of Dean. No hookup but a lovely picturesque field with nice views and enough space to be 100 yards from your neigbour. £3.50 a night! Why?


We have even had CL sites with hookup for as little as £6 a night and very nice they were as well.


I must admit though thinking about it I would quite enjoy running a small motorhome only campsite. I think it would make a nice hobby if I ever decided I wanted to stay in one place.


I would charge tuggers £2 a night more just for a laugh. (lol)

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